RedPassion — SnowWhite+RoseRed-MA+Emily

Published: 2008-01-29 05:33:49 +0000 UTC; Views: 13040; Favourites: 227; Downloads: 0
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Description Hihoall

Now i finally got it....-.-
It took me already so long to finish the linearts but this...*sigh*

But the only thing I can say is >> WHO SPEND ME A GT????? I need one of it...-.- MY MOUSE SUCKS!!!!! *grrrrr*

The roses were the most heavily part on it...-.-

And yes yes I know..MA looks like an angel (she never was) but what should I do.... as you know it's an artwork to my version of this Anime/Manga/history part and in these she looks like everyone else pretty and beautiful.....*sigh again*
I STILL "HATE" HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >.<

But I'm a professional *joke of the year*


So thanks and enjoy

Your Queen of France
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Comments: 171

RedPassion In reply to ??? [2016-08-24 09:29:27 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much for your nice critique! Tack!  
And well sadly MA would never ever fight for the king/prince out of love rather and more out of a power-play...*sigh* D: She always wanted to be the best and on the top of everything, the fashion (dresses, music, plays etc), the noble ladies, with her children used as an accessories of being finally a "mother" too etc... as long as she felt well. loved and pleased....-.- what incl. her "friends" but not the king...*cough*

Emily is older than Louis... 3 year in fact. When she finally decided to stay with him forever she is 21 while is just 19....

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Nelyasun In reply to RedPassion [2016-08-24 09:32:33 +0000 UTC]

Given that she was the youngest daughter of her mother, and had several older sisters to try and stand out from, it is no wonder...

One wonders what culd have been in history if one of her sisters had married Louis instead....

ah, some guys likes ladies who is slightly older

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RedPassion In reply to Nelyasun [2016-08-24 09:48:12 +0000 UTC]

It was no wonder - what? And actually precisely because She WAS the youngest with a lot of siblings and sisters in a married already she should have known better! Better of being a good wife and how important that was for the countries , how to be a good and loving/caring mother and a good wise ruler(like her mother always was)! So no there is NO excuse for her ignorant and selfish behaviour! Also not if you think about so many other facts.. like A) she wasn't the first princess who had to marry and move b) wasn't the youngest princess too c) had a much better life/childhood than Louis had from the day he was born and so on....

Oh gosh please not!! France hated Austrian and just made this step because of Mme de Pompadour in fact... Beside that fact that all of her sister were a) much to old and b) disfigured because of the pox...
I rather would have loved the way of married one of his mothers nieces or cousins instead. One of a good heart and loyal to her task and husband.

Well later is doesn't bother anyone of them when Louis gets older too. Also three years are nothing in fact....

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Nelyasun In reply to RedPassion [2016-08-24 09:54:47 +0000 UTC]


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SupisaDhamabutra2545 [2017-07-22 01:05:35 +0000 UTC]

Maybe you should make modern AU of MA ,Emi and Louise!

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RedPassion In reply to SupisaDhamabutra2545 [2017-07-22 21:32:22 +0000 UTC]

Who is Louise?

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SupisaDhamabutra2545 In reply to RedPassion [2017-07-23 00:05:03 +0000 UTC]




I'm a little bit sleepy that time I wrote!

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Nelyasun [2016-08-23 17:15:29 +0000 UTC]

how come that you dislikes Marie-Antoinette? Feeling that she was mismatched in marriage to Louis?

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RedPassion In reply to Nelyasun [2016-08-24 08:14:39 +0000 UTC]

That and because she just treated him like shit, betrayed him, was a more than bad (bitchy) wife and awful mother, did high treason to the king and his country, spread lies about him and so on... It's a veery long list of historical facts.. and one need to consider that I started by loving her at first.... well well... how fast one can switch sides, right... in my FAQs you find my explanation why I switch sides...

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Nelyasun In reply to RedPassion [2016-08-24 08:59:43 +0000 UTC]

oh, I see

where can I find the FAQ?

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RedPassion In reply to Nelyasun [2016-08-24 09:03:06 +0000 UTC]

On my Profile

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Nelyasun In reply to RedPassion [2016-08-24 09:06:35 +0000 UTC]


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ShenFetchem [2015-07-20 00:25:46 +0000 UTC]

Marie Antoinette and your character both look very beautiful! (^し^)

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RedPassion In reply to ShenFetchem [2015-07-20 01:31:33 +0000 UTC]


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ShenFetchem In reply to RedPassion [2015-07-20 02:49:15 +0000 UTC]

You're most welcome 。◕`ヮ´◕。

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suzy-is-cool-32 [2013-10-18 20:19:12 +0000 UTC]

Actually, the one on the left looks more like Lady Antoinette from Rose of Versailles.

