#applejack #comic #discord #fim #mlp #mylittlepony #mlpfim #rainbowdash #pinkiepie #friendshipismagic #redapropos
Published: 2014-09-06 01:26:07 +0000 UTC; Views: 191619; Favourites: 3738; Downloads: 967
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A pox on anybody who thinks I'm not funny.You might notice that the last two frames may look somewhat like grievousfan 's art style.
That's because I had no idea how I wanted to end the comic, and she DREW for me how she thought it should end!
As you can see here: sta.sh/01cj1a27lb2j
Looking at it and drawing what she drew, I had a hard time NOT drawing them long and skinny. DAMN YOU, GRIEVOUSFAN! XD
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Comments: 979
v0lny [2024-04-09 20:06:59 +0000 UTC]
👍: 2 ⏩: 0
StuffedCrustPizzaa [2023-12-11 21:03:39 +0000 UTC]
👍: 1 ⏩: 0
LABcrew [2023-07-14 02:44:29 +0000 UTC]
👍: 2 ⏩: 0
kylander108 [2022-09-18 02:54:40 +0000 UTC]
👍: 1 ⏩: 0
author2210 [2022-08-11 11:42:24 +0000 UTC]
👍: 3 ⏩: 0
Legacy-Galaxy [2022-02-27 02:03:37 +0000 UTC]
👍: 1 ⏩: 0
Valenthyne [2020-10-25 07:43:36 +0000 UTC]
👍: 7 ⏩: 0
EpicAandK [2015-05-05 00:04:38 +0000 UTC]
I think this is pretty funny, im no brony or MLP fan but my friend said to check out this pic and... its pretty enjoyably to see.
And there reactions are pretty funny id only put a little lower on Originality because iv seen things simpler than this (like the shipping and discord from the T.V show) But I honestly think this is very well done.
I cant draw this well and its nice to see people who arnt afraid to show what they enjoy.
Id say is give this are a 9.5 out of 10
good job!
-EpicAandK 2015
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
Tijopi11 [2015-04-02 04:41:49 +0000 UTC]
This is my first critique so bare with me... *ahem*
Your art style is very clear, the colors are spot on (matching the show very well) and actually helps aid the emotion behind the panels, which is great! What I like about your comics is that the word bubble placement and expressions are always exactly as they need to be- not over the top or awkwardly placed, but just right!
Though I personally think one really becomes a winner depending on the humor, emotions, and overall enjoyment of the presented material. Your humor has gotten me to laugh out loud a couple of times (difficult to do on the internet!) and otherwise gives me warm laugh-y feelings in my stomach, so I would say you definitely succeed on that front! From what I've seen, I think you're best at expressing movement as panels progress. That's something a lot of people can't convey as easily. This issue follows that good trend, good work!
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
soundslikeponies [2015-03-14 21:58:51 +0000 UTC]
Trist2468 is a bit of an asshole, but they aren't entirely wrong. The art is a plain and simple style, comics with shipping/sex humor are a dime a dozen, and the joke in this comic is just a small twist on the pretty common "truth serum/lie detector" skit. This picture might be an exception, but usually asking for "critiques" on this sort of stuff will just earn ego-stroking 4.5/5 star reviews.
All that said, something which stands out is the great use of character expressions. As far as these sorts of comics go, this is one of the funnier ones I've seen. Background text and motion lines are put to good use. The heart in the last panel in particular made me burst out laughing.
I think the comic could stand to have a little extra time put in to make the background more than just a gradient. Some simple shading could make your characters pop more (shading more than just around the neck). In general, more detail would make everything feel fuller and livelier.
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
Cupmuffincake [2015-03-08 00:43:15 +0000 UTC]
I have one word to say it is good, I don't say it's perfect, the small words made it kind of hard to see, the originality and technique was really good. But had no good impact. So it was pretty good, fair. I don't really like mlp too much but this was still pretty funny because I know the concept and what happens. My personal thought is too make the text bigger this wasn't too much for impact so that was fine and other than that I think this was wonderful! I think that impact isn't too important in this but it would be better if you made it.
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
LoveHeartMlp [2014-09-20 07:44:00 +0000 UTC]
This was really, really, really good! A little fun jokes with liar jack but this idea was GENIUS!
It did have a few sex jokes *Hint hint* Lasso on rainbow dash that way *hint hint* kissing and cuddling *hint hint*
Pinkie pie probably died of laughter at the end.
This is just pure gold.. Maybe he wanted to ship them in a way without shipping them?
