prongsie β€” Twilight: Bella and Edward by-nc-nd

Published: 2008-01-23 07:06:18 +0000 UTC; Views: 13420; Favourites: 594; Downloads: 0
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Description Beware of my current obsession

Well, I was thinking "Let's try to made my own Edward", then the "Mmmm, and how about Bella?", when I was adding the colour I was afraid this will end as a fanart.

Here is

So, first... my version of Edward is my "practice" because 1) He's supposed to be like... PERFECT and obviously I'm so far away of that T_T, 2) I have a mix on my head very strange... You see, is like Robert Pattison, Christian Coulson and Hayden Christensen all in one to me YEAH I'M A WEIRDO!! But I'll see if with practice I can do something better ^^
But, dude, this is how I portrayed Bella in my mind O_O I don't know why, and now that I saw the draw, she reminds me Arashi Kishu, HAHAHAHA LOL.

Anyway, my first fanart for this addictive series... ARGH, I SWEAR THAT I TRIED TO RESIST, but he's love u_u awesome and sick love. My love for vampires *sigh*
And please, note that I just read the first book because is a little hard to find the other two here :/
So, who knows? Maybe I'll change my taste? Maybe not? Maybe will be strong? Let's see it soon
I love this book T_T

no spoilers, 'kay?

Twilight Β© Stephenie Meyer
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Comments: 87

paulinaghost [2010-12-03 06:37:55 +0000 UTC]

looks wonderful and it is perfect. especially the hair,for once not drawn in some weird shade of orange like other pics of him. You really got bella's simple yet sweet appearance down.

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leocat777 [2010-08-22 23:32:54 +0000 UTC]

very nice....i only like the first book but....nice.

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prongsie In reply to leocat777 [2010-08-29 08:28:51 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, me too. The rest of the books are totally WTF.

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zornikgirl [2010-06-30 09:36:03 +0000 UTC]

nice work!

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seawaterwitch [2010-06-03 10:25:57 +0000 UTC]

They're cute ^^ Twilight Manga! I LOVE IT ^^

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RosarioAlchemist456 [2010-02-23 21:52:56 +0000 UTC]

And I thought I was the only one drawing him with long hair lol

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Mew14 [2010-02-04 00:45:21 +0000 UTC]

I think this would make a fairly decent anime. Me being a SLIGHT fan of the series and all.

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thebookbug5 [2009-11-27 19:43:48 +0000 UTC]

Oh My God! Bella is smiling! This is good, you made her come out of her eternel grump, congrats!

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prongsie In reply to thebookbug5 [2009-12-04 08:13:45 +0000 UTC]

Hahaha, YEAH! XD
Thank you!

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Friendly35 [2009-09-13 15:57:26 +0000 UTC]

This is crazy! THIS is how I pictured Edward... Not so much Bella but it's still really goood.

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Kizune-no-Suna [2009-07-08 17:36:19 +0000 UTC]

Edward is soooo.... NIEDLICH!!!
But his hair is more red... like a fox...

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NecroCC [2009-04-28 14:49:36 +0000 UTC]

Bella te quedo muy linda en este dibujo, me gusto

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sianart123 [2009-04-19 19:15:40 +0000 UTC]

That bella looks like me with my new haircut!!

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Louella1111 [2009-03-23 14:09:28 +0000 UTC]

I love it ^.^ Bella reminds me myself o.0 Maybe I'm just mad xD Good work!

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sonicoem [2008-12-01 22:15:00 +0000 UTC]

This picture is very good! I love their faces and I especially enjoy the coloring job. ^^

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ivyheartmoonlight [2008-11-22 23:27:05 +0000 UTC]

Well done! i just got back from the movie.
It was really awesome. i swear all of us stared
hyperventilating. But, it was still great, never the less.

Twilight is awesome

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prongsie In reply to ivyheartmoonlight [2008-11-27 05:41:38 +0000 UTC]

The whole movie I was drooling so much XD
Is epic awesome, I want to see it over and over again!

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Very-Nice [2008-10-10 16:54:05 +0000 UTC]

OMG I love it!

They look so good

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sofiayuna [2008-10-04 17:17:53 +0000 UTC]

hehe ive read the whole series this is
such! a cute picture! i love it so in my favs!

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animangamez [2008-09-18 06:43:20 +0000 UTC]

Twilight is a book, right? I heard they're turning it into a movie.

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animangamez [2008-09-18 06:42:01 +0000 UTC]

Twilight has pictures in it??? I've heard of it but I haven't read it yet. I plan to read it. I like it! This is a book, right? They're turning this into a movie, right?

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DragonKhaleesiLiz23 [2008-09-17 02:10:11 +0000 UTC]

Your art is awesome!

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thousands-of-words [2008-07-04 23:47:31 +0000 UTC]

meh likie!!!!!!!

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IsisConstantine [2008-06-10 16:43:27 +0000 UTC]

Very awesome!

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prongsie In reply to IsisConstantine [2008-06-10 23:44:23 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much!

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IsisConstantine In reply to prongsie [2008-06-11 16:53:13 +0000 UTC]

you're welcome!

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zombifreind [2008-04-29 23:17:39 +0000 UTC]

nice X)
I absolutley love Twilight!
Love the way you drew them!

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twilightnemo [2008-04-28 10:03:24 +0000 UTC]

i am utterly in love with twilight.
and bella and edward.
especially edward.
mind if i grab this art? please.
weeee. he is damn hot.

