punkshits — The girl who thinks of me

Published: 2008-11-23 09:53:52 +0000 UTC; Views: 1766; Favourites: 29; Downloads: 0
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Description i`m in love with this photograph.
it may seem common, but for my it`s priceless.

Part of the series:
Last chance to lose control
Windy Day
New Born
Give me your heart and..

Featured in the news [link] by .Thank you
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Comments: 15

inumanu [2008-12-07 12:01:03 +0000 UTC]

vai mai pus la descriere

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punkshits In reply to inumanu [2008-12-09 09:06:18 +0000 UTC]


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inumanu In reply to punkshits [2008-12-09 10:35:21 +0000 UTC]

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elpariatopo [2008-12-06 18:32:24 +0000 UTC]

i can see why
intruiging expression...

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punkshits In reply to elpariatopo [2008-12-06 18:46:42 +0000 UTC]

I truly appreciate your comment
The idea that someone understands why I love this photograph so much, boosts up my confidence, thank you

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bittersweetvenom [2008-11-23 11:03:33 +0000 UTC]

e chiar expresiva.E f frumoasa!

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punkshits In reply to bittersweetvenom [2008-11-23 11:58:24 +0000 UTC]

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HayleysCorner [2008-11-23 10:38:07 +0000 UTC]

conteaza doar ce simti tu in legatura cu poza...nu o faci pentru altii,o faci doar pentru tine pe tine trebuie sa te impresioneze,nu DA-ul

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punkshits In reply to HayleysCorner [2008-11-23 12:00:17 +0000 UTC]

daca mi`ar fi pasat doar de parerea celor de pe dA probabil nu as fi pus`o dar mie chiar imi place daca le place si altora cu atat mai bine.
oricum nu`s genu care sa faca poze pentru altii, doar ca am simtit nevoia sa ma motivez, sa nu creada ca umplu galeria cu tot felul de snapshoturi.
mersi de fav

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HayleysCorner In reply to punkshits [2008-11-23 12:20:12 +0000 UTC]

oh,honey,eu simt ca majoritatea ultimelor mele poze sunt snapshoturi,dar macar pentru mine,insemna ceva,simt doar nevoia sa le postez undeva,sa le arat lumii intregi-"look,this is what I see every day!" anyways,cand ai un drum prin bucuresti sa ma anunti,sa tragem niste "snaphoturi" impreuna

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punkshits In reply to HayleysCorner [2008-11-23 13:58:55 +0000 UTC]

eu is fana a pozelor tale asa ca nu`ti permit sa le zici snapshoturi
si in legatura cu venitu` la bucuresti, daca as putea acu as face`o, dar inca depind de parinti asa ca va mai dura ceva, mi`ar placea totusi iarna asta sa trec pe acolo tu oricum sa`mi zici cand esti libera ca poate negociez cu ai mei si viu

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HayleysCorner In reply to punkshits [2008-11-23 14:08:46 +0000 UTC]

stai linistita ca desi sunt la bucale tot depind de ai mei in cea mai mare masura maybe in vacanta de iarna ca o sa vin si eu inapoi acasica :aw:

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punkshits In reply to HayleysCorner [2008-11-23 14:14:04 +0000 UTC]

e bine si asa.dar mie mi s`a cam luat de pitestiu` asta nu mai e aproape nimic de facut.

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HayleysCorner In reply to punkshits [2008-11-23 14:15:34 +0000 UTC]

mah si bucurestiul e o iluzie...sunt multe de vazut,dar de facut...in fine,fiecare gaseste ceva presupun...

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punkshits In reply to HayleysCorner [2008-11-23 14:32:38 +0000 UTC]

eu de cate ori am fost in bucuresti am fost doar in trecere.si sincer, mie nu`mi place bucurestiul deloc, dar in orice oras nou exista ceva care merita fotografiat(sau doar vazut).si de facut, ... nu mai conteaza

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