Rainbow dash's face at the end is just priceless.
Liar jack doesn't lie ALL the time, she may tell the truth once because in that episode when they were discorded twilight said: "You don't even care do you?" and they all said: "Nope"
Keep up the work!
4 1/2
👍: 2 ⏩: 0
RtDK [2014-09-20 01:34:36 +0000 UTC]
While I'll say that the "Discordification" has been done before, I will say that I'd not thought as far as using it in a love confession. Admittedly, I don't often look that hard for artwork except when it comes to me via chat or post on a forum in FiMFiction -- what have you. So it may be the idea of this (and partially my heavy bias towards AppleDash) that made me enjoy this so much.
The characterizations are awesome. Everypony is presented in perfect character from what we can make out. While it's been awhile since "The Return of Harmony", some things always stay fresh in this fandom. Discord is his same old mischievous self, just looking for a laugh -- and a way to help his "friends" out in his own weird, cosmic little way. Perhaps he knew about Applejack's feelings by mere observance, or perhaps he just decided it was, "Hey-Let's-Prank-Applejack" Day. No matter what, though, he found out something interesting, and thought to capitalize upon it for his own entertainment, for better or ill.
Applejack sure didn't seem happy to be forced out onto a limb the way she was, though from the looks of things, Discord's meddling just let a huge cat out of the bag for what appeared to be an entirely-clueless Rainbow Dash. The facial expressions are spot-on. The only problem I see, however, is how Pinkie doesn't seem to serve any purpose in the comic other than to provide a bit of a comic backdrop and lighten the mood, and to point out to the reader what Discord did if they so happen to not understand. Pinkie doesn't seem to serve too big a role in the script other than to provide a comedic mate to Rainbow Dash, as Discord is to Applejack. That being said, she does add her own little charm to it.
She certainly seems rather entertained by the thought of Applejack gettin' all smoochie-faced with Rainbow...
The art style you have is also one of my favorites, though I would have used a rich, vibrant red for Rainbow's cheeks. The dark color seems to imply more that her face is dirty, not that she's blushing. And Discord's appearance in panel one was a bit TOO over-the-top goofy for my taste, but... hey, that's Discord, so it's not much of a critique, is it?
I sure would have liked to have read what Discord was whispering to Applejack in its entirety, though. Not to call it lazy, but it feels kind of like a cop-out whenever the writing takes that away from us. I don't feel like leaving it out did anything to help the impact. If anything, it weakened it. Why wouldn't Applejack just lie quietly to Discord instead of him asking out-loud and her being FORCED to respond loudly to defend herself. That, and I also thought the ending could have been a little funnier. Also, in the last panel, it feels like Applejack could have said something more humorous than some vanilla fill-this-speech-bubble text. Like, "You better sleep with one eye open from now on, Discord..." or, "Discord, you better never be alone again..."
That being said, Rainbow also had the best facial reaction. I'm a fan of the so-called "wingboner" to show excitement or attentiveness, and I feel like that was a missed opportunity as well. And Pinkie seems to be unnecessarily on the screen at that point. But otherwise, I can't say I have any real complaints to speak of. Rainbow's, "Yeah, tell me more..." expression stole the whole script.
7/10. Definitely one of my favorite MLP strips.
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
TheMungoman [2014-09-12 10:03:04 +0000 UTC]
Now, I tried very hard to keep this critique fair. None of that stupid hating or of that myopic praising, but rather a level-headed assessment of the artwork at hand.
You did an excellent job with the linework here, as can be seen by the rougher textures you used for some of the lettering. This is some Grade A inking you used.
Also commendable is the consistency of the character's facial and body structures.
The facial expressions are both vivid, entertaining to look at, and simply said, really funny. I especially adore Applejack's expression in the second panel.
Now, I will not say that this is the most original of concepts, because it isn't. It is fanart, originality usually isn't a big issue in such a case. Since it is based on a preexisting work, there is only so much originality you can employ, so the options are rather limited in the first place. You also tried to get as close to the original artstyle as possible, so your work will, simply said, not be that original from an stylistic perspective either. But since the rating system requires me to give you a rating for it, I have made it a rather average score.
But despite that, it is still quite clear that you had a vision of where this comic was headed and how you could pull it off in the best way. You may not have used the source material in new and spectacular ways, but that's not what you attempted to do. You have tried to do something short, cute and funny, and you have achieved just that with flying colours.
