purplemagechan — Ishvalan AU by-nc-nd

#alphonseelric #chibi #cute #edwardelric #fullmetalalchemist #ishbal #ishvalan #purplemagechan #ishvalanau
Published: 2015-02-27 23:45:01 +0000 UTC; Views: 1635; Favourites: 25; Downloads: 2
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Description So there's been this thing going around Tumblr of this Ishvalan AU. An AU idea where you simply make the Elrics Ishvalan instead of Amerstrian.  Other than the obvious 'make the main character an ethnic minority' thing it actually has the potential to change SO MUCH stuff!  Think of how other characters will treat them and oh my God Mustang!  He has bad enough PTSD imagine him having to face an Ishvalan child solider everyday.  And then the other obvious thing being alchemy, they'd probably be shunned by their own people for such 'sacrilege'. 

There's so many interesting things you could do with it and plus I've been trying to learn different skin tones anyway!  Look, I did it, I think I nailed the skin color!

Also, most people that do this AU go with the cookie cutter dark skin, white hair, red eyes from brotherhood so I wanted to do a little more variety and give them both light blond hair and I couldn't decide between gold and red eyes so I took a middle ground.

Also I may or may not have gone nuts on that automail.  XD

Edward and Alphonse Elric (C) Hiromu Arakawa. 
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Comments: 15

Taggerung559 [2015-03-06 18:09:48 +0000 UTC]

First off, I love the picture.  The ethnicity change went well, And I just like how the eyes turned out.  Makes Al look like he's worried about something.  I feel like Ed would be hiding his automail arm behind clothing still, though I can understand how he wouldn't here just so you could draw it.

Also, there's two ways you could look at the change.  Either their family immigrated at one point which would lead to the two of them knowing the same people and being from the same place, though potentially with slightly different relations with the neighbors and town (do people distrust them ever so slightly because of their race, or have they been around long enough that people who know them don't care and accept them for who they are).  Then their mom dies and the events leading to become a state alchemist happen, which brings them in contact with colonel Mustang and everyone.  I'm sure Scar's initial reactions towards them would be much more mixed.

Then there's the possibility that they actually lived in Ishval.   You'd have to take the war/massacre into account for one.  How did their family survive?  did their entire family survive?  Maybe that's how their mom died.  She'd been killed by alchemy somehow, which drove the kids to try to learn it, thinking if it killed their mom it might be able to bring her back.  They fail to bring her back, authorities find out what happens and send for a state alchemist to come take a look, he sees talent and forcibly recruits them.  The boys would have a lot of distrust in everyone that way.  Possibly gradually coming to the realization that a lot of the alchemists who participated in the massacre regretted it.  Explaining the automail this time is complicated.  Maybe the two of them met Winry's parents before they were killed and were put into contact with Winry that way.  It would make for a very different relationship, though Winry would learn of how her parents died sooner.  Interactions with Scar would be a lot different this time.  Maybe they help him initially because they really don't like what the alchemists did in Ishval.  Maybe they knew his brother, which sparked an interest in Alchemy before the massacre.  There are a lot of things to consider in either situation, though I guess we'll never know how either of them would turn out.

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purplemagechan In reply to Taggerung559 [2015-03-06 18:54:50 +0000 UTC]

Thanks.  I ADORE how the skin came out.  I've been working on skin tones and I finally nailed dark skin!  I am so happy you have no idea.   And also, it's a small detail but Ed IS supposed to have his automail covered, look closely just under his hand, you can see the cloth of his sleeve is ripped, so something happened to expose the automail, he's not doing it on purpose.  Hence why he looks agitated and why Al looks nervous and is pushing his brother along like that.  Trying to get them out of the lines of staring eyes. 

Someone fanfic this.  I want this.  I'm sure there are some artists that have already started on it.  Because the AU has become popular on Tumblr and if it has that much fanart than there's probably at least a few people that have started a fanfic of it.

YES. I like the second plot idea, because it would be VERY different from the normal premise but still end up in the same place.  I like thinking of how different you can make the story and still make it mesh well.  Let's see, I'm thinking they lived in Ishval, the massacre happened killing their family (and possibly losing Ed some limbs, hence automail.)  I like your idea of them knowing Scar and his brother, THAT'S a great idea!  They could have gotten an interest in alchemy though him and when their mother dies they try to bring her back only to have it backfire (and this could also be what loses Ed his limbs, since that's how he's supposed to lose them in the first place.  And Al his body) Once their people find out about the brother's great sin, their banished from their country.  I'm not sure how the military could get involved, maybe the same way as the normal storyline, Ed looking for answers and thinking that position would be useful for gathering intelligence.

I'm most interested to see how the ethnicity change would affect their relationships with Mustang and Scar.   Especially if Scar is already acquainted with them he could try to talk them out of the whole alchemy thing or feel responsible for this whole thing since his brother is who gave the boys their knowledge.  Or maybe he even feels betrayed and conflicted by them.  

