Ralphmax — Commodore Decker - II

Published: 2010-12-31 15:50:03 +0000 UTC; Views: 3824; Favourites: 40; Downloads: 105
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Description Commodore Matt Decker was a human Starfleet officer assigned as the commander of the starship USS Constellation in the episode “The Doomsday Machine” of the American classic Science Fiction TV show “STAR TREK”.
As I mentioned before, “The Doomsday Machine” is one of my favorite episodes of Star Trek, so here goes another drawing based on this fantastic episode. I do hope you enjoy it.
Commodore Decker was superbly performed by William Windom.
I made this drawing using coloured pencils in 200 g/m2 A4 paper. It took me around 6 hours to finish it.
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Comments: 48

RD-DD1843 [2016-12-29 17:23:13 +0000 UTC]

He (Windom) was one of the best character actors on television and the movies in the 1950s to the 1990s.  He is best recalled for episodes of the "Twilight Zone" (he is the "Major" who is one of the characters stuck in some tall container who don't know why they are together, and keep hearing a loud bell), and the later Sterling series "Night Gallery" (he was the star of the Emmy winning story, "They're Tearing Down Tim Riley's Bar"), the star as the "James Thurber" based humorist and cartoonist in the under-appreciated, "My World and Welcome To It", and "Congressman Glenn Morley" alongside co-star, the tragically doomed Inger Stevens, in "The Farmer's Daughter." He also appeared on "Mission Impossible", "The Wild West", and episodes of "Colombo". In movies he appeared in "The Americanization of Emily".  Windom was the name-sake and grandson or great grandson of Senator William Windom of Minnesota, who was twice (1881; 1889 - 1891) U.S. Secretary of the Treasury.

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templerman In reply to RD-DD1843 [2021-07-17 13:47:24 +0000 UTC]

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BigStevieCool [2013-02-02 18:48:33 +0000 UTC]

Nice job, rip William Windom.

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Ralphmax In reply to BigStevieCool [2013-02-03 21:19:55 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

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Capo-Pazzo [2012-08-21 15:06:41 +0000 UTC]

rest in peace.us

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Capo-Pazzo [2012-08-21 15:06:22 +0000 UTC]

Rest im peace dude

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Ralphmax In reply to Capo-Pazzo [2012-08-22 02:42:07 +0000 UTC]

Yes, great guys who portrayed incredible characters with their art and their talent are all departing from this world.
Rest in peace William.
Thank you very much for being a great actor!

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Captain34 [2011-11-11 07:40:21 +0000 UTC]

Wow! Very well done!

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Ralphmax In reply to Captain34 [2011-11-11 22:04:24 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much!

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FlyHigh20 [2011-03-23 14:19:36 +0000 UTC]

yeah the crazy guy! who flew into that monster! I don't know..I've never liked Decker..I've never liked his son either.

it's a great picture!

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Ralphmax In reply to FlyHigh20 [2011-03-24 01:07:15 +0000 UTC]

Thank you.
I like both Deckers, although I like the father a little more.

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FlyHigh20 In reply to Ralphmax [2011-03-24 12:08:16 +0000 UTC]

He is a little more likable

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Paudraic [2011-01-29 05:34:50 +0000 UTC]

Excellent drawing.

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Ralphmax In reply to Paudraic [2011-01-30 23:15:23 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much!!!!

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Artman2112 [2011-01-15 06:19:44 +0000 UTC]

"aw forget yer theories, that thing is OUT there!!"
great episode, one of the best examples of storyltelling, great characters and strong performances compensating for budgetary limitations!

if i understand my Trek universe properly the Dekker unit of ST the motion picture was his son? or perhaps nephew, some sort of relative i belive.

anyway nice job, great drawing, always liked that actor! he is in To Kill a Mockingbird as well.

