Reapoke — Mudkip

Published: 2006-07-20 08:12:22 +0000 UTC; Views: 5620; Favourites: 60; Downloads: 125
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Description Name: Mudkip
Classification: Mud fish
Type: Water
Number: 258
Evolution: Mudkip – Marshtomp (level 16) – Swampert (level 36)
Length: up to 40 centimeters
Weight: 5-7,5 kilos
Animal type: Fish, mudskipper
Habitat: Ponds, small lakes and other stagnant waters
Description: A lot of people will be familiar with the Mudkip. Children love to search the banks of lakes to find these little pokémon and dig them up. Mudkip are unique, in that they are very similar to amphibians, but are fish none the less, that have adapted to a life that partially takes place on shore. In water, it breaths with the orange gills on it's cheecks. For breathing on land, it has developed a lung-like organ situated in it's throat. The evenings and nights, Mudkip spends in the water. It's colour pattern is a good example of the classic trick against waterpredators: when seen from below, it's light belly blends in with the lighter water and air above it, and when seem from above it is equally invisible against the dark background. In the water, Mudkip hunts for little fish. To locate these, it uses the fin on it's head. This fin is usually flat on it's back, but there are two occassions for which Mudkip puts the fin up straight, making it twice it's normal height. The first and most important reason, is the perception of certain vibrations in the water, enabling Mudkip to locate prey and predators. The second reason, is to warn other Mudkip of nearing danger. When on land, you can see that if one Mudkip puts it fin up, they all race back to the water. During the day, Mudkip climbs out of the water to warm up and hunt for insects. They are only found in warm and humid areas. During the winter, Mudkip stay on land permanently. With their front legs they dig shallow holes to spend the winter in. In a few days, enough sand and/or dirt will have fallen over the Mudkip to make it invisble. Sometimes, they push rocks to their sleeping place to protect it from wind and predators. Despite their size, they can push rocks twice their own weight with their heads. When they're asleep they pull their eyes - normally protruding from the head - into their head to prevent them from damaging. What is often seen as it's hind legs, are in fact strongly developed fins, which Mudkip uses in water to change it's direction and on land to brace itself when digging or moving rocks.

Pokémon is copyrighted by Nintendo
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Comments: 17

Aloodonguy67 [2013-03-28 17:28:35 +0000 UTC]


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PhittPineapple [2010-11-27 20:14:16 +0000 UTC]

:3 i just want to put it in a goldfish bowl and feed it fish flakes

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madcowyup [2009-08-20 19:06:52 +0000 UTC]

This is adorable. I liek mudkips.

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RebelToAnything [2008-01-12 00:31:46 +0000 UTC]

spoiler: this is the cloverfeild monster

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MsMatched In reply to RebelToAnything [2008-07-31 03:09:00 +0000 UTC]


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darkjester-reala [2007-08-13 02:28:19 +0000 UTC]

Very cute :3

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Necrith [2006-11-07 02:29:40 +0000 UTC]

I love it! I love your style of what pokemon would look like in real life!

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remedygrey [2006-10-20 17:47:22 +0000 UTC]

so i herd u liek mudkips?

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Neco-Ohno [2006-09-30 19:50:31 +0000 UTC]

Cool. You actually made Mudkip look like a mudskiper. Kinda cute

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Reapoke In reply to Neco-Ohno [2007-02-11 07:07:06 +0000 UTC]

I like mudskippers, they're so... weird!

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ayamemaiden [2006-09-28 21:20:36 +0000 UTC]

I kinda want a Mukip in real life now. D:

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Hypes [2006-09-25 19:55:23 +0000 UTC]

I would say its like a mudskipper in behavior and design, but because of its lung, I'd have to place it within the Lungfish family. (Mudskippers breathe through their skin after all). This makes sense too, because this mudskip onbiously has develping legs and lobes, maybe like Euthepteron. While it looks like it has mudskipper-esque social patterns, the hibernating on land seems to be a lungfish habit. The skin pattern might work in open sea or running rivers, but in a brakish situation, one might think of a darker, brownish green color for hiding in stagnant ponds and muddy rivers. Overall neat! These are fun

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Reapoke In reply to Hypes [2007-02-11 07:46:05 +0000 UTC]

Unfortunately I'm not as well-versed in biology and taxonomy as you But I will keep your advise/critique in mind! It's definitely very useful.

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DragonEclipse [2006-08-31 17:28:23 +0000 UTC]

i think these are really cool but i geuss there more real like this but personaly i like the cartooned versions but otherwise there really cool

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Reapoke In reply to DragonEclipse [2006-08-31 18:04:22 +0000 UTC]

To each his own I'm glad you like them anyway!

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PKMN-AJ [2006-07-21 20:14:44 +0000 UTC]

Very original and neat version of mudkip, I must say!
I like the tidy and soft colouring, I think that makes the picture very peaceful and gives it an illustrative style to it.
I really like how you worked with the ink, which the lines are not stiff but shift between thin and a bit thicker.
I also enjoy the careful and well-aimed way you drawn the lines, creating such details as the tiny but important curves by the mouth.
Great job!

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Reapoke In reply to PKMN-AJ [2006-08-24 13:42:23 +0000 UTC]

Thank you, that's really kind of you ^^ I'm glad you like it. I am sorry it took me such a long time to react, but I've been on vacation and had totally forgotten to mention it here.

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