Poor Mustang, he already has enough guilt and PTSD.  Having an Ishvalan child as his underling would really mess with his conscious, I'm sure.  He'd be constantly haunted by the images of his past mistakes. 

Also the boy's stance on science and religion might be affected, or if not it would certainly affect their home life in Ishval.  Ed's supposed to be an atheist and both boys are very interested in science and chemistry.  Both things would probably be sacrilegious in Ishvalan society. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Taggerung559 In reply to purplemagechan [2015-03-12 16:37:04 +0000 UTC]

Ah.  I kinda noticed the torn sleeve but didn't really pay attention to it much.  Though that does seem to happen all the time, I guess the two of them are more self conscious about the automail here.

I'm sure someone has started a fanfic along those lines somewhere.  The problem is finding it, and whether it turns out the way you want it to or if the author had a different opinions about how things would've gone.

Being banished for the ritual would make a bit more sense than being dragged out by the military.  Possibly people find out about what they've done and kick the brothers out after they barely heal up a little bit.  The two don't know where to go or what to do, and the only non-Ishvalan people they've met being Winry's parents they head to her place it being the only thing they can think of.  The whole story about her parents comes out, along with what happened to them and how they got there.  Pinako takes pity on them and their situation and she and Winry fix Ed up with automail.  The authorities hear of it and then the brothers get put into connection with the military the same way they normally did.

Scar...would be complicated.  Possibly he knew the two of them, but maybe he knew of what they tried to do and condemns them.  Maybe Ed and Al have an initial dislike to him due to the fact that them had been essentially disowned by their people.  Or maybe they get along, but the kids don't agree with what Scar is doing and try to talk him out of it.  Possibly he feels responsible for them because of his brother as you said.  There are a lot of different ways it could work out.

With Mustang, I feel like initially he would feel very conflicted and for the most part want the boys out where he doesn't have to personally see or deal with them, but possibly after a while he may see them as a potential form of atonement for his actions and start gradually treating them better as he gets to know them.

As for science and religion, I'm sure they would still be very science minded, but I don't know if a transfer of birthplace might make them more religiously minded.  Possibly Ed's less of an atheist, and that alters his worldview slightly, or possibly he rejected that sort of thing after having it forced upon him, which would lead him towards other forbidden things such as learning alchemy form Scar's brother.  That could be something pushing him away from his native culture, making him more open to leaving.

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purplemagechan In reply to Taggerung559 [2015-04-06 16:07:04 +0000 UTC]

I want a fanfic of thiissss.  I need to google this or pester my friend Elliott to write it. XD  The problem would be finding a really good one, since I'm sure there's plenty but not all are going to be up to par. 

I should just write it myself but I can't write, especially not something this complex.  

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Taggerung559 In reply to purplemagechan [2015-04-07 18:33:38 +0000 UTC]

I would definitely read this if someone wrote it.  But I'm not much of a writer either, so I guess we'll have to hope someone else does it.

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straykit [2015-03-02 17:55:14 +0000 UTC]


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purplemagechan In reply to straykit [2015-04-06 16:04:35 +0000 UTC]


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DeadlyCookie98 [2015-03-02 15:52:21 +0000 UTC]

Interesting, it's something a little more deep than the usual High School AU.
And I really like how you made them look. The eyes look really pretty like this.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

purplemagechan In reply to DeadlyCookie98 [2015-04-06 16:04:12 +0000 UTC]

I'd say it's deeper than a high school AU XD
I adore this concept and I want to see some really in depth fanfics about thissss.  It's such a good idea and would affect SO much.  Ed and Al's alchemy would be doubly taboo, their relations with the Amestrian military would be vastly different, Mustang would probably feel very awkward and guilty every time he looked at them.  It could be used to explore a lot of prejudices and to really delve into this other culture. ^^

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DeadlyCookie98 In reply to purplemagechan [2015-04-06 17:49:49 +0000 UTC]

I also think that Kimblee's reaction to Ed could be a lot different.

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GokuMartin [2015-02-28 01:16:42 +0000 UTC]

This another adorable work of art from a gifted artist, and a good friend.

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purplemagechan In reply to GokuMartin [2015-04-06 16:01:05 +0000 UTC]

^^ aww thanks!

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Misharoom [2015-02-28 00:01:16 +0000 UTC]

Whoa, I never thought of the idea of the Elrics being Ishbalan... that really would change everything, wouldn't it?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

purplemagechan In reply to Misharoom [2015-04-06 16:00:52 +0000 UTC]

Yes it would, I love this AU.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Misharoom In reply to purplemagechan [2015-04-07 03:52:35 +0000 UTC]

From what I've read above in the comments there have been discussions on some pretty deep ideas, and I agree, there should be a fanfic (a good one) based around it.

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