Again, I do NOT want to mindlessly praise you, because that is neither helpful nor constructive. It is very important to view critique with sobriety, and not let one's personal opinion utterly crook one's vision of what is actually at hand.
But this is not bad. It is a good, sweet little comic strip. Not one that sets the bar anew or causes me to view comics in a different light, but one that is simply pleasant to look at and entertaining to read.
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
DJR3B3L [2014-09-11 21:53:53 +0000 UTC]
Well, where to start with?
The vision; it's great, but not the one that that fully deserves a 5, just a little more of perspective and it's done. Anyways, it's 4.5/5 because of the zooming, the faces, the expressions, everything went well as the story progressed. The perspective is the thing that I consider to make Discord look tall, and at the same time, big.
The originality; I have seen it earlier, I can't lie, but putting this into a comic is a new level, because, at first, you probably don't know what to do when you put this situation in front of yourself. Then, ideas start to flow. Luckily, this was done in the right and safe way, so probably some innocent or little people would not mind reading this, and will feel comfortable too. 4/5
Technique; yours as always, the mixture of comic and it's highlighted actions and original show which has not too much shadows and vivid colors. But I've noticed the last 2 images change and that is not your style, because of the lack of face movement and shake you give to your drawings. Although those 2 images, you have advised that it was going to happen, that the last 2 images weren't from yours at some points, so, for honesty, I give you 4/5 stars
Impact; this made me laugh a lot and both in the good and bad sense, it has 2 ways to interprete and I couldn't resist. 5/5 Your style is always better than the official comics and that comic deserves this score.
But, I can't lie, I'm no one to judge your work, and that was being objective and distant. Being a watcher of yours, all I have to say is this:
"You did great as always, you can't stop amusing me with those great jokes you make. If I was subjective, this would have been different, but too many people requested seriousness, and seriousness involves this."
"There's a person behind every drawing, painting, video or film, so, treat them as what they are, humans, because, no one is perfect, and they have feelings like all the people in the world" -Anonymous
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
allen-mikk [2014-09-10 13:27:52 +0000 UTC]
Well, let's see... You've got one far to kind critique and one that is far to cruel. So this time, let's try and have one that's a bit more objective.
The Art I'm afraid to say is a bit bland. I can tell who the characters are, which is a definite plus, and they are expressive, another plus, but considering what is possible now a days thanks to digital media I find this overall underwhelming.
I'm afraid to say that this does fall under the "I've seen this before" category to an extent. Discord forcing other to say things they wouldn't normally by reversing them? seen it. AppleDash? seen it. both together? Seen so many times it's beyond compare. However, the extra voice of Pinkie finding the entire thing hilarious is at least not something I see often, so there is that.
Unfortunately, it leaves little impact for me. Those who will love it -either because their love of the ship, the show, or your art in particular- will of course love it. Those who don't, may be mildly amused. Those who hate the fandom will of course give hate. Those who don't care, well.. I can't speak for all of them, but will probably give a resounding 'Meh.' However, this is fanart, so of course it is targeted at those who would enjoy it anyhow.
Overall? Not terrible, but not necessarily good. Just... well, average.
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
powhawkins [2014-09-08 00:37:16 +0000 UTC]
I'm writing this review because I feel Trist2468 was too harsh in his review. He obviously had another agenda to satisfy. His only main point was that it was un-original, yet gave it low points in all the other categories. While I do agree with him on it's originality, I feel that the technique was phenomenal and that the impact was very nice.
Vision: The comic was well thought out and looks very nice, but the lack of anything in the background looses some points. It would add a hell of a lot more substance to the comic if there was something there instead of just a color gradient.
Originality: Like Trist2468 said, Applejack/Rainbow ships are nothing new. I give it a little credit for using Discords power in a creative way but that's it.
Technique: I've always loved the way Redapropos draws his comics. The style is just so darn adorable. The advantage that Redapropos had over artists who use "typical sketching quality" is that his looks very clean and neat.
Impact: I thought it was pretty funny. It doesn't really make sense why applejack would say any of that and that sorta threw me off. It's okay.
All in all, it was pretty okay. The best part is just the drawing.
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
MaxAndRuby [2014-09-07 16:39:35 +0000 UTC]
The artwork is okay but it really isn't that great. It's just a Littlest petshop drawing. I mean i like Littlest Petshop and all, WHEN I WAS 6. I'm kind of getting tired of all these my Littlest Petshop fan art. I don't think you really need a critique on this one. I'm not saying don't ever paint littlest petshop if that is what you want to do than go fer it. But don ask fer a critique on in next time. People can b very mean. Maybe smething oringinal n stuff but not this. I like my littlest pet shop. but this is not the way to go
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
ScribblePrincess56 In reply to MaxAndRuby [2014-09-11 21:23:59 +0000 UTC]
This artwork isn't based off of Littlest Pet Shop, it's based off of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
Don't like? Don't look.
