raxgond — Reflection

Published: 2011-04-02 05:27:38 +0000 UTC; Views: 483; Favourites: 11; Downloads: 18
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Description Ryxe is my persona (who is currently the subject of my avatar), and the one that currently fits me the most. I feel that I can be totally honest with my emotions and her, as she shares exactly what I feel. Of course, I can do this with Orcane, but she also has limitations on just how much she represents me, given the fact that she is bound by her own storyline and character that is also apart from me. Ryxe was created, in a sense, to explore some other attributes of me that Orcane never deals with.

Lately, life for me has been hectic, chaotic, busy, and stressful. This picture depicts Ryxe trying to get away from all of that, to have some time to herself just to think and enjoy the solitude. Given that I find water soothing and relaxing, what better place to take a break than somewhere near the water?

So, Ryxe is, not only relaxing and spending time in solitude in this picture, but also in the making of, since as you all more than likely know, art is a good way to relax and have some much needed fun. Plus, I've also been wanting to post an image of her where you could see what she looked like a little better, and this is a good time to do so.

It also counts as art for my own characters, which is very pleasing, given that I am fed up with commissions and art for other people. I love Ryxe's design to bits, so I felt she would be a wonderful candidate for this purpose. She's one of my more colorful characters, by far.

About her anatomy - it will be explained more in her reference sheet, whenever I get around to making that, but she really does have a chibi-like quality to her build. And yes, her paws are a little on the blobby side, but I'm trying to mimic the general anatomy of a Hydrus Keeto (even though she is Angelic ), so that's why you see her as such here. (And on my avatar as well.)

Of course, I may draw her with more fox-like anatomy (since keetos are supposed to be undead vulpines) in future images - I might even switch between the two, or just keep this anatomy forever. I'd rather not have a set and absolute on it now, though. Keeping the option open of being able to do anything I want with her to fit whatever I had in mind for the drawing is probably best, and so.

Also... everyone around me is beginning to make watermarks all of the sudden. What is it, watermark season? Anyways, I wanted to play around with some kind of personal logo ever since =Ribbontail reminded me that such things actually exist and are really rather neat and defining. What do you think? (It's down in the lower right corner.) Can you correctly name all of the attributes symbolically depicted in it that appeal to me?

Anyways, enjoy this image. It's about time I submitted another piece, now isn't it?

Postscript - I hand draw all my grass in my images, so please don't tell me not to use a brush because I don't. I want to say that before anyone mentions it, since I have had people comment just that on images where I hand-drew all of the grass. And you know. That is not a very kind thing to say and does not make me a happy person. Thank you.

Character, name (Ryxe), ideas, image, and all other related content copyright © ~raxgond 2011.
The species (keeto) and all other Subeta-related material is copyright © Keith Kurson / Agoge Inc. 2006-2011.
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Comments: 19

LostInAPhotograph [2011-06-27 04:33:01 +0000 UTC]

Ooh, pretty colours! Very nice work! I love the way you made the water. The grass in the background looks like it was drawn on one of those scratch n' draw papers. Your logo is neat!

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raxgond In reply to LostInAPhotograph [2011-06-30 19:16:31 +0000 UTC]

Awww, thank you very much! I like the water as well; the colors make it less drab. n_n
I'm pleased you like my grass / logo too. n__n

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Shimari-chan [2011-06-26 13:04:31 +0000 UTC]


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raxgond In reply to Shimari-chan [2011-06-30 19:15:36 +0000 UTC]

Thank you. c:

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Tabbytiger [2011-05-04 22:19:42 +0000 UTC]

WOW. Now here is the promised comment~

I seriously love this character Rax, she is stunningly beautiful a with such a complex design but it works so well! I don't know where to start.. Perhaps colours will give me a good start.. I love the colours you have chosen for this, the clashed between the intense hot pinks and yellows with the very icy cold looksing white blues, all inside a midnight blue body. It really makes methink of somthing very cosmic and otherworldly! A clash between shooting starts (which are mostly ice don'tcha know hence the trail they leave) and a supernova. The markings are fantastic, very complex yet they all look like they should be there, which in my eyes is a very hard things to achieve. But you have pulled off magnificently!