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Ralphmax In reply to Artman2112 [2011-01-18 23:21:01 +0000 UTC]

I agree 100% with your comments!
The Doomsday Machine could even be used as the plot for a movie in the new Star Trek cinema movies. I've heard comments on lots of episodes, but The Doomsday Machine would be fantastic on the big screen.
I've also heard that Will Decker was the son of Matt. That makes sense. Two space heroes.
I'll do more drawings of this episode, also some 3D. I'm analysing how could I draw the machine in 3D, but I'm still thinking on which material texture to use. Just some ideas yet.

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Artman2112 In reply to Ralphmax [2011-01-20 02:03:50 +0000 UTC]

you inspired me to break out my DVD set and watch Doomsday Machine, The Changeling and a few others, thanks!!!

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Ralphmax In reply to Artman2112 [2011-01-20 23:25:16 +0000 UTC]

That's a good idea! I'm glad to hear that I inspired you! By the way, I think i'll watch another of my favourites tonight, The Immunity Syndrome.

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Artman2112 In reply to Ralphmax [2011-01-21 01:46:45 +0000 UTC]

oh man that is one of my all time fave episodes! its so well done and once again showing that good writing and excellent acting are all that's needed. (The Twilight zone was the same way) i am gonna watch it tonight too, thanks for reminding me of that one!

one of my fave lines "SHUT UP SPOCK, WE'RE RESCUING YOU!"

last night i watched "Wolf in the Fold", "Trouble with Tribbles" and "Gamesters of Triskelion" - someday i am going to do a pinup picture of Angelique Pettyjohn, she is just friggin amazing and what a classic outfit she wore in that!

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Ralphmax In reply to Artman2112 [2011-01-27 01:45:35 +0000 UTC]

I'm glad to see that I was able to remember this classic episode to you! Well, when I finish drawing the 3D Enterprise, I'll use the same 3D model to darw the Constellation and the Intrepid. Those ships deserve that!
I'm looking forward to see the pinup picture of Angelique Pettyjohn. Please... do it.

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Artman2112 In reply to Ralphmax [2011-01-27 03:15:26 +0000 UTC]

i've been watching Star Trek episodes all week now, lol! it has been a while and i was ready for it, you definitely gave me the final push i needed to get going on it

i'm looking forward to seeing your next ST art whatever it might be!

yeah i added her to my list of projects, not sure when but i WILL get a picture of her done at some point!

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Ralphmax In reply to Artman2112 [2011-02-09 00:19:39 +0000 UTC]

I'm glad to see that you're enjoying your Star Trek episodes again!
I'm looking forward to see your ST drawings!

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Artman2112 In reply to Ralphmax [2011-02-09 00:50:59 +0000 UTC]

lol, i'm watching "Tomorrow is Yesterday" right now

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Ralphmax In reply to Artman2112 [2011-02-11 22:09:44 +0000 UTC]

Yeah! Cool!!!!!

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BobRedding [2011-01-11 18:07:57 +0000 UTC]

I don't recognize your authority to relieve me!

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Ralphmax In reply to BobRedding [2011-01-14 02:39:43 +0000 UTC]

You wouldn’t dare.
You’re bluffing.
No, I don’t suppose that they do.
Very well Mr. Spock. The bridge is yours.

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Hummakavuula [2011-01-04 03:08:58 +0000 UTC]

excellent likeness.

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Ralphmax In reply to Hummakavuula [2011-01-05 01:10:29 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

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MaciaPaladin [2011-01-04 02:42:08 +0000 UTC]

I've always argued that "The Doomsday Machine" was Trek's finest hour. Not to discount anything before or after, as there were many great episodes, but nothing ever like this. The acting was spot-on, the danger felt real (in spite of the hokeyness of the original SFX), and it was an unstoppable adrenaline rush from beginning to end. This episode defined the dramatic suspense of the "reveal" when the mystery of the machine presents itself, and all anyone can do is stare at it in either awe or pure, abject terror. Decker was the quintessential guilt-laden commander on the verge of insanity over his loss, and the perfect "Captain Ahab" to the Machine's "Moby Dick". And Spock and McCoy were at their finest as they are divided by duty, then Kirk and Spock, even separated by the vacuum of space and the threat of the machine, work together to destroy it as the clock literally tick-tocks away. All the while Sol Kaplan's intense cues blaring in the background, the final confrontation with the machine being the inspiration for the Jaws Theme 10 years later.

