prismchan — Color Dump

Published: 2009-08-25 18:59:26 +0000 UTC; Views: 2115; Favourites: 44; Downloads: 49
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I went to vacation at the lovely LBI (so close to my house!) with ~miro-kaisou and ~Lunar-Kitsune-Knight and I basically had a LOT of free time to draw and color (my poor copics are dead j ^ j )

1. Miro chibi for ~miro-kaisou (her namesake xD ) to put up at her dorm at BUCKNELL (I never gave it to her...)

2. Subei chibi for ~miro-kaisou (see above)

3. Farfalla human form, I tried to make him flamboyant as possible. IS IT WORKING?

4. Finn for my comic VERSE, he's the leprechaun protagonist, yyyaaayyyy... I always think that he looks really creepy? I wasn't going to post pictures of these characters until they appeared in the comic... but maybe this will make people moreexcited?

5. Cole from VERSE, he's a grotesque. Gargoyles are usually contrived as being guardians that protect buildings from evil spirits, but in actuality gargoyles are waterspouts and grotesques are the ones doing the protecting (in Cole's case, Notre Dame) The irony is that all the grotesques in VERSE are quite *ahem* beautiful. Can anyone say, "fanservice!" ?

6. Elliott head. I love drawing him so much Y u Y
I only had about 5 colors with me at school, so I mixed them to get the colors I wanted for him

7. YUZU, hers was probably the only design that didn't change from the beginning of VERSE. I hope it's apparent that she's a witch 0 u 0

8. Tracer belongs to ~Lunar-Kitsune-Knight . She asked me to design his outfit 'cause I was bored. YES! When I drew this he was an innocent, big-titty loving ex-convict. By the next day he was a little boy loving, pedo. true story.

9. I don't draw Jynx enough :I
I might actually finish this if I can come up with an appropriate background? that's not blood, btw. We like to call it strawberry syrup

10. MENLO, aahh yesss, he's probably my favorite character from VERSE * u *
He's pretty much the apprentice of Dr. Frankenstein, and after a life-threatening accident he was attached to his horse by the doctor. He's one of those steam punk mad scientists (for some reason he looks like edward scissorhands in my head? )

11. My Elliott and ~miro-kaisou 's Sawyer. We decided that they're definitely "frenemies"

12. My Klause and ~Lunar-Kitsune-Knight 's Tracer, as stated earlier... yea... he's a pedo C:<
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Comments: 41

wumei [2009-10-16 15:08:57 +0000 UTC]

i'm stuck between legit crying...
and just... GOD DAMNIT.

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prismchan In reply to wumei [2009-10-17 04:48:59 +0000 UTC]

wah no please don't j A j

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kinno-nabi [2009-09-02 15:39:32 +0000 UTC]

*gleeee* Your grotesques should be wary of stalkers... *Q* *stalks* <333

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prismchan In reply to kinno-nabi [2009-09-05 17:54:51 +0000 UTC]

j u j ♥
he is so getting raped

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kinno-nabi In reply to prismchan [2009-09-06 00:36:45 +0000 UTC]

9v9 Oh you know it. ♥♥

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Emruki [2009-09-02 14:56:37 +0000 UTC]


Your traditional coloring is so freakin' beautiful. ;D; Number 9's my favorite!

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prismchan In reply to Emruki [2009-09-05 17:55:01 +0000 UTC]

aahhhh, thanks so much!

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sailortitan [2009-08-27 04:55:27 +0000 UTC]

ARe you perchance a "Gargoyles" fan?

I love the Leperchaun. He is a cutie

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prismchan In reply to sailortitan [2009-08-28 02:37:47 +0000 UTC]

I was thinking of that when I was drawing his feet xD
I was like, "oh god.. that cartoon"

I was never a fan, no, but I watched it once or twice ;D

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sailortitan In reply to prismchan [2009-08-28 02:40:07 +0000 UTC]

aw X) I loved it.

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Kichisama666 [2009-08-27 00:43:44 +0000 UTC]

i like yuzu and jynx the best! they're all so great, but I love witches and corpse brides or zombies or whateva

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WhoWants-ToKnow [2009-08-26 06:05:52 +0000 UTC]

These are some interesting characters..!
I like four.

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prismchan In reply to WhoWants-ToKnow [2009-08-26 18:25:30 +0000 UTC]

thank you!
I didn't think anyone would like him xD

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BloomingRoses [2009-08-26 05:23:36 +0000 UTC]

Oooh how I would love to commission you! Your style and coloring is just so beautiful!

