Published: 2013-07-01 22:01:38 +0000 UTC; Views: 6024; Favourites: 98; Downloads: 0
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This piece is an updated drawing of an old concept I called the "Toilet Monster” I drew a long time ago for fun. I felt it would be great to redraw and update it since I got alot better at drawing that I previously was. Just think of the passage below as if it is a cutscene in a survival horror video game,for example like silent hill. Oh n also that guy you see in this piece with the gun flashing the light, I called him Richard.Richard flashes his flashlight onto a sign for the men's bathroom, reaching into his pocket he finds and uses the men's bathroom key on the door. As soon as he enters Richard grasps his stomach as he feels the sudden urge that he has to take dump,rushing into a nearby stall and closing the door. Sitting on the toilet Richard unleashes a barrage of farts as he hears someone in the neighboring stall join in with the racket,the sounds and stench of constipation fill the air as the mysterious person yells and farts with with such a higher level of intensity than Richard. Richard calls out to the man as Richard hasn't encounter any people as he explored the seemingly desolate building in which odd clues he found directed him towards this bathroom. Richard called out several times but heard no response back.Richard then dauntingly begins to slowly peek under his stall into the other to see if anyone is physically there.
A flush startles Richard and brown water suddenly floods into Richard's stall as he stands on the toilet cussing to himself as he has just avoided the stream of fecal water. Through the small slit in his stall Richards notices a fat janitor storm in and argue with the constipated man. Richard overhears the argument as he hears the story of how the janitors wife had slept with the man,also noticing the man's voice seemed a bit familiar to Richard's old boss at his last job who Richard was very fond of but one day disappeared from the workplace and had to be replaced. After an exchange of insults Richard begins to hear a physical struggle between the janitor and the man as the stall begins to shake. Richard hears the man say in a desperate voice “Please put in down we can talk this over” as Richard fears the janitor might have some sort of weapon, maybe even a gun. Suddenly a different and strange deep voice joins into the equation speaking in a deep unfamiliar tongues.
The man yells out and after a couple of loud bangs and the janitor says "Wha...Wha...What have I done".The janitor then drops something that slides underneath the stall Richard is in. Richard notices it is a handgun and picks it up. As soon as he does shit starts pouring into the room as the lights begin to dim into complete darkness, Richard feels paralyzed as he hears many noises coming out of the darkness as if the bathroom is changing,reconstructing itself in the darkness.The sounds suddenly stop and Richard finds himself standing in a large pool of crap, struggling to cover his nose as tries not breath in the putrid stench but he smell is so unbearable that he bends down and begins to vomit. Regaining his composure Richard is startled by a noise of heavy breathing and some movement. Switching on his flashlight Richard is horrified by the abomination in front of his eyes as a terrifying encounter begins.
(If your curious about those weird creature thingys on the walls, they quiver as their tentacles ooze with feces and the larger sections spray large amounts of sludge and feces everywhere that is very irritating to the skin and foul smelling when they are triggered. Yeah...this is really a very unpleasant encounter)-If you have any questions or comments regarding things you are curious about in this piece feel free to leave them in the comments section
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Comments: 41
Boo-Comics [2022-03-11 22:49:09 +0000 UTC]
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JoeEyeStepOnMonsters [2018-03-22 16:19:49 +0000 UTC]
This closely resembles any Taco Bell bathroom.
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Pyramiddhead In reply to JoeEyeStepOnMonsters [2018-03-24 12:04:01 +0000 UTC]
Very much inspired by
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SomeSortofWeeb [2017-12-13 03:36:09 +0000 UTC]
This scared the SHIT out of me...
(pun intended )
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DjVandemon [2016-06-25 05:44:50 +0000 UTC]
Finally, I know who's responsible for stealing my toilet paper :3
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Ramprey [2015-01-19 22:17:09 +0000 UTC]
I can hear the creature saying in a Homer Simpson-esque "Look, I don't like this any more than you do...."
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Pyramiddhead In reply to Ramprey [2015-01-20 03:03:44 +0000 UTC]
Lol wow...Now I can't unsee that thanks lmao!
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Pyramiddhead In reply to Gunslinger-of-Hearts [2014-11-11 09:22:44 +0000 UTC]
Thanks, I'm glad you do
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Brian-OConnell [2014-07-15 21:33:26 +0000 UTC]
See, the title should make it funny, but it's really quite disturbing.
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HelenasHerzblut [2013-12-17 19:07:34 +0000 UTC]
WOW i will never be able to use a loo. *scared*
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Pyramiddhead In reply to HelenasHerzblut [2013-12-17 20:20:37 +0000 UTC]
Yep who knows where the loo really leads XD
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GamingHunter [2013-07-27 18:47:55 +0000 UTC]
Good thing He's in a sewer cause he seems to have sh!t himself... he should've packed a boomstik a lesson learn from horror situations when in doubt get the hell out friend, but if your that nameless silent badass your good... I think...btw awesome jack you succeeded in filling my breeches jack congrats man I really need that once in a while.... good god I need some new pair pants.
