Raystah — S-G: Hilde Baumann App.

#rp #weirdnationalitymix #application #blonde #german #group #japanese #lulz
Published: 2015-08-06 07:56:45 +0000 UTC; Views: 721; Favourites: 8; Downloads: 1
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Description Welp, here's my app for this awesome group  

(I plan to further refine the headshot soon :3 I just got so lazy.../cries) 

  It seemed weird at first to have a Japanese German lulz, since those aren't exactly common. I had to read the Japan and Germany immigration + Citizenship + Marriage laws to make sure everything would be legal T.T 

【Name:】 Hilde Baumann 
【Nickname:】 N/A
【Gender:】 Female 
【Nationality:】 German/Japanese
【Age:】 17
【Year:】 3rd 
【Height:】 5'4"
【Weight:】115 lbs | 52 kg
【Sexual Orientation:】 Heterosexual 

Social | Observant | Audacious | Enduring | Independent 
Reckless | Overly Persistent | Selfish | Harsh | Thick Skinned 

Hilde will mostly come out as a grumpy, sarcastic, and slight weird person at the start, until you get to know her more. Living alone has made her considerably independent to the point where she can take big decisions on her own, but she will never listen to any outside opinion no matter how helpful it may seem. She is possessive of her freedom with her decisions. Hilde's years with medical science has given her a keen eye for flaws and clues which may lead her to a conclusion. She is brave with her scalpel and knives, but can become rather unpredictable at times and make rash moves. Once she starts something, she will not stop until it's finished, whatever it may be. Her lack of a good source of love and care has made her selfish to the point where she will no longer care about other's well-being. The only reason she even joined Satsujin is to give her life a decent purpose, and a satisfaction after knowing she's actually helping, that's all (and because it's near her home). Because of her selfishness, she is rather straight-forward and harsh with people, but no less social enough to start a conversation with a complete stranger. 

What's up doc? 
Pass me the damn scalpel... 
You're cute, can I look inside you? 
We should go stargazing someday... 

【Likes | Dislikes:】 

+ Cute stuff, especially anything that has to do with Bunnies. (Although she doesn't like any other animals in general.) 
+ Stargazing at night 
+ The Human Body (inside and outside) 
+ Weird laughs 
+ Complex games 

- Alcohol
- Cars, especially buses and trucks
- Couples 
- Sun 
- Going to fancy restaurants (She doesn't mind eating the food at home though)

【Profession:】Medical Field - Forensic Pathologist 
【Weapon:】 Curved Amputation Knife 

【History:】 When asked about her past, Hilde will normally go into detail about her years in Germany. She used to live a very blithe life with her father. In the day, she would go to school, and at night her father would take her stargazing outdoors or on the roof. Sometimes her mother would visit her from Japan, but not for too long due to work pressures. Hilde's parents were mostly very kind and gave her the freedom she wanted, but there was only one thing they asked for in return from her: To become a doctor. It was an ambition that was glued onto Hilde, and as time passed, by the time she was ten she got it into her head to become nothing but a doctor. 

At one point, her father's business went bankrupt and Hilde lost her carefree life. She and her father moved to Japan to visit her mother, and there they all lived relatively well while depending directly on the wife. Hilde's Dad became depressed because of his failure and couldn't move forward to start a new business. He constantly blamed himself for depriving Hilde of her nice life in Germany, and spent most of his time sulking, while her mother felt burdened and worked even harder to support her family. At this time, Hilde did whatever she could to liven up her family by getting good scores and planning to become a doctor. She was about thirteen by now, and had her share of duties around the house. She contemplated getting a job to help her mother, Until one day her plans and dreams came to an abrupt stop. She came back from school to hear that both her parents had died. 