👍: 1 ⏩: 1
MaxAndRuby In reply to ScribblePrincess56 [2014-09-26 00:11:28 +0000 UTC]
Oh sorry. I mixed the names up. I like it, I just don't think it was very original.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Saij-Spellhart [2014-09-07 16:13:48 +0000 UTC]
I like to break my crits down to what the different categories mean to me in reference to your art work. That way you know why I rated you in each category.
Vision: Is it clear in both art and meaning? Can I also see the artist intended to convey?
Yes. You get a solid 4 stars in that aspect because I not only understood the hilarity of the joke, but you used the facial expressions and the panels to accentuate it. For start to finish I understood what was going on and the laughs you were going for. I enjoyed how this even actually poked fun at the Apple/dash pairing that so much of the fanbase seems to adore. The characters were clear, enjoyable, and all of there expressions were very reasonable and easy to understand. I did detract some points though, because if you aren't familiar with the series you wouldn't understand the context of the lying. It's something that's not easy to convey in such a limited comic, and still keep it simple. but there could have been a subtle way of expressing it.
Originality: Did the artist use original ideas, content, writing, style, etc. Basically did this artist make something that only s/he could make?
Fanart tends to be quite difficult to make truly original. I've seen people do it, but they have to break some heavy molds. Not being original is not inherently a bad thing. People use unoriginality to in many good ways, that benefit them. But it does not excuse anything. Everyone who draws fanart must be held to the same standards, or it wouldn't be fair to the people who are truly original. Anyway, the style that you used is based heavily on the FiM style. But you add your own touches to express yourself. Because you relied upon the original material, It comes along very nice and it makes the ponies recognizable, even if it sacrifices your own originality in the process. The joke is something I know i've heard before in relation to many other "liar" scenarios. You remixed it though and presented it in a fresh way. Kudos. e.deviantart.net/emoticons/s/s… " width="15" height="15" alt="
" data-embed-type="emoticon" data-embed-id="391" title="
(Smile)"/> I could and have seen others express this kind of joke before so originality has kinda taken its blow.
Techinique: Does the style, colors, and foundation of the comic all work? Is the "way" it is drawn and presented done in a masterful way? Has the artist "mastered" the way they drew. And is the way they drew working for their purpose?
Basically your line work doesn't know what it wants yet. On some ponies there will be clean smooth lines, and in others it'll be sketchy and rushed. Either style works, but this piece can't seem to decide what works the best. That might be something you'll want to refine in the future. You also use a rather washed out color scheme, that is reminiscent of old Sunday comic cartoons. It works great with your speech bubbles and when Apple goes grey. But it really doesn't work with the backgrounds. They are also very washed out and don't give your character art justice. They also detract from the color of your characters. Maybe not rainbow and Pinkie, because they are both very bright. But the washed out similar color backgrounds really do a blow on Discord and apple. I think this piece could really benefit from some revamped backgrounds. It's something I would encourage you to explore. Other than that, you command facial expression and body expression well. You command the personality of the characters very well to enhance your points. And the dialogue is natural and hilarious. You seem to have great control over the whole piece and other than the backgrounds and some of the line work you are "master" of your own techniques. They work just how you need them to.
Impact: To me impact is the over all. How did everything in and about the piece affect me? Art is so often about evoking emotion and feelings.
You did that in spades! As far as feeling goes, I got the funny, I understood your joke, All the expressions and movement and even some of the colors helped to strengthen your joke. The dirty humor was executed well and not forced. My only disappointment is there was no subtle underlying jokes. You started hinting at Apple using and doing something naughty and then you just came out and spilled the beans about what she will do. It works, and its funny. but you don't leave very much wondering for the readers. No room for them to wonder and interpret. Just lots of room for those naughty mental images that they are sure to have, and possibly draw up later. But I would definitely have to agree with pinky in this. You did funny quite well, and It was indeed hilarious. Though The last speech bubble was prolly not necessary and it would have laid more focus on Rainbow's reaction if you had left it out.
