Published: 2011-01-05 23:15:51 +0000 UTC; Views: 12650; Favourites: 180; Downloads: 395
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Ass Effect has gotta be the most obvious pun since the game's birth in 09. Yet i still had the undeniable urge to visualize.I admit, i'm an ass... man.
For those who are playing ME2, anyone tried playing on insane level? Currently playing through the game on insane. The game is just awesome this way.
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Comments: 47
Bfetish [2011-04-01 08:18:10 +0000 UTC]
LOL.Now that made my day.Great color work. My only nitpick is that her beaver is a little to high and big.It looks like she 's a dangler or she has a turtle poking out. I know where you were going with this piece I just wanted to give you a heads up. Overall its well done.
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RennyLenny In reply to Bfetish [2011-04-01 14:41:03 +0000 UTC]
hah! thanks. Gotta be honest i didn't give much thought to the size and position of that particular erogenous zone, i just drew it and that was that. Stop by any time man.
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RennyLenny In reply to cozmiccorruption [2011-01-10 21:25:11 +0000 UTC]
LOL, forgot about that 1
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Denim-Trousers [2011-01-09 11:12:57 +0000 UTC]
Miranda - the ultimate butterface.
Haven't tried it on Insane yet; not sure if I ever will. Too scared!
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RennyLenny In reply to Denim-Trousers [2011-01-09 22:08:20 +0000 UTC]
Butt-erface? Haha. Oh.. i'm the only one laughing.
Insane isn't too bad actually. I definitely recommend you give it a spin.
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Denim-Trousers In reply to RennyLenny [2011-01-10 00:58:43 +0000 UTC]
Oh-ho! I see what you did there.
Okay, you've convinced me. Or maybe it was DAT ASS. No, on second thought, it was you.
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JarvisValmont [2011-01-08 15:51:51 +0000 UTC]
That's fantastic! Nice job!
I gave up on insane level. Just too hard for me.
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McKeon [2011-01-07 03:41:07 +0000 UTC]
I must admit find the game the most fun on insane as an infiltrator. The widow, and the get out of death free cloak are a wonderful combo for dealing with the varied blaggarts one encounters
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RennyLenny In reply to McKeon [2011-01-09 22:06:19 +0000 UTC]
the widow is my freakin hero among the guns. Those other sniper rifles, except teh 1st one, are in my opinion useless since they don't kill the basic enemies in 1 shot.
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Techta [2011-01-07 02:07:00 +0000 UTC]
i typod "ass effect" almost immediately the first time i wrote about it.
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RennyLenny In reply to INKWISITOR1 [2011-01-06 22:53:29 +0000 UTC]
If i can get someone make that sound with my art, i know i did alright. Thanks dude
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mbrsart [2011-01-06 16:26:09 +0000 UTC]
I'm going to wait to finish my second playthrough before even thinking about Insanity. What really blows is that you can't go past level 30!
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RennyLenny In reply to mbrsart [2011-01-06 22:51:45 +0000 UTC]
That's what i noticed too. I guess it's becoz of the new skill levelling system that u don't really need to get any higher. It'd still have been great tho for replaying your character and just have him or her get stronger and stronger
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mbrsart In reply to RennyLenny [2011-01-07 01:43:58 +0000 UTC]
I do wish I could have maxed out all my abilities....
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RennyLenny In reply to mbrsart [2011-01-09 22:01:53 +0000 UTC]
ah yeah i get what u mean now. Ran into lvl 30 again today. I figured now they want to make u choose which powers you need for a mission using the Retrain powers feature. This way u'll get specialized characters. Ah well. The lvl cap in ME was 60, in ME2 30. I'm curious what they'll do in ME3. I'm kinda hoping they're putting back in a little bit more true RPG stuff again coz the RPG in ME2 for me was a little bit too watered down imo.
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mbrsart In reply to RennyLenny [2011-01-10 01:36:43 +0000 UTC]
If they keep the trend, they'll have to cap it at lvl 15. And I don't mine nearly enough to retrain my powers. Besides, I like my powers the way they are. Is that so much to ask from BioWare?
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jakob-the-dragon-boy [2011-01-06 14:56:27 +0000 UTC]
awesome (B
and the insane level achievement is the last one i need to have them all.
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RennyLenny In reply to jakob-the-dragon-boy [2011-01-06 22:34:44 +0000 UTC]
Thanks man. Wow, almost every achievement, schweet! I don't even know where I'm currently at achievements wise.