The anatomy is adorable, i canit wait to see later pictures of a more developed fox shape. The spine is brilliant, i do love spines, yet they only seem to feature in my Latrus [link] strange no? And those big ears are darned cute :3

Overall impression she seems to be a gentle soul, but her markings and colour seem to give her a very exciting feel, especially when you relate the colours to space, evry exciting just waiting to be explored (which seems to be what you intend to do with her, so that fits nicley!) Looking at her then at Tabbytiger you can see we differ greatly in what we want from a character. I wanted Tabby to have power, and be strong, an alter ego that supports and protects me on a very spiritual sense. (I do infact class her as one of my 2 spirit animals that have come to me during my meditation, somthing a lot of poeple don't know ) Its wonderful hearing why people made their characters, i love the idea that you created her for freedom, and she certainly seems to suggest it :3

As for the composition itself- mindblowing. I had to favourite it because i couldn't stop looking at it, i tell you i spent a good 15 minutes just examining it, as we have previously discussed for me that is the way i identify fantastic artwork! I really love the amount of colour in here, and the way you got it to WORK! Your work does always seem to have vivid colours in it (one of the reasons i adore your style) i'm fascinated how you make it work, you have rainbows of colours all over the place yet theres somthing so calm about it which one would think couldn't possibly be obtained by using this many colours! The detail on the rocks is particuarly good, especially the one Ryxe is on!

The pool just looks like an amazing portal, i love the way you have shown this water as somthing so beautiful because you appreciate it. IT really gives an insight into how yo can love it (coming from someone who cant stand the idea of being in any other water than a pool!)

This is really amazing Rax, and i hope this comment makes up for the ones i owe you <3

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raxgond In reply to Tabbytiger [2011-06-26 11:11:26 +0000 UTC]

This comment is a real winner, for serious.
I'm sorry I took so long to respond. Have a trophy, yeah?

Anyways, I'm pleased you like my character Ryxe! She's a very fun, very personal character, which makes her a lot more exciting to explore and develop. I agree; she does have quite the complex design, so drawing her is rather a challenge! But I think her colorscheme fits her well, honestly. It depicts her bright mood while also having a nice color contrast.

Haha I think I can see where you're coming from with the whole shooting stars / supernova. That's an interesting concept, haha! Sadly she isn't a Galactic Keeto though, but rather, Angelic. I thought that coloration would fit her personality the best, given that she's a healer.

Indeed; the anatomy is Keeto. I can't decide if I want to draw her with more Keeto anatomy or more fox-like anatomy. Perhaps I'll just settle for both! Won't that solve the issue, ja? You should definitely have more spiney characters if spines are an element you enjoy, by the way!

Agreed, as I too find it fascinating to look into the reasoning behind a character, such a Ryxe here or your Tabbytiger. It does seem like you and I have different reasons for creating our characters, but I think the main thing that counts is that they serve their purpose. I created Ryxe, in a sense, to "remind" me to get back in touch with my spiritual side. So, everytime I think about her, I also think about the spiritual side, seeing as that was one of the main purposes she was created for. Suiting, no?

Oh yes. Examining artwork, you get a lot more out of it than faving and running. (Although sadly as of late I've gotten into that habit more and more. I rarely comment nowadays.) Oh yes, colors. Everything is better with lots of colors, isn't it? Oh really? You like the rocks? I personally thought they were a bit drab compared to the rest of the piece, but it's nice to know someone likes them, haha.

Yes, I love water very much. I find it both soothing and relaxing, as do a lot of people. I'm naturally drawn to water, I suppose. Right now, you have no idea how I'm craving to take a vacation at the beach! Mmm, would that be niiice!

Anyways, thanks so much for the comment Tabby! I really appreciate it. I'm sorry I haven't replied back sooner, haha. (It seems I'm always doomed to reply late or something.)

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Tabbytiger In reply to raxgond [2011-06-27 18:54:17 +0000 UTC]

WOO TROPHY *licks*

Ahh i see, well you certainly picked the right colours for a 'bright' mood, she is wonderfully bright! :3

I'm afraid i don;t know the subeta colours very well, but personally whenever i see navy, neon pink and yellow together it just makes me think of space, not sure why..