Anyway, overall I think you did quite well and accomplished what you set out to do with it. Which was most probably humor. Dirty humor. Even people who are not pony fans or bronies can enjoy this. Even if they may not understand the context. It just means they have to ask questions if they are curious. Which isn't a bad thing. All in all, great job.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
LennyTribe In reply to Saij-Spellhart [2014-09-11 20:32:58 +0000 UTC]
AHAHA! Your critique is actually the only one that can be accepted as an actual critique, looking at the rest is like looking at an essay made by an elementary school student.
Props to you man, 4.5/5 stars for that critique!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Saij-Spellhart In reply to LennyTribe [2014-09-12 22:06:32 +0000 UTC]
really, there were like 13 crits there. they couldn't have all been that bad. could they?
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
LennyTribe In reply to Saij-Spellhart [2014-09-12 22:35:10 +0000 UTC]
When taking a look at what a critique should look li-are you being sarcastic? Because I would honestly bet that you are. Hehe... he...
(yes, yours is the only one actually worthy of a critique, at least when I last checked)
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
spicyteacup [2014-09-07 14:43:41 +0000 UTC]
Now as a My Little Pony comic I understand it is sometimes hard to come up with a fresh humorous idea that no one else has done, but I do think this one was done in good jest.
The coloring scheme of the panels could use a more defining color that makes the characters pop out or express a certain emotion more boldly. For instance, I might have done a red or pink color surrounding Applejack to define embarrassment and anger.
The expressions clearly state the emotion the characters are feeling and I don't even need the dialogue bubbles to know what is going on. Props to you. The characters are well drawn, but their style is to similar to the original for me to give you high points for originality.
But it is the humor you were going for and I though it was pretty well done although a bit over used. The dialogue doesn't really make me laugh out loud, but I suppose it is a giggle worthy, but you could have done much better with the humor. I'm sorry to say, it just seemed a little bland to me.
I notice that Discord has become a staple of humor in most comics and I honestly felt this one was the weakest and the AJ and Rainbow Dash pairing has been overdone in the fandom. That doesn't make this comic bad, but it could have been better with a bit more... flair to it.
This is my first critique on this site but I hope it is appreciated and encourages you to improve in some of the areas I listed.
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
jettj12 [2014-09-07 14:43:23 +0000 UTC]
Ignore the trolls on this one. I always adore reading MLP comics simply because of how clever they can be. This one was no different.
Vision/Originality: Yes, alright, this isn't the first "Discord screws with somepony" strip I've ever seen. However, this IS the first one I've seen that took lying Applejack to this sort of level. It's clever wordplay that makes the world go 'round.
Technique: The backgrounds are plain, but the same applies to popular comic strips such as Dilbert, Garfield, and Pearls Before Swine, so I can't complain. The art in this is nothing short of fantastic.
Impact: This is easily one of the funniest and cleverest things I've read in a long time. Kudos.
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
RealRandomRaven [2014-09-07 05:00:09 +0000 UTC]
I'm going to be honest. This piece lacks originality. I'm not a big fan of shipping and certainly don't seek it out, but I've still seen hundreds of AppleDash comics following similar structures and ending with the same punchline of Dash actually being into that stuff. You lose a few points in that department.
The way you presented it however, was really interesting. Applejack is more dishonest when being controlled by discord than she is honest when she's in control of her own tongue, and I though it was really neat that your brought Discord into the comic for that reason. Because of this I scored you high in the vision department.
You did a very nice job with facial expressions and your art style is quite enjoyable. You utilize the space in each panel very well and while not perfect, nothing feels overly crowded or overly empty. You get a very good Technique score though I would have liked to a little bit of background work instead of just gradients.
Don't take your low impact score personally. As I said, I'm not into shipping so I only meet part of the criteria for your target audience. Personally I think impact is kind of a silly category for these critiques because everyone is affected by art differently. This piece is not something that's going to change the way I look at MLP comics, but the if the next viewer could ship Rainbow Dash and Applejack and might have this comic on their mind for a week.
Overall you did a pretty darn nice job on this. You had to have done well to get me to critique a shipping comic.
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
DalekPrimeMinister [2014-09-07 03:25:30 +0000 UTC]
Before I get started, I loved it. Once again you've entertained us with a not-so-clean joke. Now, let's get started with my ups and downs:
Vision: I liked all but a couple things. First, there was Discord in the first panel. At least have eyelids? Please? Second, the little black bars on RD's face. I like that you did that, but I could imagine you could do better with that.
Originality: Mhm.
Technique: I expected a background and such in this, but there wasn't. I know your art well red, but I'm thinking you could push yourself further, like backgrounds.