It literally does not get better than this until "The Best of Both Worlds", 23 years later, one Summer in 1990...

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Ralphmax In reply to MaciaPaladin [2011-01-05 01:18:30 +0000 UTC]

Fantastic comments. You read my thoughts!
I saw a lot of people commenting on possible stories for the new Star Trek movie, even some episodes that I do not consider that good. Now my question, why not to use this episode as the plot for the new Star trek movie? It would be superb with today's effects.
In the future I'll make more drawings of this episode.

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MaciaPaladin In reply to Ralphmax [2011-01-05 11:36:55 +0000 UTC]

I'd see it theatrically no less than 4 times.

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Ralphmax In reply to MaciaPaladin [2011-01-06 00:48:01 +0000 UTC]

Me too!!!!!!
Yes, it seems that we think the same way about this classic episode.

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IscritRisana [2011-01-04 01:51:14 +0000 UTC]

Oh...my god. Captures every bit of the crazy and desperate. I just wanna give the poor guy a hug.

Beautifully done...you should use your awesome skillz on not Trek.

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Ralphmax In reply to IscritRisana [2011-01-05 01:14:39 +0000 UTC]

That was the idea, to capture that incredible expression.
Thanks for your kind comments.
I have some other drawings in my gallery of non Trk characters, please take a look.

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slowdog294 [2011-01-04 00:50:04 +0000 UTC]

Very well done. I remember the planet eaters...

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Ralphmax In reply to slowdog294 [2011-01-05 01:11:16 +0000 UTC]

I plan many more drawings of that episode in the future, including the Constellation in 3D, maybe even the Planet eater in 3D.

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slowdog294 In reply to Ralphmax [2011-01-05 01:19:53 +0000 UTC]

I look forward to seeing them, aye.

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Ripplin [2011-01-03 21:01:07 +0000 UTC]

Nicely done! He was a great character.

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Ralphmax In reply to Ripplin [2011-01-05 01:12:17 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!
Yes, one of my favorite characters in the Star trek universe.

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The-12th-Doctor86 [2011-01-03 17:38:56 +0000 UTC]

Some people don't know it. But Matt Decker, was the father of Will Decker from the first Star Trek movie.

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Ralphmax In reply to The-12th-Doctor86 [2011-01-05 01:12:40 +0000 UTC]

Good info!

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The-12th-Doctor86 In reply to Ralphmax [2011-01-06 20:46:52 +0000 UTC]

Yeah it is. ^^

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TreborNehoc [2011-01-03 15:32:34 +0000 UTC]

instantly recognizable

i'm not a big trekkie but the first thing i said to myself when i saw this was, "why is william windom in a starfleet uniform?"

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Ralphmax In reply to TreborNehoc [2011-01-03 16:08:21 +0000 UTC]

Thank you. I also made a drawing of William Windom in The Invaders. He played great characters!

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systemcat [2011-01-03 13:48:48 +0000 UTC]

I came so close to painting the other Decker last night in my latest deviant (Llia painting).

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Ralphmax In reply to systemcat [2011-01-03 16:08:55 +0000 UTC]

I'd love to see it coloured. Please go ahead and let me see the final result.

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talos4 [2011-01-01 19:43:17 +0000 UTC]

You really nailed this... especially the look in the eyes. FYI, I once asked Mr. Windom at an autograph show if he was copying Humphrey Bogart's obsessive-compulsive mannerisms in "The Caine Mutiny" when Decker played nervously with the data cartridges, and Windom said yes. (Bogart's Captain Queeg did the same thing with ball bearings.)

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Ralphmax In reply to talos4 [2011-01-03 16:05:59 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for your nice comments! Interesting this information about Bogart's Captain Queeg and the ball bearings. I didn't know that. Anyway, Windom did a superb job and I wanted to put that in a drawing. One of the greatest characters in the Star Trek universe.

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