PrincessYandereQuinn — MLP Next Gen: Luster Dawn

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Published: 2021-07-20 00:14:21 +0000 UTC; Views: 7697; Favourites: 77; Downloads: 10
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Description Info

Name: Luster Dawn

Sunburst (Father)
Radience Dusk  (Younder Sister)
Trixie Lulamoon (Mother)
Stellar Flare (Grandmother)
Sunspot (Grandfather)
Sunset Shimmer (Aunt)
Flash Sentry (Uncle)
Sunlight Sentry  (Cousin)
Sunrise Blaze  (Cousin)

Teacher: Twilight Sparkle, Moondancer, and Sunburst 

Friends: Midnight Sparkle , and Mariposa Glimmer

Enemies: Starfall Dusk

Partners, Solmate, and Teammates:


Gender: Female

Talent: Magic Teleportation, Magic, Levitation, Magic Beam, Telekinesis,

Age: 15

Born: October 12

Species: Unicorn

Where are they Living now: Ponyville

Currently Living in: Canterlot

Power of Abilities: Unicorn Magic

Affliction: School of Friendship

Class: All Class

Like: Reading books, her friends, learning magic, researching, magic, friendship magic, reading, studying

Dislikes: Villains threatening Equestria, treating her friends poorly, failing, arguing amongst everyone, her loved ones in danger

Magic: 88/100

Strength: 70/100
Intelligence: 60/100

Base Base 138

Base Belongs to   
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Comments: 1

Magicalgirl874 [2021-07-20 19:28:46 +0000 UTC]

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