#dalek #dw #week #derynsharp #alekofhohenberg
Published: 2015-06-08 23:24:07 +0000 UTC; Views: 489; Favourites: 16; Downloads: 2
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Edit: I made it available to critique, since I forget that was a thing that I could do.Spent quite a bit of time on this. Still not totally satisfied. The again, I'm still pretty new to coloring traditional drawings digitally. And figuring out lighting.
This is for theme number one (song) of Dalek Week . I chose "Lost" by Kodaline because the song was stuck in my head at the time and I thought it sorta fit them. I also hope I interpreted the theme correctly, sorry if I didn't. xp
Just because lists look better:
I know I chose a moment where they're probably the most found, but the song is as much about being found as being lost. Well, to me. I don't know. Don't look at me; finals have made me delirious. >.>
Sorry in advance for my lack of participation. There are few weeks worse for me than this one. xp
For anyone who's curious, you can see the purely tradition version . Actually, it's not purely traditional, since I darkened it, fixed a few things up, and got rid of the ugly paper surrounding them, but shhh.
I'm not explaining this to the people who haven't yet read Leviathan. It'd be too spoilerific, seriously. Sorry.
Don't question my choice of bullet points.
I'm still not sure how to sign things... I spent around ten (or maybe seven?) minutes with StartleTheWorld trying to figure it out but gave up at one point or another...
Swirl Me Around font by Darcy Baldwin
Cloud brush by cocobunnie
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Comments: 22
DogeDays [2015-06-20 21:16:51 +0000 UTC]
hey! critiquing this for Fox's feedback train thingy
okay, first of all, I love the colours you used in the sunset, and the poses of the characters, and just this picture in general, it makes me feel warm just looking at it c: it's really beautiful!
if you wanted to improve it at all though (not that it needs it), i'd suggest making the shading on the clouds a little bit warmer, and making the clouds look more back lit, since the light source is the sun which is behind them. (Basically you would do this by making the darkest parts closer to the center or farther from the sun, and the highlights closest to the sun.) Also, varying your brush softness while you're doing the clouds might help add some depth to them.
But all in all, amazing work, you should be very proud of it! and keep it up c:
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Porsheee In reply to DogeDays [2015-06-21 18:27:25 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much! Ahhh, that's totally the feeling I was going for. :3
Ohhh, yes, thank you! I knew I need to work on the clouds, just wasn't sure how. I don't know if I'll bother fixing this drawing (if I fix it I might get sidetracked and do a ton of other stuff to it too XD), but I'll definitely keep it in mind whenever I draw clouds in the future.
Again, thanks so much!
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DogeDays In reply to Porsheee [2015-06-21 19:25:14 +0000 UTC]
you're very welcome c: haha, i'm glad!
and no problem c: yeah, i understand, i never really bother to fix my drawings either, i just keep everything in mind for my next ones XD
you're very welcome c: i'm glad it was a bit helpful :3
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Iamthetruetoaster [2015-06-14 05:32:40 +0000 UTC]
I've been very inactive lately, sorry about that. This is excellent art of one of my favorite serieseseses. I'm tired... sorry, you don't want the critique my brain would give you at 10:30
Add a rainbow
Needs more hats
That sort of thing.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Porsheee In reply to Iamthetruetoaster [2015-06-25 16:36:04 +0000 UTC]
And I'd have been even more inactive, considering I was on a hiatus and all. But I'm still behind, because I'm slow and busy drawing. :'p
Oh, you like Leviathan too? I'm always surprised how many people have read it.
A rainbow? And hats? I'm afraid this scene had neither of those, according to the books. Not that I didn't take a ton of artistic liberties with this one.
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Iamthetruetoaster In reply to Porsheee [2015-06-26 00:52:50 +0000 UTC]
I've been more inactive at this point, there is no arguing with it. Unless you have over 90 notifications?
Yes! It's really great as a book on its own, besides which it allowed me to get through the first world war in history without studying.
