Published: 2014-05-12 05:28:45 +0000 UTC; Views: 110155; Favourites: 3462; Downloads: 2673
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Now it’s Finished! This Commission is for the Comic called The Minerva, The Character Amaterasu. Please Share the art! Thank you! By REIQMy FB: facebook.com/Reiqcommunity
My Pixiv: pixiv.me/reiq
My Tumblr: reiquintero.tumblr.com/
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Comments: 92
DJJ1172 [2015-02-24 14:16:33 +0000 UTC]
she definitely what id picture a sun goddess to look like ..................*HOT* eh?
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primalfuryan [2014-11-16 02:54:42 +0000 UTC]
Your artwork has been graciously featured in
Its been a long time i wrote a feature , i must be getting rusty with time but here i am again in the middle of November striving to bring to you the best of the best ARTS of summer, winter ,Autumn ,a bit of spring a lot of emotions entangled together this time as the MAN WITH A MISSION expresses:
"Counteraction rising
Yeah we are ready for the punch line
There's no use with all your gimmicks
A Dream Upon Waking by Oer-WoutOlive F1 by Claparo-SansNiece by Enigma-Fotoswitches road by FukariBliss and shower by Stephanie-van-RijnGhost In Her Shell by elsevillaLe soleil du soir by Muse1908Vi-Tech skin concept (League of Legends) by Gevurah-StudiosRings by Lunarieen UK by LUNARIEENZenescope San Diego 2014 pool party by Elias-ChatzoudisRooftop sun by SisterSinisterElizabeth Russo (commission) by Precia-TThe internet by DamaiMikazLife is a Dance in The Rain III by bordaFemale Gun Pack 1 - Pose Reference by SenshiStockimage-3 by shichigoro756Watch This by LilyasIgnibus Doloris by Shades-Of-LetheHound by akreonPaint yourself the colors YOU want by YuuzaLeap of Faith by UntamedUnwanted-SOLD-HAND MADE Poseable Wolf Pup! by Wood-Splitter-LeeAmaterasu by reiq:thumb49 ,stay wonderful!
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FoxxieLisa [2014-09-06 22:06:22 +0000 UTC]
First thing I thought of was Sasuke. Beautiful work though!
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ArtsyKartsy [2014-08-10 07:04:59 +0000 UTC]
Great work. Love the colours. Feel sorry for her when she lets her arms down though. Those boobies would weigh heavy on her belly
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TanukiTagawa [2014-06-27 07:48:08 +0000 UTC]
A babe with epic...charisma! Oh,yeah:her outfit and all setting details are very well done!Congratulations!
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Nogistune [2014-06-04 12:56:42 +0000 UTC]
Does she have to watch out for her brother Susano?
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CherryInTheSun [2014-05-19 16:41:39 +0000 UTC]
wow! that's a kickass work, seriously! I love it
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TanukiTagawa [2014-05-16 08:19:15 +0000 UTC]
She´s gorgeous! Your artwork is great,and the coloring,wonderful!Congratulations!
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FrozenHeartGirlie [2014-05-13 03:37:13 +0000 UTC]
See. I want to know how you make the drawings look like this. You use Photoshop right? Maybe I should take a class on photoshop lol.
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Tigerfestivals In reply to FrozenHeartGirlie [2014-05-14 06:10:47 +0000 UTC]
It's not all in the program, though. It takes years of practice to acquire skill.
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FrozenHeartGirlie In reply to Tigerfestivals [2014-05-14 07:40:33 +0000 UTC]
Lol... It definitely doesn't take years. And I thought I blocked this option D:
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Tigerfestivals In reply to FrozenHeartGirlie [2014-05-14 16:41:55 +0000 UTC]
I do believe that unless you're practicing almost every second of your life it's gonna take at least few years to get good.
Also, what do you mean "blocked this option"?
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FrozenHeartGirlie In reply to Tigerfestivals [2014-05-14 17:46:58 +0000 UTC]
If you can get a bachelors degree from the Art Institute in Two Years... You CAN become a great artist in the time frame. Anyone can do it. It doesn't take a math-genius to learn to become skillful artist. You just have a big ego.. Yes, it does take pratice; If you really want to accomplish something then you'll work your butt off to achieve it.
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Tigerfestivals In reply to FrozenHeartGirlie [2014-05-14 21:47:48 +0000 UTC]
I'm confused. Is this your reply to me? I don't remember saying anything that refutes the points you just made. The fact that you have to be able to work hard and devote yourself to something in order to become skilled in it was the very point I was trying to make. Though I suppose I could have made that more clear.
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FrozenHeartGirlie In reply to Tigerfestivals [2014-05-14 23:09:40 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, anything takes 'hard work and devotion' to get the best results. BUT It does not take "endless years"---is the point I'm back. As I said, if you can go to a college, get a degree in art, and get a job using your 'skills' then it doesn't take that 'endless years' to achieve it.
You made it sound depressing/unable to reach that goal of being a skillful artist.
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Tigerfestivals In reply to FrozenHeartGirlie [2014-05-14 23:17:28 +0000 UTC]
Ah, that wasn't my intention. I never said "endless years". It just seemed as if you thought it wouldn't take much time or effort. Or that it was somehow the result of using a program instead of practice or skill.
Having discussed this with you, it seems you don't think that way at all.
Though, i still don't know what you meant by "i thought i blocked that option".
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FrozenHeartGirlie In reply to Tigerfestivals [2014-05-14 23:30:07 +0000 UTC]
What I meant was, you would drawn an outline/shade a character then scan it, fill in with color, special effects and give it that look like you see on tv.
That's what they do with animated movies/shows. Get an an outline then use programs to put it into motion.
Why do you put people down when they inquire about a particular interest or idea? If everything where easy, then people would be more successful and not experience the journey and purpose of it all.
Honestly, I don't think you should judge. Art comes in many forms.. even if its only computer-use technology.
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Nomingzombie [2014-05-13 01:28:49 +0000 UTC]
Love the foreground background thing with the leaves works really well !!
Also boobs and very sexy .
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inkumechpro [2014-05-13 01:18:46 +0000 UTC]
se ve genial, algún consejo para que los senos se vean así dentro de la composición???
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StarHealing [2014-05-12 23:24:20 +0000 UTC]
AWW... Her face is so pretty, I don't know what the talking about... oh my goodness
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CrossToons [2014-05-12 23:18:51 +0000 UTC]
She would probably rise from the ground if she swings those knockers hard enough.
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VonEyEzine [2014-05-12 21:06:47 +0000 UTC]
how many people just say " nice" , id like to say this is areally good one outside of the usual spectrum and not borderline porn, so yeah 5 starz!
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VictorHugo In reply to VonEyEzine [2014-05-12 21:36:56 +0000 UTC]
for the "short attention span generation" writing a whole word like "nice" is already a excruciating experience.
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VonEyEzine In reply to VictorHugo [2014-05-13 04:29:52 +0000 UTC]
IKR , the fact anyone does anything anymore because their too busy. too bad i missed stream on this
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