revois — Lined by-nc-nd

Published: 2014-07-12 16:02:39 +0000 UTC; Views: 1401; Favourites: 160; Downloads: 13
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Description So here's the problem:

Oil spills happen every single year. Large spills happen every few years, from the 1969 offshore oil-platform catastrophe that dumped 3 million gallons of oil into the Santa Barbara Channel to the April 6, 2010, spilling of 18,000 gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico’s Delta National Wildlife Refuge — from a ruptured BP pipeline — to the cataclysmic April 20 spill. Just because the Gulf isn't full of oil right this moment doesn't mean that this isn't still a huge issue. 

Finning a shark while the creature is still alive is barbaric and cruel and is a practice that would be illegal in most countries’ slaughterhouses were it to be practised on a farm animal (for example if a lamb’s legs were cut off and it were left to bleed to death in a crate). Sharks are not farmed animals, they are part of the marine ecosystem, and so many of them are being killed that their very existence as a species is being brought into danger. 143 species of sharks are currently hunted for their fins. That's 55% of the shark population.

No one seems to care. We are all so caught up in our technology, in our personal problems, that we can’t see what’s happening right in front of our noses. We have the ability to learn about it, but instead of clicking that article about the issues of the world, we’re all obsessing over cat videos or Beyoncé. The world is falling apart and we’re not doing too much to help out. Your actions directly effect the world around you. And if you don’t do anything, then nothing will change.

So what exactly can you do?

It’s easy - pick up after yourself. If everyone kept their little corner of the world just a little bit tidier, the world pollution could be drastically improved. Throw away your trash, recycle what you can. 

Switch to a hybrid car if you can, or try to use more public transportation. You’ll save money on gas, and save the environment from toxic spills and global warming. Not only that, you can buy food from your local farmers market where food is locally grown, and not transported across the world by burning petroleum.

Lastly, talk about it. Bring it up with your family and friends. Talk about the problems and try to brainstorm solutions together. Spread the word, end the ignorance. 

We can do something about this. The entire world is connected. In the words of Elton John, half a twist of the kaleidoscope can move us all in turn. 

Be the change you want to see in the world.


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Comments: 35

Fighter1Manga [2014-07-13 05:31:41 +0000 UTC]






The first thing that comes to mind when looking at this art piece is how beautiful it looks. Yet there is something not right about it. Like there is some kind of pain or disturbance. Well it's part of the message. According to the artist's description, this piece is dedicated to the problems oil spills cause and how some people can damage the Earth. After reading the description, I can see that this piece does well to portray the message the artist is saying. It shows a woman with blue hair flowing like the waves of the ocean. She appears to be engrossed with the entertainment of technology to not notice that she is causing an oil spill along with wrapping lines around a shark causing it to suffer. Now the drawing or painting here is incredible. For example the skin and clothes of the woman are so well made that it looks almost realistic, and the way the hair connects to the ocean is amazing. I admit without the description I wouldn't have gotten the true message of this piece. Even so I look at it and I get an idea of what it is about. The woman represents how we as people are part of the Earth which is why her hair is connected to the ocean wave. Yet we may cause our planet harm without even knowing sometimes and not even try to heal it. We might have already seen or heard messages about saving the Earth, but it is great to see such a creative message in the form of a remarkable art piece.

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revois In reply to Fighter1Manga [2014-07-13 15:26:35 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much for taking the time to write such an insightful critique! I really appreciate it. In the beginning of the critique, you said: "there is something not right about it." May I ask what exactly you meant by that? 
Thank you again

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Fighter1Manga In reply to revois [2014-07-13 15:40:36 +0000 UTC]

Your welcome. What I meant was how even though it's a wonderful drawing, it's not a joyful drawing. I was saying how all is not well with the world, so there is nothing wrong with your art piece.

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revois In reply to Fighter1Manga [2014-07-13 15:51:38 +0000 UTC]

Ohh, okay, I see... I was trying to figure out what was making the whole piece look wrong, like lighting or something??  
Thank you again!!

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nya-ness [2014-07-13 02:10:28 +0000 UTC]






Your art is really beautiful, you have such a great style of drawing. I'm quite a fan of anime and manga and that sort of thing but your art is just... epic. This piece shows a lot of detail and it reflects a real world problem. The realism of this piece is amazing, I love how her hair is connected to the sea, random thought there...
I think this is one of the best pieces of art I have ever seen, it's just awesome~, you should consider making this a print, I know many people will be eager to buy it.

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revois In reply to nya-ness [2014-07-13 02:52:08 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much for taking the time to write such a lovely critique! I'm very flattered  
I liked the idea of connecting the hair to the sea because... we are a part of nature (: As much as we try to deny it, and sometimes we can't even see it (like when your hair is in a ponytail or super short lol) but it's always there and a part of you.
I'd love to make it a print, but I've actually never sold one before haha. Maybe if someone asks for it in particular I will, but I'm not too worried about it (: 
Thanks again for being awesome!!