Impact: I can't help but thinking I've seen this somewhere before. I just can't remember where.
Overall: I'm still loving your work, but it's getting overdue for better techniques, like shading. Anyways, you should keep going with art. Just start testing out ideas to make the comic look better.
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
SnapCentino In reply to Lily-Ash [2014-09-11 20:56:53 +0000 UTC]
I'm sorry, does everything need a "deep message or hidden meaning" to be good in your eyes? It's a comic, for crying out loud. You want deep, go jump in the ocean.
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
Trist2468 [2014-09-06 23:50:10 +0000 UTC]
You're asking for critique about a My Little Pony fanart? For what purpose?
Anyways, the art is nothing special, it's just typical sketching quality from websites like DA and such.
No originality, either. I've read plenty of fan strips like this, even from your earlier efforts.
Vision? Same answer.
Impact? This is the My Little Pony fanbase. I could go run a search on Google and FIMfiction and get at least a dozen of the same thing like this.
Next time, don't ask for critique. All it does is cause psychopaths to spout meaningless non-descriptions and leave all 5-stars for the author's own ego to inflate about, and you're no different.
Oh, and obligatory:
👍: 0 ⏩: 65
AlyssaMaiya In reply to Trist2468 [2021-11-07 14:24:55 +0000 UTC]
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
nightshade145 In reply to Trist2468 [2016-09-18 15:53:14 +0000 UTC]
Eh. I know this post is years old. But hey. If ya don't like it, ya don't like it. Just because someone asks for something doesn't mean ya gotta give it. Considering that's the argument you often brought up. Like if someone said, "Hey can you shove me into this pit of lava?" would you seriously shove them into a pit of lava?
I'm not judging your opinion, I'm just your argument isn't very logical.
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
SilverSonglicious In reply to Trist2468 [2016-07-30 05:24:04 +0000 UTC]
Why is everybody commenting here when this guy is stating his opinion?
👍: 0 ⏩: 2
JM001kkkk In reply to SilverSonglicious [2022-02-22 04:50:26 +0000 UTC]
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
Trist2468 In reply to SilverSonglicious [2016-07-30 07:06:08 +0000 UTC]
Why are you commenting here when this post is years old?
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
SilverSonglicious In reply to Trist2468 [2016-07-30 07:39:34 +0000 UTC]
you forgot to put the number for the years -.-
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
BRASS-MONKEYZ In reply to Trist2468 [2016-02-06 19:24:25 +0000 UTC]
Lol. All these people are coming at you without realising there being unfair. HE ASKED YOU FOR A CRITIQUE, YOU GAVE HIM ONE so dont bother ppl, he made his point.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
JM001kkkk In reply to BRASS-MONKEYZ [2022-02-22 05:01:35 +0000 UTC]
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
MeggieTheWaffle In reply to Trist2468 [2016-01-23 00:03:00 +0000 UTC]
Dude, if you don't like ponies, why did you even bother viewing this piece of art? That's your problem for choosing to see it. Just because you don't like ponies doesn't mean you can just completely hate on their art. As for "being able to google plenty of art just like this one," you can do that with ANY art on here. So don't come up with bullcrap that has nothing to do with the artists' drawing capabilities.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Trist2468 In reply to MeggieTheWaffle [2016-01-23 06:25:25 +0000 UTC]
They asked for criticism. I gave it.
And please don't assume this has anything to do with "LOL YOUR JUST A BIG MEAN BRONY HATER"; uninspired humor and sub-par art is still uninspired humor and sub-par art no matter what's being portrayed.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
MeggieTheWaffle In reply to Trist2468 [2016-01-24 00:49:28 +0000 UTC]
They asked for constructive criticism. Not you saying they suck, then leaving.
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
xXBloodWolfWingsXx In reply to Trist2468 [2016-01-17 04:52:29 +0000 UTC]
Greeeeeeaaaat, another brony hater. Just what the world needs.
Yo, the comic was awesome. Haters like these are just people that don't know shit and feel like they need to say dumb crap about a person just because they're into something that they feel like puking out irrelevant, meaningless bullshit.
Word of advice: don't take people like this seriously. All they want is attention.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Trist2468 In reply to xXBloodWolfWingsXx [2016-01-17 10:19:14 +0000 UTC]
>Associating a negative review with "LOL BRONY HATER"
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Ruby-and-Emerald In reply to Trist2468 [2015-11-13 22:09:09 +0000 UTC]
Omg i'm laughing so hard at this critique
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
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