Published: 2010-10-13 02:24:35 +0000 UTC; Views: 33412; Favourites: 557; Downloads: 0
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Just a new Lineart..BUT one thing i want to say....
Yes its right that Alice boobs are again bigger than in the movie...
Enjoy^^ (even if it have surly some mistakes as always XD)
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Comments: 196
TheGirlIsLost [2011-10-31 05:23:41 +0000 UTC]
grooowwwl~ c'est tres sexy! and beautiful. me likey.
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RedPassion In reply to LittleHatCat [2011-01-09 14:43:04 +0000 UTC]
Hahaha...well...of course she is, cause she ensnares him
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RedPassion In reply to TwiceShy19 [2011-01-06 13:55:32 +0000 UTC]
Of course he is^^ Thank you^^
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Divine-Fist-Ouka [2010-12-26 05:11:30 +0000 UTC]
My my my
I have been looking at your fanart of Alice and Tarrant, it is absolutely stunning. The emotions are always very present thanks to the colors you use and the smoothness of all the images are very enchanting. I find your artwork as a perfect example for me!
Very sweet, passionate and dreamy!
All of your artwork!
π: 0 β©: 1
RedPassion In reply to Divine-Fist-Ouka [2011-01-04 00:12:06 +0000 UTC]
Awwww thank you very much, iΒ΄m really really happy that you can see the emotion between them so clear *-* And og course that you like my work as well
So again....
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Divine-Fist-Ouka In reply to RedPassion [2011-01-04 03:49:12 +0000 UTC]
you are very welcome mon ami n.n
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animenadie [2010-12-02 11:47:08 +0000 UTC]
Wow, there are some very narrow minded, self-important people talking down to you about this piece.
Firstly, let me say that the animated Alice never prompted me to ship her with anyone. Frankly, I found the cartoon (and for the most part, the book) to be a bit annoying. Burton's version was far more to my liking, and from the first few scenes my mind began rooting for AlicexTarrant. It's really a shame that people equate this piece (and the movie it is so obviously based on) with sexing up a child's book. Yes, this pic has a sexual theme, but it's just the more intimate side of a pairing that was more than hinted at in a very grown up movie.
I had to shake my head at the one who claimed you couldn't accept criticism. Criticism, for any artist, should be about the quality of the piece, and leave the subject matter to taste and interpretation. Con-crit /= bashing pairings.
Anyway, just wanted to say that, contrary to some, I <3 it.
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RedPassion In reply to animenadie [2010-12-02 14:53:52 +0000 UTC]
Oh hey dear! I must admit that i was a lil bit surprised about your comment now... BUT i also must admit, that you are right. :/
And yes i agree! The animated Alice or also the child-version of her wasnΒ΄t mine too. And yes sadly its true, almost the whole book is annoying. I didnΒ΄t liked it. Carroll have a terrible way to write. Alice is a wise-ass brat... and well so many word-repetitions....-.- (I actually canΒ΄t understand that almost every one adore it :S)
Burton created some totally new i think, base on an oldie.
Well i wasnΒ΄t interessted of all before i saw this movie, just i was bored at the beginning and then boom! I was in love with Tarrant and the imaganiation of them as lovers.
and yeah i know and as i wrote, this mopvie isnΒ΄t/wasnΒ΄t madeforchildren anymore... I actually expected an Happy End cause its a Disney movie BUT that doesnΒ΄t mean that Disney is just for kids. In factz Disney weas for kids too, but not really created for them... Cause e.g during the Vietnam-war, Disney made the most movies for the army like Dumbo for to lift the soldiers up and to give them a lilbit ofa peaceful world...
And yes sure it my picture have a sexuall theme, but as we said its nothing bad on it. Most of all when you remember on the orginal script... Cause there A+T was actually meant to be lovers, cause he kisses her two times at the end!!! And during the plot were so many others hints of love.
Yapp i know. Cause even i donΒ΄t like the things an artist shows on his drawings i should learn the difference of critique. Its alright when they use to say they donΒ΄t the person on it, but thats not the point...:S Cause there are so many persons/pairings i donΒ΄t like and i donΒ΄t blame ALL these guys for that too...
So thank you very much, iΒ΄m glad you like it^^
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KFuretPourri [2010-11-25 22:01:08 +0000 UTC]
Oh oh, ben dis donc ! Your boobs are always great
and "appΓ©tissants" XD !
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RedPassion In reply to KFuretPourri [2010-11-26 01:56:39 +0000 UTC]
LOOOOOOL you are a boobie-lover, hm?
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balba-bunny [2010-11-11 09:15:10 +0000 UTC]
I could understand it would seem weird if it were an erotic drawing of the 50's Disney Alice animated characters, or even if they used *THE* original child Alice, but this movie's story was based *off* of the AIW books, so it's not like it's the 10 yr old Alice and the "old" hatter, but a completely different, original story with Alice an adult, turning down a marriage proposal in the beginning of the film. I just finished watching this and there was obviously a hint at romance between the two in the film. If you haven't seen this film, you'd know it's not exactly a children's version of the tale anyway and should not criticize if you haven't even watched it. It is NOT *the* exact AIW story.
Anyway, I applaud this piece of art regardless. For those who have ever been in love and/or have experienced the purity and passion within erotic love, I find this beautiful.
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RedPassion In reply to balba-bunny [2010-11-11 15:13:23 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much ffor your support!!! And i totally agree with your words!!! But you know sometimes people need things for to lament...
Even if its totally fictive...-.- I also ask myself if they really watched THAT movie...
But the guys which are agauinst such views or drawings believes, as said that A+T are just friend ect.. *sigh* Rubbish...-.- But well....
So awww thank you very very much!!!!
And yes here i agree too. Everyone who know these feelings will like such art
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AndyMagnuseth In reply to RedPassion [2010-11-03 01:26:26 +0000 UTC]
I cannot unsee it.
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PirateFairy In reply to RedPassion [2010-10-22 20:07:29 +0000 UTC]
you're very welcome. ^_^
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crazy-chuzzle [2010-10-22 15:23:46 +0000 UTC]
AliceXTarrant look so harmoniously and gently ! Love them and this work!! Awesome
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RedPassion In reply to crazy-chuzzle [2010-10-22 18:02:56 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much
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