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nya-ness In reply to revois [2014-07-15 04:58:58 +0000 UTC]

Haha, you're welcome (:
I'm not a really good critique-giver, because I find it hard to find bad points about art... but this is truly good, and yes I do believe we are one with nature.
And again, you deserve it~

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sting45 [2014-12-19 17:47:02 +0000 UTC]

very, very cool.  I loved this picture. congratulations

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revois In reply to sting45 [2014-12-19 18:14:53 +0000 UTC]

Thanks so much (: I rather like it too (:

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oh-YOU-think-so [2014-12-01 03:43:55 +0000 UTC]

This drawing is my favorite :-0 And then I read what you had to say about finning and oil spills and liked it even more. Excellent coloring and concept. <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

revois In reply to oh-YOU-think-so [2014-12-01 20:22:05 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much! This drawing is very close to my heart. I'm glad that you like it

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AnimalArtist12 [2014-08-17 13:43:30 +0000 UTC]

Shark week <3  I LUV sharks!     That drawing is absolutely BUTIFUL!    

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revois In reply to AnimalArtist12 [2014-08-17 14:11:02 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much Shark week is pretty awesome

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AnimalArtist12 In reply to revois [2014-08-17 14:59:20 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! XD

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JaquelineLeRose [2014-07-14 07:46:28 +0000 UTC]

love how you've mixed the part of the shark and the part of the lady! Great job!

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revois In reply to JaquelineLeRose [2014-07-14 19:11:47 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much!! I really enjoyed making this one.

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JaquelineLeRose In reply to revois [2014-07-15 11:04:22 +0000 UTC]

you're welcome

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A-Zetka [2014-07-13 11:41:25 +0000 UTC]

Your art is as always amazing. And yet it carries the very important, altough simple message. If you want to keep the world safe and not-polluted, then try to not destroy that little part of world around you. So simple and clean, and yet so hard to understand for some people. Anyway, great picture. The more people will see it, the merrier.  

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revois In reply to A-Zetka [2014-07-13 14:12:04 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!! I know it's not a lot, but I wanted to do SOMETHING... I don't know. Anyway I'm glad you like it and the message (:

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MisoSanSoup [2014-07-12 23:35:15 +0000 UTC]

AMAZING ;v; <3 

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revois In reply to MisoSanSoup [2014-07-13 02:39:40 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

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MisoSanSoup In reply to revois [2014-07-13 14:04:59 +0000 UTC]

you're welcome!  

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evaceratops [2014-07-12 21:41:20 +0000 UTC]

This is beautiful, and the message it carries is very strong and sad... I love the ocean, and I hate to see all the pollution and overfishing and oil spills and hunting sharks for only their fins...
Great job!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

revois In reply to evaceratops [2014-07-13 02:39:56 +0000 UTC]

There are a lot of problems!! But we can definitely help out (:

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evaceratops In reply to revois [2014-07-13 02:42:43 +0000 UTC]

Yeah... sometimes I worry that not enough people care about this kind of thing, though. Like the shark problem, for instance. The media has given sharks a really negative image, and there's not much we can do about that, but I think sharks are amazing creatures that should be respected...

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revois In reply to evaceratops [2014-07-13 02:58:36 +0000 UTC]

It's movies like Jaws that have done it. People actually have a terribly low chance of ever being attacked by a shark. But the fear is huge. You just need to be smart, stay in safe areas... and know how to defend yourself! Accidents do happen, but that's life.. I think that it's smart to respect and fear them. But slaughter them? That's not right. Not ever. 

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evaceratops In reply to revois [2014-07-13 06:13:13 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, and as bad as it was, probably Sharknado too. And only around 3 shark species are actually considered man-eating... And most sharks are too small to do any real damage! Besides, if you look at it from a shark's perspective, we humans are trespassing in THEIR territory. And you are right in that if you have the knowledge and skills to prevent getting into danger with sharks, nothing will happen. Slaughtering them for their fins and hunting them for sport is NOT right.

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revois In reply to evaceratops [2014-07-13 14:15:07 +0000 UTC]

I agree entirely. There are 3 man-eating shark species? Well we eat 143 species of sharks. How messed up is that? We are the terrors. 

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evaceratops In reply to revois [2014-07-14 00:14:01 +0000 UTC]

Yeah... Well, other species of sharks will attack or bite humans if they feel threatened, but only 3 species will attack humans without being provoked (I think those three are tiger sharks, bull sharks, and great whites...). Humans can be terrible sometimes, huh? I mean, look what we're doing to our planet...

I wonder if you can have leopard sharks as pets. I love leopard sharks and other small shark species, they're cute...

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AlexaFSK [2014-07-12 16:26:56 +0000 UTC]

amazing job!!!

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revois In reply to AlexaFSK [2014-07-12 17:01:21 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! 

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AlexaFSK In reply to revois [2014-07-12 19:53:12 +0000 UTC]


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Ceribius [2014-07-12 16:13:53 +0000 UTC]

Very Pretty picture but also sad.

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revois In reply to Ceribius [2014-07-12 17:01:39 +0000 UTC]

Sad... but also hopeful, I think. It's not like there's nothing we can do about it.

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Ceribius In reply to revois [2014-07-12 17:02:40 +0000 UTC]


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