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RedPassion In reply to suzy-is-cool-32 [2013-10-20 00:59:19 +0000 UTC]

The one on the left is the devil-one, yes...

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ScarletBlindness [2012-10-04 00:44:50 +0000 UTC]

I don't actually hate MA, and I quite admire her for her beauty, but if she did not betray the kind and go with Fersen then things would go more smoothly...

And your OC is gorgeus! Loveee

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RedPassion In reply to ScarletBlindness [2012-10-07 16:01:31 +0000 UTC]

Well I think different about this topic I also don't find her pretty, its quite the opposite...

But thanks dear glad you like her <333

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ScarletBlindness In reply to RedPassion [2012-10-08 00:55:52 +0000 UTC]

No problem! xD It's okay if you don't like MA ahahaha. Everyone's opinion is different after all.

No problem! Your stories gave me alot of ideas and inspiration.

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RedPassion In reply to ScarletBlindness [2012-10-08 09:05:28 +0000 UTC]

Thx thats very kind

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ScarletBlindness In reply to RedPassion [2012-10-08 10:34:47 +0000 UTC]

No problem! I hope that we will become friends ahahaha

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RedPassion In reply to ScarletBlindness [2012-10-08 10:35:24 +0000 UTC]

Sure why not :3

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ScarletBlindness In reply to RedPassion [2012-10-08 10:38:26 +0000 UTC]

:3 Oh yay!

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MGria [2011-06-13 14:14:32 +0000 UTC]

wow... Marie Antionette looks really beautiful, just like the queen she is! ^^

(I'm a huge fan of her dresses, heehee~~)

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RedPassion In reply to MGria [2011-06-13 14:30:07 +0000 UTC]

Oh well i hate these autrian b**** sry.... cause the way i drew her and the way she is/was showed in La Rise de Versailles have nothing to do with the reality...>.> :/

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MGria In reply to RedPassion [2011-06-13 21:21:50 +0000 UTC]

Austrian B*tch? That's new O_o
I guess none of the characters from "Rose of Versailles" where completely historical accurate. Which is expected, because we can't always be sure if the facts we have collected over the years, by research of written evidence, about the royal family were the truth or just revolutionary propaganda. As my history professor once said, "you should always be critical to history itself, and never just state that one fact is the total 'truth'". I myself know little about M.A., but I will never claim that what I know is the real truth-
and I'm rambling again, dammit. You picture is epic. *headdesk* @_@

...Yeeaah the drawing style in the anime is pretty much sparkles and bright colours. But it is very beautiful indeed.

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RedPassion In reply to MGria [2011-06-13 22:48:11 +0000 UTC]

Sadly thats right. There is none character of ROV which is really correct...:/
And well its also true that you should always critical history facts by yourself, cause all is not gold that glitters.

I mean for e.g, that she betrayed the king in their marriage with Fersen? That she lied to the king, used him for money to cheery up her sooo boring selfish life with parties and senseless activities like her Hamlet with which she also blamed her folk again? To humbled him e.g with the still beloved rumor of his never existed phimosis (which Stefan Zweig and Evelyne Lever still push/ed today)? That she refused herself after 1773 to Louis, cause she didn´t wanted to lost her look of a young child, which would be over when she get own children? That she betrayed France with high treason during the revolutions thanks to the Manifest to the duke of Braunschweig? That is was her, among other things, who decided the destiny of Louis and his children/sister? And yes also thanks e.g to such stupid movies like MA2006, which have so many history mistakes you almost can´t count anymore, people get blinded -.-
She was a curse for Louis and France! I study french histroy and the life of both since 8 years.:/ And i didn´t switched the site out of nothing. That means that i loved her too at the beginning but then i realized the truth and i can´t do it anymore... Its quite the opposite. I simply can´t like her anymore.. its simply impossible for me. You know after i got so many documents in french/german and books, and after i, as said, realized what she really did to Louis XVI., to his children and to France... no way, sry. :/ Since i lost my "affection" for her, i also cannot understand anymore that people really thinks that she was a pretty/lovely/innocent woman/victim... i ask myself rather if other people are blind, prefer to live in these world of pink illusion or are they simply not able to read? :/ I mean i see it here in Germany... A lot of books you got in german are not correct but people trust in them, cause they are not able to read another lanuage, most of all no french, so they can´t know whats right, sadly. But even if you tell them its not right, they become insulting against your own person.... They lost their arguments and try everything to keep their holy perfect innocent world...-.- That really sucks! She was like a plague for the royal family of France and most of all for the king and his folk. And people of today, still let fob themself up with lies and fairytales eg. from novels like Stefan Zweig, Antonia Fraser or Evelyne Lever... the best trio for to keep so many f*** illusions/lies to MA...-.- :/