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ivo-mg [2011-01-06 12:45:08 +0000 UTC]
Holy crap! This is awesome! It makes me wonder... It would've been great if there was Mass Effect anime...
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RennyLenny In reply to ivo-mg [2011-01-06 22:42:17 +0000 UTC]
Thanks man. Didn't even have the intention of makin this piece look anime but now that u mention it, it does i suppose Should make a great anime, or animation for that matter. As long as it's fast paced, lot's of action and no emo shit and high pitched voices, like so many stuff that's comin from Japan the past few years. I used to love watchin a whole lot of anime but the stuff of late has just got on my nerves.
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ivo-mg In reply to RennyLenny [2011-01-08 10:35:07 +0000 UTC]
Thats true about the new animes...
They just don't make animes like Akira or Battle Angel Alita where guts and other human (and nonhuman) parts are flying all around anymore... Now a day animes are pink and gooey! :S
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RennyLenny In reply to ivo-mg [2011-01-09 21:56:03 +0000 UTC]
yeah...tentacle molestment! oh..wait, that's the different kind >_>
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NeroonCousland [2011-01-06 10:42:31 +0000 UTC]
I played on insane once, but then hardcore for the others. Still challening enough without getting too annoying IMO.
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Revan-Ghost [2011-01-06 09:14:48 +0000 UTC]
But seriously, maybe I am an ass man too but I like it
Great job!
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RennyLenny In reply to Revan-Ghost [2011-01-06 22:36:08 +0000 UTC]
It's okay to admit Thanks for liking the piece dude.
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XanKriegorMk2 [2011-01-06 00:28:35 +0000 UTC]
ive beaten insanity with each class...i dont wanna talk about it lol.
anyway, the three pure classes are the easiest, imo. its the only way to play for me now
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RennyLenny In reply to XanKriegorMk2 [2011-01-06 07:47:38 +0000 UTC]
dayum! Playing it as soldier now. I don't know how i'm gonna play this game without the slow-mo focus power haha. Before Insane, i didn't even bother much with ammo types but the inferno shells. Now though, the armor and shield piercing ammo types are just a neccesity. I'm curious to try and play on Insane with the other classes. Do you feel that the game appears a bit unbalanced toward some of the classes or is it just as easy with any type of class but you have to change the way you play the game?
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XanKriegorMk2 In reply to RennyLenny [2011-01-06 10:55:58 +0000 UTC]
the only class that is off balanced is the vanguard. the main power cant be used often, and all of his other powers are shared with other classes, so he is the hardest class. again, opinion. but his main power, the charge, is awesome and a lot of fun on lower difficulties, but on insanity, charging into a group of enemies that take more than one shot to kill is kinda suicidal.
most classes have a "perfect" bonus power too that gives them a use for previously unused advantages (ie., ammo type, shield, defense stripping). the soldiers is a barrier; gives him another chance at the last minute in a pinch.
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Rompalite In reply to XanKriegorMk2 [2011-08-10 07:04:34 +0000 UTC]
I'm on my 3rd playthrough of Vanguard Insane, bu I love it I can't play with any other class they're too linear, too direct...and Rushing an enemy is the best especially with a shotty you knock him down and lay in some shells take cover and wait for the next one...
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thehonorablereese [2011-01-06 00:05:50 +0000 UTC]
I really like insanity, actually. It makes you have to think about your strategy in battle, how you are going to take cover, and who you need to shoot first. You may even have to fall back sometimes or retreat if you are getting pummeled: more like I'd imagine it to be if it were real. The only parts that I hate on insanity are Horizon and the Collector ship: I don't even bother trying to beat those without the Cain.
Oh yeah, and nice picture
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RennyLenny In reply to thehonorablereese [2011-01-06 07:40:05 +0000 UTC]
i recognize all that you say there man. I press pause a lot more now to take in the tactical options of my surroundings and possible fallback positions if the need arises - which has saved my skin more than a few times. I've rounded up nearly all of the loyalty missions on this run, almost going to go and find Legion. The Preatorian on Horizon was a bitch indeed. But after watching some vids on youtube to find out the tactic it made it a whole lot easier. I'm just loving the M-96 Mattock heavy rifle from the Firepower dlc pack, it's got me slicing through any enemy with ease.
Thanks for stopping by =]
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