Rainywren — [Gift] Behind is Shadow

#shadowmonster #piffi #rainywren #mabisa
Published: 2016-04-26 22:35:47 +0000 UTC; Views: 385; Favourites: 27; Downloads: 3
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Description A surprise prize for my 300th watcher! 
This mabisa shadowmonster belongs to xNoakix3 !
I don't do this often because knows I can't commit to timely art freebies. xD
(mentioned wanting to do this back around March 2015 lol >w>;;; )

Shadowmonsters are a closed species by Piffi-adoptables !
Please respect their wishes and don't create your own without their permission.
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Comments: 9

xNoakix3 [2016-04-27 14:24:04 +0000 UTC]

I really didn't expect something like that! It really surprised me Q_Q You made my baby look so cute & especially the Shadowmonster looks amazing! 
I don't have any words to describe how happy this drawaing made me this morning ;/////////; 
Thank you so much for drawing him... I'm still spechless T// v //T

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Rainywren In reply to xNoakix3 [2016-04-27 15:48:30 +0000 UTC]


I lost the mail I sent you for awhile so I knew I owed someone art, but not who- and no idea what. xD but I finally found it again, so yay! xDD you've got a real cute shadowmonster, so I'm happy I could draw him for you like this ^w^

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Piffi-sisters [2016-04-27 14:19:43 +0000 UTC]

OH RAINYYY ;;____;; He's so cute here ;;;
Your lines are pretty and neat I'm in love with your style T/////T!!!<333 I still remember the day I designed this shadowmonster ;; so many memories!!<33 as always you did him justice ;_;!!<33

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Rainywren In reply to Piffi-sisters [2016-04-27 15:49:13 +0000 UTC]

auuu, thank you!! you always put so much love into your designs, they're so detailed but really relaxing for me to draw!! <3

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Piffi-sisters [2016-04-27 09:04:26 +0000 UTC]

Hidden by Commenter

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xNoakix3 In reply to Piffi-sisters [2016-04-27 14:18:06 +0000 UTC]

wait what? I'm a bit confused, because I brought the design a long time ago & never sold it oo 

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Piffi-sisters In reply to xNoakix3 [2016-04-27 14:19:20 +0000 UTC]

OMG ;_; SORRY YOU're right...;////; I wrong with another design of mine ;; \\ashamed I will change the comment ><
sorry again!<33

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xNoakix3 In reply to Piffi-sisters [2016-04-27 14:20:26 +0000 UTC]

No problem >u< I just saw it & was shocked, because I thought that maybe someone stole & sold it >u< 

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Piffi-sisters In reply to xNoakix3 [2016-04-27 14:23:30 +0000 UTC]

sorry a bout that ;///; <333 \\hugs thanks for being understanding!<33

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xNoakix3 In reply to Piffi-sisters [2016-04-27 14:25:48 +0000 UTC]

It's really no problem, I'm just glad, that it was just a little misunderstanding >///<

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