And yes indeed the style of the Series/Manga is very beautiful. The only things i actually really love about it ^^"
So thanks dear anyway

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MGria In reply to RedPassion [2011-06-14 00:10:12 +0000 UTC]

I got to admit, the first time I watched RoV was with an hardcore amateur history-student. It was funny to see her get so worked up by the historical inaccuracy in the series.

I believe EVERY human being has flaws and good qualities of themselves. Even M.A. and Louis. We don't know what kind of people they were expect from what historians have found out, and what Robespierre wrote(but I believe it's a bad idea to use his facts as the accurate ones though...).
I believe it's wrong to just focus on only one part of history, whether it's the lighter or darker sides of M.A. I we choose to look upon both part of the aspects, it becomes more clearer to understand the full psychology of the young queens mistakes in the past.
When speaking about history,it's wise to stay neutral in case there's an error in your data.(does that even make any sense?)
...And now I'm rambling again, whooo...

Ryoko the mangaka is very talented~~
...at drawing, but not that much in storytelling, if we take in consideration she pretty much failed with the ending of oniisama e, in my opinion.

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RedPassion In reply to MGria [2011-06-14 00:47:14 +0000 UTC]

Well i can understand your friend in that point, cause i do the same since i study it. Even if i my love to the subject starts with it... :/

Hmm well i can´t agree completely. :S
For example, that she was a teenager/child isn´t a real excuse in my eyes for doing all the mistakes. Cause she wasn´t the first princess which had to left their home for a marriage. And in such a age she was actually already an adult. Also when she ledt Austria with 14. Boys were an adult in France/at the court when they reached the age of 6 years. We shouldn´t look at this with our opinion/eyes and settings of today, yes, thats not possible, but back in days it was simply normal. Louis mother Maria Josepha de Saxe, the Dauphine before MA, was just 15 when she had to marry Louis Ferdinand (Louis father) and she haven´t the best start as well at Versailles. Her mother in law Marie Leszczyńska was, you could say, against her cause of their family conflicts between Poland and Saxony. And she managed it like a real adult/princess. Even if she was just that young. She knew her duty perfectly and their was no excuse for to be so young. She wasn´t accept from her husband and family at the beginning, for a long time and was the ´german-girl´. Had to fight for her position and rank ect. But she tried everything for to pleased them and to fight for her new family and most of all for France. She lived very simple at Versailles without to let herself influence from other around her. She also didn´t know one of them before and felt in a totally new function of everything.
Of course we just know what history left behind, but you can find out a lot of private letters, dairies ect... :/
And nooo the things Robespriere wrote during the revolution arn´t true. The same with Marat, Danton ect. And i wasn´t talking about the e.g bad and nasty Pamphlet the wrote to destroy the monarchy, for me the things in their marriage, during the time at Versailles counts...

And yes i think you need to admit that the things you read or learned arn´t right, but sadly the most of people can´t or won´t... -.- I don´t know why,... But well c´est la vie...-.-

Oh well i never read the other works of her, cause i´m not interested in it But well ROV is enough for me.. it destroyed already to much.. i don´t need more

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MGria In reply to RedPassion [2011-06-14 18:25:39 +0000 UTC]

I wished I filmed it though. It was amusing to say at least. At the end she grabbed a pillow to scream in it in frustration... I felt like a bad friend for laughing when she did that.