Oh i have so many characters i need to draw up it's obscene :/

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Tabbytiger In reply to Tabbytiger [2011-06-27 19:02:40 +0000 UTC]

I love it when a character has a spiritual side, and thats cool to have her as a reminder. In a way i use Tabby as a way to channel my inner strength, when i need to push through somthing i use her to acess my inner strength and sheer determination to achieve the task. My other spirit guide is a snake, i saw him when i first started year 12, it was a big transition for me and a huge maturity leap into independance, when i saw him i knew he was wisdom, unlike Tabby he is not as personal, he is not part of me, he is wise and intellegent, so i guess you could describe him as a state of mind that i want to achieve. I call upon him when im drawing tarot cards. But unlike Tabby i have to work to achieve th intellect he represents. Tabby is more like the inner power i already posess

-deep talk is deep-

Ahh i do love to stare and oogle at arts, i love nothing more than a textured canvas, that i can examine. (paint=love)

Argh water nooo, dislike, i like pools but the ocean ew no, do not want. Which is odd considering Tigere like water...

Im glad you appreciates the comment, i felt i owed it to you

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Tabbytiger [2011-05-04 11:49:49 +0000 UTC]

-comment promise tonight-

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medli96 [2011-04-30 16:44:51 +0000 UTC]

I really love the colors here! So much variety in the colors but it all goes together perfectly!

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raxgond In reply to medli96 [2011-04-30 19:43:08 +0000 UTC]

Aww why thank you! C:

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DrDoomy [2011-04-05 16:18:57 +0000 UTC]

I think Ryxe turned out loverly~! Adorable pose, and I really like how her paws are blob-like. c:
I really love your landscapes/backgrounds. They're always just so...psychadelic yet so perfectly detailed! Those stones! Gosh, how do you do these things? XD The colorization of the water is especially intriguing!

Neat little watermark~ I had one, in fact, I've had several. You can see each one change from image to image throughout my gallery. XD I always got bored of them, and haven't had the time to come up with a new one. =/

Really? People have said that? Well, they're dumb. I can definitely tell you drew that lovely grass yourself. =/

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raxgond In reply to DrDoomy [2011-04-17 07:57:32 +0000 UTC]

Yes the blob paws. 8D
Well, I mean, keetos DO kind of have... blob... paws... xD

I had a spazz with the water, and I would not be able to tell you how I did it because I honestly don't know how I did it myself. 8D Playing around with Pixia gets weird effects, it does.

The rocks though, pretty much just simple cell-shading combined with my realism style. If Pixia will ever work again I'll try to make you a little quickie-tut on it. ^___^

xDD I've had a few over the years, but I can't remember what they were or was too lazy to stick them on every image of mine. xD

Yeah. o-o They have.
And I don't know why, because it really... does not look brush-drawn. xDD

Anyways, thanks for the lovely comment! I always love getting comments from you.

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Ribbontail [2011-04-04 20:04:27 +0000 UTC]

I see all the different symbols in your logo. I see the heart and the the mask and the skull. Oh mannn your logo is so awesome, it's very well-designed, especially with the text and the "column" on the left side of it, where the map breaks away. Very lovely. <3

That makes me want to update the full version of my logo, which I haven't done in years...

BUT ANYWAYS. Ah. Gorgeous, gorgeous picture. Your ability to achieve such beautiful results with A MOUSE is breathtaking-- for that alone I'd like to give you a round of applause. The colors in this picture are absolutely gorgeous, especially the water (and how rainbow-trippy-oil it looks) and the gradient red along the grass-line. Ryxe herself is just adorable. I love her design and how colorful she looks... she definitely reflects your better side, that she does!

Your linework always seems to be so crisp and careful, you'd swear you were a tablet-user. I feel that adding some lineart to the background (such as the rocks or waterline) would've given it a more consistent look. Aside from that, I can't see anything worth critiquing. A very beautifully done piece, Rax, fantastic job.

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raxgond In reply to Ribbontail [2011-04-17 07:54:33 +0000 UTC]

Yep! It actually symbolizes all of the following: a moon, a mask, a skull, eyes, a heart, a clock, a crab's pincher, Ryxe, and a harp (for music, since I really like music). Aww, I'm glad you like it, haha. I'm not so great at designing things like that, but I thought I'd give it a shot anyways.