Hilde never goes into detail about how the disaster happened. After their death, Hilde's paternal Aunt from Germany asked for her custody. She declined, saying there was no need and no use. Hilde stayed under her maternal Aunt's care in Japan, where her dream to be a doctor slowly faltered, and by the time she was fifteen, she became completely dull and aimless. Each day felt empty meaningless for her, but she still carried on studying whatever she was interested in, mostly biology and astronomy, hoping to find another motivation. Her life changed when, one day while roaming the neighborhood, she saw a new school called Satsujin Gakuen pop up not too far away from her mother's abandoned house. She took this as a sign and enrolled in the Medical Field, thinking that perhaps her former dream to become a doctor will be partially fulfilled, and to have a decent aim in life. 

As she spent more time with the student body at Satsujin Gakuen, her morals changed day by day and a purpose took shape in her life. She eventually became committed to the cause of stopping Japan's crimes.

The house that belonged to her mother was handed over to her aunt. It remained empty until Hilde turned sixteen, which is when she started living there alone. She will gain full rights to it once she turns eighteen.

It is now her third year. 


 - Hilde's Parent's met at a mall when her father came to Japan for business reasons. From there, they constantly texted each other and called whenever they can. They eventually got married and bore Hilde while they were in Germany. 
 - She goes out stargazing out on the roof every night. She sometimes takes a small group of kids from her neighborhood with her. Her second specialty besides medical science is astronomy, which is pretty useless when it comes to solving crimes. 
 - Her cooking skills suck. She can't even boil water, which is why her diet consists of nothing but instant ramen. 
 - She is fluent in English (Her school in Germany was mostly English), German (Her father taught her in his free time), and Japanese (She had to learn it when she came to Japan). Often times you will find her cursing in German, which is her prime language.
 - Hilde has grown to love working with younger/pretty bodies. The younger the victim, the more interested she will be, regardless of gender.
 - She almost always has a slight cold.

【Method of RP】 

- Notes or Google docs. (No skype T.T Sorry...) 
- Lit, script, or any other way you may have in mind. 
- My timezone is GMT +6:00 I try to reply within one day :3 
- Any genre is fine with me lulz 

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Comments: 16

Club-Dreamiverse [2018-05-21 17:06:48 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Waruhi-tan [2015-08-06 19:03:31 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Raystah In reply to Waruhi-tan [2015-08-07 05:17:58 +0000 UTC]

Thankiezz!!! you'll puff up her ego tho....

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

KitsPokePeople [2015-08-06 18:28:20 +0000 UTC]

Aaahhh she seems so sweet, even if she's slightly selfish ;v; her heart seems to be in the right place <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Raystah In reply to KitsPokePeople [2015-08-07 05:14:29 +0000 UTC]

Yeah she's okay in the inside lulz ^^ if you look through all the selfishness...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KitsPokePeople In reply to Raystah [2015-08-07 13:40:50 +0000 UTC]

I def know that feeling *looks over at Aki*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Raystah In reply to KitsPokePeople [2015-08-10 16:46:06 +0000 UTC]

/high five

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KitsPokePeople In reply to Raystah [2015-08-10 18:07:09 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MadDuckie76105 [2015-08-06 17:00:52 +0000 UTC]

d'awwww she's so adorable! >u< I could almost eat  her!
And she's german too! *w* I love her.
We'll have to RP sometime.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Raystah In reply to MadDuckie76105 [2015-08-07 05:11:19 +0000 UTC]

aww yeah! :3 Are notes okay? 

  And pls dun eat her... T.T

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MadDuckie76105 In reply to Raystah [2015-08-10 00:54:04 +0000 UTC]

Yes! Notes are wonderful :3

otay fine o3o

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Raystah In reply to MadDuckie76105 [2015-08-10 07:59:11 +0000 UTC]

Great! A note is coming your way~

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

lord-loser [2015-08-06 16:05:25 +0000 UTC]

so many cuties in the medical field
blonde docs unite

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Raystah In reply to lord-loser [2015-08-07 05:09:09 +0000 UTC]

ahaha thankss!!
Blonde docs unite!!~~

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

jhjjhg1 [2015-08-06 15:33:18 +0000 UTC]

She's so pretty <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Raystah In reply to jhjjhg1 [2015-08-06 15:40:34 +0000 UTC]

Thankieess!! x3 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0