I guess when it comes to history, everyone has an opinion of their own on each an every topic. But I guess it's what makes it so interesting. C:

One of my aunts for example have been researching our ancestors for about a year now. And what she found out was that my great great something grandmother was a daughter of an viking chief around the viking age before she was married to a man belonging to the native folks of Norway, the sampi.
But this of course caused a HUGE argument between her, one of my aunts and my granduncle. O_O;;
...It was amusing

I haven't seen much of her other works, but Oniisama e caused one of my gay friends to rage since the ending insulted her somewhat...
But Ryoko is good at drama though, and I believe it's possible to convert some of her works into theater plays. ^^

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RedPassion In reply to MGria [2011-06-14 18:38:12 +0000 UTC]

Be glad that this friends of yours wasn´t me... cause i hate such reactions to be honest I don´t like when people don´t take me seriously..^^"

Sure its interesting, but anyway you have to face the facts... Maybe i see it differently cause of my love and work, but you know you can´t let people always just in the wishes and believes of history just cause it sounds more romantic and dramatic... i mean, if someone would say Adolf Hitler was actually a very nice man who wasn´t that bad, just cause he loved to take care about lil german children and sheep dogs and just cause you like this view of him more than the reality, everyone will call you mad cause insane! :/ You see... I mean i am german... and the WWII was more than terrible.... :S Hitler and his men were monsters!

LOOOL nice story XD Well in my family nobody did such things, but well... Maybe its better XD Anf how she did fnd that out?

Ohhh nooo please not, as said.. for me its enough that e.g ROV already poisoned the world with all this f** lies.. there is no need for a stage or theater play...-.- Most of all cause there exist already sooo many of them in Japan...-.-

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MGria In reply to RedPassion [2011-06-14 19:02:41 +0000 UTC]

Thankfully, she knew I weren't acting insensitive towards her.

The scene was caused at my grandaunts birthday...it was hilarious. My grandaunt even began to yoik(traditional 'singing' in the sampi culture), just to shut them up.

They may be filled with lies, but in my opinion, they are amusing because of the unnecessary dramatic moments which honestly makes me almost laugh my ass off. (Iambeinginsenstiveagainwow)

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L-Lokakuu [2011-02-17 10:07:04 +0000 UTC]

J'aime beaucoup ce dessin-ci! Les couleurs sont très belles, and les lignes donnent des détails les plus fins. Bon travail!

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RedPassion In reply to L-Lokakuu [2011-02-17 12:39:00 +0000 UTC]

Awww merci beaucoup ma très chère!!! <3333

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Sebassy [2011-02-10 18:16:38 +0000 UTC]

gefällt mir sehr gut!
erinnert an das Märchen "schneeweißchen und rosenrot"

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RedPassion In reply to Sebassy [2011-02-10 20:38:52 +0000 UTC]

Ja so ist jaauch der Titel^^"

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Sebassy In reply to RedPassion [2011-02-10 20:54:00 +0000 UTC]

ah stimmt
ich sollte mal öfter bildtitel durchlesen! ^_^
Emily ist echt schön. mir gefällt der kontrast zwischen dem roten haar und den weißen rosen!

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RedPassion In reply to Sebassy [2011-02-11 02:17:37 +0000 UTC]

*gggggg* Kein Ding
Vielen Dank, es freut mich das dir Emily gefällt^^

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roseofuae [2010-10-24 14:41:22 +0000 UTC]

Marie Antoinette is soo pretty so does emily!
Even though you hate her she's still pretty in your drawings.
Great Job!
you're really good at drawings!

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RedPassion In reply to roseofuae [2010-10-24 15:05:51 +0000 UTC]

Yeah i know.. well cause even if, as you said, i hate her, i need to keep the style of LO^^°°° and sadly there she looks like she never did in real :S
So thank you very much!!!

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RLFedun [2010-10-11 05:16:00 +0000 UTC]

Yay, you did color it!! Honestly Emily looks far more angelic, since her roses are white! She shines more, to me.

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RedPassion In reply to RLFedun [2010-10-11 12:17:43 +0000 UTC]

Awww thank you my dear friend! I´m glad you like Emily for most!!^^ Hm well yes actually Emily is more angelic in the opposite to the left one ... :S ^^°°°

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ArinaFoxy [2010-08-30 14:34:22 +0000 UTC]

Adorable ^________^ The girl with white roses is awesome beautiful

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RedPassion In reply to ArinaFoxy [2010-08-30 15:33:47 +0000 UTC]

Awww yes the girl is my dear Emily ^^

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Zoria3885 [2009-05-05 17:17:21 +0000 UTC]

really beautiful ^^

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RedPassion In reply to Zoria3885 [2009-05-05 18:06:08 +0000 UTC]

Aww thank you

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Doodlz18 [2009-04-06 22:29:55 +0000 UTC]

very beautiful :3

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RedPassion In reply to Doodlz18 [2009-04-07 13:04:57 +0000 UTC]

Thanks also for the fav^^

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Doodlz18 In reply to RedPassion [2009-04-08 16:58:56 +0000 UTC]

anytime X3

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