Aw man you totally should. C:

Yes. It takes like... a very long time for me to complete these pictures with a mouse, as I'm sure all my watchers can probably tell, haha. (Man I upload so little art here... baww.)

Oh, haha, yeah. I definitely had fun with the water. Actually, I think I had too much fun with it, and went crazy with the colors, haha. xD

Ryxe is definitely fun to draw, but also a challenge, due to her... very... colorful scheme. She's definitely harder for me to draw than say, Merokaneil or Inheim, whose designs are much simpler (but I still adore them just as much).

Yep! The vivacious colors are meant to depict a happier theme. That doesn't mean that Ryxe never gets stressed out, but it symbolizes that I have begun to enjoy life a lot more than I used to, say, for instance, when Orcane was still my main persona. C:

Indeed. I should tape myself working on the lineart sometime, because you all have noooo idea how careful I am with it. Being a pixel artist before learning cell-shading was good, because I know exactly what pixels to get rid of to reduce the shaky mouse effect, and where to add pixels to create the line around the same thickness. C:

...But that really takes forever to do, sadly.
And drives me nuts. xD;

Anyways, thanks for your wonderful comment! Gee I always get excited when I get stuff in my inbox from you.

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Ribbontail In reply to raxgond [2011-04-18 05:00:45 +0000 UTC]

Ah I see now. Geez, you fit more into that symbol than I'd initially seen. Pretty damn neat, and still VERY well-designed.

Oh! And you muuuust hear Spectre's Masquerade by Synthetic Dream Foundation. It's FAR from their best, what with its dull beat and off-key singing and lack of industrial-ness, but the lyrics seem to fit a lot of your themes. Masks, skulls/undead, music, seeing. Very very you!

Back to the picture, yeah, I can totally tell how careful your stuff is. I work with a mouse as well and so I know how challenging it is (curved lines= impossible). But I think you do wonderfully, especially with cell and pixeled stuff. That pixel picture you did of Ryxe is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. Seriously, your pixel art is to die for. <3

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raxgond In reply to Ribbontail [2011-04-30 07:17:37 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, I tried to make it as symbolic as I could pack into a tiny little symbol. Thank you! What a sweet compliment! Coming from you, a GREAT designer, that means so much!

Oh wow, that is a really gorgeous song! I love it! Thanks so much for showing that to me; I am so bookmarking it. Do you know what the lyrics are though? I can't seem to find them. The Synthetic Dream Foundation must not be a very popular band. (I think I had this problem with their Shortwired remix?)

Lineart is just ridiculous, in my opinion, as far as how long it takes me to complete it. Sometime I really ought to tape myself doing lineart, so you all can see how nitpicky I get with it, haha! I'm so pleased to hear that, by the way, since cell-shading has always been something I wanted to learn. I still want to figure out how to do it better. I know some artists that have a gorgeous cell-shading style, and I'd love to learn how to do it!

Aww thank you! I enjoyed doing that pixel-y Ryxe (even though I forgot some of her markings Dx -fail-). Pixel art has always been really my founding point in digital art.

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Ribbontail In reply to raxgond [2011-04-30 22:29:04 +0000 UTC]

Synthetic Dream Foundation is very low-key. About 90% of EBM artists are indie, so they never get circulated via radio and such. As for lyrics, they are:
"I didn't see you were right there
I didn't see how you were taking me
But now I see you from underground
Masquerading your your intentions."

(the chorus isn't in english :3)

Then there's "you and I one soul together" together towards the end, and that sort of made me thing back to Orcane and her alt self. Two people one soul, eh?

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raxgond In reply to Ribbontail [2011-05-07 02:25:40 +0000 UTC]

Aww, that's too bad they're so very unknown. Oh but hey, thanks so much for the lyrics! I caught some of them but had no idea what she was saying in other places. ( Like "underground." ) Oh man, I love the words. You're definitely right about that "you and I one soul together" sounding like Orcane and Sharui! Wow man, what a perfect little song. I love it! Eeee, thanks so so much for the link to it! Twee!

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