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prismchan In reply to BloomingRoses [2009-08-26 18:28:36 +0000 UTC]

a commissioonnnn?!
wooowww, thank you j ^ j

I have a page for them in my journal, but they're closed, atm

KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN, I'll open them up soon 8D ♥

for someone with a fai icon * u *

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miro-kaisou [2009-08-26 02:03:40 +0000 UTC]

Yay! And Sawyer's up there, before I even got her on mine


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prismchan In reply to miro-kaisou [2009-08-26 18:25:47 +0000 UTC]

upload it o n o

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Lunar-Kitsune-Knight [2009-08-25 23:29:21 +0000 UTC]

"...Tracer belongs to ~Lunar-Kitsune-Knight. She asked me to design his outfit 'cause I was bored. YES! When I drew this he was an innocent, big-titty loving ex-convict. By the next day he was a little boy loving, pedo. true story."

I couldn't sum it up any more perfectly than you did. Bravo.

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prismchan In reply to Lunar-Kitsune-Knight [2009-08-26 00:30:23 +0000 UTC]

if you want bigger versions of the tracer ones

'cause I'm pretty sure I don't have it o u o

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prismchan In reply to Lunar-Kitsune-Knight [2009-08-25 23:59:55 +0000 UTC]

good, glad you agree, PARTNER ;D

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AkhMorn [2009-08-25 20:47:18 +0000 UTC]

ooo, it's awesome that you had the time to draw all these lovely pictures *3* I'm glad you decided to post all of them here!
You're so good with copics, I really like the coloring and all the character designs.

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prismchan In reply to AkhMorn [2009-08-26 18:26:20 +0000 UTC]

uwaaa! thnaks so much! j ^ j
I can't believe I had time for all of these either

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xDragon-Infernox [2009-08-25 19:56:03 +0000 UTC]

8D <3

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prismchan In reply to xDragon-Infernox [2009-08-25 21:42:03 +0000 UTC]

CB <3

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3Eoclock [2009-08-25 19:42:24 +0000 UTC]

lolll when you put "to Woo Fong thanks for everything" I totally read it as "To Wong Fu, Thanks For Everything" and I thought you were talking about the film =w=

These are so pretty ;m; Your traditional skills amaze me every time.

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prismchan In reply to 3Eoclock [2009-08-25 21:41:07 +0000 UTC]

I did mean the film ;D
my firend and I were talking about it and forgot what the actually name was and we guessed it was woo fong xD

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3Eoclock In reply to prismchan [2009-08-25 22:17:55 +0000 UTC]

xDDD How awesome then! I feel kinda special for knowing it.
Films been a fav of mine for a while. Glad you enjoy it too? haha

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prismchan In reply to 3Eoclock [2009-08-26 18:23:44 +0000 UTC]

hahaha yeesss
I had to keep reminding myself that they were men, MEN

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3Eoclock In reply to prismchan [2009-08-26 18:40:48 +0000 UTC]

xDD I knowwwwwww~!!
Patrick Swazey looked so pretty, and Wesley Snipes was hilariousss.

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prismchan In reply to 3Eoclock [2009-08-26 22:20:37 +0000 UTC]

the first time I saw it when I was really little I was convinced that John Leguizamo was really a lady j ^ j

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3Eoclock In reply to prismchan [2009-08-26 22:23:55 +0000 UTC]

xDD Yeah, if I didn't know it was him, I'd think that too. I loved the way he dressed~! It was so cute ;m;

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kichisu [2009-08-25 19:41:47 +0000 UTC]

I enjoy your coloring work ;3;b is it with copic??

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prismchan In reply to kichisu [2009-08-25 21:41:50 +0000 UTC]

yesss, all of it is with copic (and gel pens), except for the last one, that has some colored pencil in it ;D

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kichisu In reply to prismchan [2009-08-26 19:24:59 +0000 UTC]

copic and gel pens for the win <3*I use them too!*

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prismchan In reply to kichisu [2009-08-26 22:21:06 +0000 UTC]

REALLY?! yeeesss, two thumbs up for real media ;D

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nayruasukei [2009-08-25 19:39:44 +0000 UTC]

MMM that witch girl is so love~ I want iiiiit~

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prismchan In reply to nayruasukei [2009-08-26 18:26:32 +0000 UTC]

you would ♥

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nayruasukei In reply to prismchan [2009-08-26 22:00:45 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, very stereotypical of me :c

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JayWeaver [2009-08-25 19:03:11 +0000 UTC]

Wow, simply spectacular. I love so much of these!

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prismchan In reply to JayWeaver [2009-08-25 19:25:05 +0000 UTC]

thank you very much! ^ u ^ ♥

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JayWeaver In reply to prismchan [2009-08-25 19:31:22 +0000 UTC]

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