kittystar614 — Petuniaverse Luster Dawn NG

Published: 2020-02-13 01:24:55 +0000 UTC; Views: 847; Favourites: 35; Downloads: 1
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Description Name: Luster Dawn
Specie: unicorn
Age: 21
Parents: Cheerilee and Sunset Shimer (birth mother)
Siblings: Anastasia, Sumer Nector, Bunny, Rose Petal (deceased) and Daybreak

Cutie Mark: her special talent is related to magic, more like magic spells. But it has a connection to the sun too

Personality: she is a cerious mare who dosen't mess around, she really dosen't care about friendship at all, and either cares about what his parents think about it. But she takes care of all her family.
 and way deep down of her she isn't sure if ponies would really like her as a friend so she dosen't takes any risk


Luster, Begin the oldest of her siblings she learned alot of things, but the most important is responsibility. She loves deeply her family and every single one of her siblings, even though she dosen't express it that much. She used to be jealous of her little sister, Anastasia,  when they were younger she always wanted to take Anastasia's light since their parents seemed to be more interested in her youngest daughter beautiful voice (Sunset and Cheerilee supported every single of their children whit the same love, and Luster was just a spoiled little filly). It came to the point that one day, she stealed Anastasia's voice whit a magic spell, but obviously, Sunset and Cheerilee noticed, and punished her for it (what the- give back your sister voice right now young lady!) things got worse for Ana after that, and Luster started bullying her for every little mistake she made, until Anastasia snapped and the two had a big nasty fight that day. Anyway, they don't get along too much now, but Luster it's kinda disappointing in herself for that past so she dosen't blame her sister for not wanting to contact her anymore..
She is very close to her brother though, Sumer Nector. Sumer always been the voice of reason  of every single one of the siblings and they all admire him for that, because they could have fuck up alot of times if it weren't for him.
Luster has a good relationship whit her parents, she is more closer to her mama Cheerilee since she always been less tougher whit her in the teenage years. Also, she used to teach Daybreak (the youngest of all the siblings) magic before Rose Petal got missing.
Ever since that, Daybreak refused to learn anything else of magic, and did her best to find Rose Petal.. she never was found again. Luster blames herself sometimes, because if she had decided to take care of her sister that day, maybe Rose wouldn't have got missing.. it isn't really her fault, but that though eats her in the inside.

 She is the personal student of the Princess of Friendship, whit the company of Pumpkin Cake, a very powerful unicorn just like her, but way to nicer and friendly (she hates that)

Pumpkin: Hey! Hello there Luster! How are you in this beautiful day?

Luster: Hey, i tell you whit my heart on my hooves, that i really dont care how are you today, peace

Pumpkin: LUSTER

Luster: what????
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