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Pyramiddhead In reply to GamingHunter [2013-07-28 01:54:36 +0000 UTC]
Lol thanks better get some extra pants for the future
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TorenoWorks [2013-07-02 06:46:53 +0000 UTC]
Terrifying...the bathrooms in the Silent Hill games are my least favorite places to go since the crying Alessa in SH1 and the jumpscare in the Prison in SH2...guess i'll just add this one to my list now.
Great job!
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Pyramiddhead In reply to TorenoWorks [2013-07-02 15:20:39 +0000 UTC]
Thanks nothing good comes out of the silent hill bathrooms
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derrickthebarbaric [2013-07-02 01:18:19 +0000 UTC]
For some screwed up reason this reminds of Look Who's Talking Too.
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Pyramiddhead In reply to derrickthebarbaric [2013-07-02 01:35:01 +0000 UTC]
Lmao I don't really know what that is but by googleing it real quick n seeing that toilet with the face I kinda see what u mean lol
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Pyramiddhead In reply to Android3000 [2013-07-02 00:03:25 +0000 UTC]
Lol just remember to never find public bathrooms keys and use them on the doors
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Ray-of-Afterlife [2013-07-01 23:31:23 +0000 UTC]
Nicely done, as always great description, I felt like I was in a horror game ;D, truly foul and unpleasant XD I definitely wouldn't want to encounter this, I'm pretty Squeamish when it comes to poop, maybe because a friend of mine showed me a video that forever scarred me....2 girls 1 cup... lol yea XD
This is pretty cool, is this by any chance a tribute to the silent hill bathrooms? cause silent hill always had something with bathrooms. Which was always frightening the first times. It's based on Japanese folklore, were public bathrooms had dark story's and stuff.
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Pyramiddhead In reply to Ray-of-Afterlife [2013-07-02 00:01:47 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much I'm glad I just don't draw inspiration from dreams cause I'd never sleep XD. Lol I also remember when I saw 2 girls 1 cup it was so hot 'cough' cough' sarcasm...
Wasn't intended but I guess it could be a tribute to the silent hill restrooms they always had a horrible look to them, aslo I had no idea the Japanese had folklore based on public bathrooms lol I actually want to look into that it sounds very interesting
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Ray-of-Afterlife In reply to Pyramiddhead [2013-07-02 02:27:18 +0000 UTC]
No problem lol I actually wish I hade nightmares about monsters, our dreams can come up with the most horrifying monsters
and lol that video was nasty XD
And yea, not only did they look so corrupted and messed up, but they had their own scares too, check these videos out [link]
I can't find one from the first silent hill, but its basically being the for a while and before you leave the bathroom, you hear a girl crying. But anyways yea, Japanese has allot of folklores. Masahiro Ito had said that some of his monsters are inspired by Japanese folklore and I'm pretty sure that many of silent Hill's scares are inspired by that too
the first 4 silent hills anyway. I think that Japanese folklore are great source of inspiration when it comes to horror so yea, indeed check that out
it's interesting
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Pyramiddhead In reply to Ray-of-Afterlife [2013-07-02 03:04:16 +0000 UTC]
Oh yeah I remember playing through each of those I never really thought to much about it though I thought it was just for creepy factor or whatever. I need to check out some Japanese folklore then. N becareful what u wish for I don't think you'd want to have a dream n where ur getting raped by a bunch schulds or belastung lol, I know if I saw something like the nightmare carriage in a dream I would be in a padded room somewhere, but I do amit the thought of seeing monsters in your dreams is cool as long as you don't get to interact with them.
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Ray-of-Afterlife In reply to Pyramiddhead [2013-07-02 03:21:35 +0000 UTC]
Yea bathroom scares were pretty much a silent hill thing and sure thing, check them folklores, Japanese are pretty unique with their horror, it's more freaky than most horror movies of today in America. And lol omg nah, I wouldn't let my own creatures to rape me lol, I either run or use an iron pipe to beat to keep them at bay XD but yea, I know what you mean. I wouldn't ever interact with one, just try and see them from far away for reference XD
Hey I just realized that I haven't added you to my watch yet lol, I thought I did.... added you now
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Pyramiddhead In reply to Ray-of-Afterlife [2013-07-02 03:53:01 +0000 UTC]
Oh lol kinda the wrong use of word I meant to say attack lmao if it was rape I would be scarred for life and prolly not live long enough to dream again...
Ah lol I thought u where on watch since u seem to have seen my most recent devs
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Ray-of-Afterlife In reply to Pyramiddhead [2013-07-02 22:06:45 +0000 UTC]
Lol yea, well I think Schulds are the ones that basically rape their victims with their poisonous fused hand tongues lol I think that if were ever I involved with a silent hill story for the game, there be 3 campaigns, each one entirely different. With unique protagonist and storyline. One of the protagonist would be a woman, so I guess if she see schulds, it could represent her fear of a sexual predator/ rapist. Of course the creature is ultimately manifested by a criminal like the description says. Because my protagonists haven't done anything terrible, they wouldn't be guilty of anything, they basically be like harry and heather mason, as well as Henry Townsend. They got mixed into the darkness of silent hill.
And yea I know, I visit your page from time to time, and always see a new drawing every time I do
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Pyramiddhead In reply to OprahWinfreyX [2013-07-01 22:23:46 +0000 UTC]
Thanks lol its everywhere
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