That's why I said you didn't want my critique :b
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Sorcaron [2015-06-09 22:55:36 +0000 UTC]
*snickers* I don't feel like writing a formal critique. Becuase then I have to be all 'on topic.'
- I quite like fonts you used~ And your signature looks beautiful.
- The backlighting highlights are quite good too.
- I'm not sure how you did the gradient/lightly/shading on the ropes vs. the Leviathan itself. It does look separate, so I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not.
- I was going to tell you how much I like your clouds lol. I'm sure there are numerous tutorials, so don't ask me bc I most certainly don't know how to draw clouds.
Me: Oh look! The song I'm listening to has lyrics that match your picture!
Me: Oh wait, that's bc I clicked on your YouTube link.
- Critiquey-wise, I guess your hands could still use work (goodness knows mine do. >w<) Maybe Alek's left hand could look more like he was flinging the scroll away? Or maybe he did just drop it. I don't remember.
- The way you draw legs/pants still bothers me, but that's prolly bc I don't like to wear tight things. Or at least think that guys shouldn't.
- The shading on the traditional version is quite good; I see highlights on there already.
- Side note: The way you drew the scroll reminded me of the lamp on that one illustration .
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Porsheee In reply to Sorcaron [2015-06-25 15:43:03 +0000 UTC]
Fair enough. What's the fun in being 'on topic'?
- Thank you! I spent a long time trying to decide on which ones to use, but at one point I figured I'd better decide. If only my signature always looked like that!
- Annnddd thank you again!
- They're different layers, so they are separate. Yeah, I don't know either. It may have been better to combine then... idk.
- Probably. I just gotta find them. And one that also works for FA, since it doesn't always have the same things as other programs. (Or I don't know what translates to what, which is also a problem. xp)
Good job, good job.
- Most definitely. Part of the problem was that it was traditional and the sketchbook paper was super thin, so I could only erase so much of it. I also lined it in pen. So it became permanent. He did throw it, but I didn't know how to draw that, so I took some artistic liberties. (Some others: that part of the Leviathan wouldn't have looked like that, and I don't think it was at sunset. )
- Right. I do really need to work on that... uhhh...
- Thank you! Yes, that was the fun part.
- Oh, hey, you're right. That's funny. I don't think I bothered to see what the scroll actually looked like, so...
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Sorcaron In reply to Porsheee [2015-06-25 22:33:12 +0000 UTC]
None at all.
- You can go back and change them on all your deviations. (But that takes a while. I finally reuploaded a huge chunk of my deviations recently with my usernames on them. Meant to do it back in like March @__@)
- I think it's fine since the ropes stand out more this way, but I suppose lighting should be even.
- Boooo.
Then again, I feel like my technique is pretty low not matter which program is used. ;;OTL
- Why is your sketcbook paper super thin? And why did you line it?
*looks at it again* I guess that's why the lines look so distinct. (You're just movie-fying it.
- It can't possibly be that difficult to taper the pants slightly less.
- Maybe it means something.... XD;;
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
Toasty-Marshmallow [2015-06-09 20:42:46 +0000 UTC]
PORSHEEE!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so sorry for not responding to this sooner! I AM SO GLAD TO HEAR FROM YOU AGAIN!!!!!!!! And holy cow what a way to come back~ This is INCREDIBLE! I absolutely love the lighting and the composition and the fonts and just AUGH!!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Porsheee In reply to Toasty-Marshmallow [2015-06-24 23:59:33 +0000 UTC]
And I'm sorry for being so late to reply myself! Except I'm muuccchhhhh later. >.>
It means so much to me you like it! Well, I was still on my hiatus. I believe I mentioned in the journal that me posting deviations didn't mean I was back.
Of course I'm here now, so it doesn't matter!
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LyletheRooster In reply to Porsheee [2015-06-25 00:11:50 +0000 UTC]
Not me though! I have an abnormally above average sense of direction.
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Porsheee In reply to StartleTheWorld [2015-06-24 23:55:56 +0000 UTC]
I know I'm late, shhh.
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