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ChildrenoftheGrave [2008-03-29 00:22:59 +0000 UTC]

That's so cute and awesome!

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Renacida [2008-03-25 22:42:58 +0000 UTC]

Wuooo realmente bueno muy buen

me encanto x3

se va a mis favoritos sin duda o.o

te quedo genial x3

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prongsie In reply to Renacida [2008-04-20 22:57:56 +0000 UTC]

Gracias!! En serio <333

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chibiTwins [2008-03-15 16:46:36 +0000 UTC]

Ohhh snap, it's a twilight pic! Great job.

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Shunhades [2008-02-25 20:03:04 +0000 UTC]

it's very nice.

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ryostag [2008-02-20 16:47:37 +0000 UTC]

i loved the series and i can't wait for midnight sun to come out! i read the first chapter and i want the rest now T_T

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LilyLulani [2008-01-29 20:18:34 +0000 UTC]

Bella looks so beautiful!!! I think Edward looks very handsome. hehehe. I so love that book! It is like the best I have read in a long time!

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garuneto [2008-01-29 04:04:45 +0000 UTC]

Mi no conocer personajes uga uga XD!

Pero me agrada mucho el dibujin! en especial los ojos de la chica y el coloreado del pelo del chico *0*
Cada vez coloreas mejor chiquilla !

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prongsie In reply to garuneto [2008-01-31 19:09:11 +0000 UTC]

XD hahahaha! UGA! Pues realmente no sΓ© quΓ© tal andes con Γ‘nimos de conocer a uno de los personajes mΓ‘s perfectos x_x yo te recomiendo que leas el libro, te entretiene bastante y pues a pesar de que esta plagado de hormonas femeninas, no sΓ© quΓ© tendrΓ‘, pero terminas fascinada XD al menos eso a mi me pasΓ³ LOL (Twilight se llama DUH de Stephenie Meyer).

Aww eso significa mucho para mi Garucha, en serio... gracias T____T !!

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Blue-Winged-Angel [2008-01-28 17:53:29 +0000 UTC]

I LOVE TWILIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good job. Y'know who I think the best look-alike is for Bella? Alexis Bidelle...I use her basic features whenever I want to draw Bella.

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NadeshikoMakyu [2008-01-27 02:20:03 +0000 UTC]

OMGG!!!! *hyperventila* me encanta la triglogia!!!!! me voy a morir! adoror esa pareja! ii ed es taaaaaan sexy!!! si pudiera le daria 100

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captivatiion [2008-01-26 22:55:26 +0000 UTC]

You know, it's the exact opposite here.
I've read the last two... you can find those just about anywhere but I cannot find Twilight to save my life. XD
Lovely art, BTW.

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THH-Kaos [2008-01-26 19:41:36 +0000 UTC]

Awesome! Your Edward is gorgeous

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pinkpurplebutterfly [2008-01-25 01:39:11 +0000 UTC]

I jsut finished this book yesterday. it was awesome! great pic. i can't wait to read the next one.

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lunahlove [2008-01-25 00:18:59 +0000 UTC]

NONONONONNO! I hate Twilight! D: But nice coloring :3

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Toadychan [2008-01-24 17:50:11 +0000 UTC]

Sick, masochistic lions are SO sexy.

Wow, I usually don't much care for other peoples' Edward designs, but I really like yours! His hair is almost exactly like how I picture it. :3 I really, really, really love their eyes, the way they're drawn and coloured. Really pretty. Your Bella is very nice too! Her hair looks so soft, and she looks so deeply content; next to Edward, how could she look anything else? XD

Since you've only read the first book you wouldn't understand my reply on your journal, so ignore it for now. ^_^ It makes sense in the second and third books.

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prongsie In reply to Toadychan [2008-01-24 21:52:31 +0000 UTC]

Very very very sexy

OMG really? XDD YEY!! I was very afraid because you know, the Edward on your head always will be other thing, I'll try to do a better lineart the next time but I'm happy that you like it!!!
Hahaha damn Bella... but yeah I agree with you I like her hair, in the end of this draw I was so jealous

Ohh, I know a little things like certain doggy XD you know, people talking about that obviously they said some spoilers x_x

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Toadychan In reply to prongsie [2008-01-26 00:11:17 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, I know what you mean. XD But that's also the appeal of books; everyone sees the character differently, so everyone kind of gets their own Edward or Bella or any other character. It's really nice to think, "My Edward." I think the lineart is just fine! :3

Ah, yeah, that's true. x_X That's why when I start a new fandom, I don't look at ANYTHING until I'm finished reading/watching/whatever. XD It's safest, although sometimes it gets hard to resist fanart and stuff.

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shadowkaru15 [2008-01-24 16:48:36 +0000 UTC]

a they look so cute together!

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mcrxluvrx4evrz [2008-01-24 07:13:07 +0000 UTC]

I absolutely love the way you made Edward look! I think is /is/ perfect for him, especially his hair and eyes but maybe thats just me ^^ . And Bella looks wonderful too. I love the way you color, it looks really good ^^ .

Twilight, vampires, and Edward = <3

*faves and watches <3*

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Miquixtli [2008-01-24 04:51:23 +0000 UTC]

0_0 wodades, esta muy MUY chido, ojala cuando te dignes a hacer a mi niΓ±o lo hagas asi de bonito *3*

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prongsie In reply to Miquixtli [2008-01-25 00:39:51 +0000 UTC]

Esperemos que salga bien T____T le echarΓ© ganas *-*

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