PookaWitch — PookaWitch Head Shot

Published: 2007-01-06 03:39:31 +0000 UTC; Views: 3298; Favourites: 54; Downloads: 35
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Description Jan 5th 2007

Just the head-shot of my fursona.

I've been told by a few people who know me in real life that the image isn't actually that far off from my true appearance.. erm, save for it being a bunny.

In case you're wondering, my online persona is a 'bunny' as I'm frequently known as 'PookaBunny', and a Pooka is a shapeshifting, animal faerie from the Celtic lands (frequently seen as either a horse or a rabbit, but can be any animal).

everything (c) to myself.. duh

drawn/coloured with tablet in adobe 6
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Comments: 43

Shegashi [2009-10-21 23:56:29 +0000 UTC]

I love it!

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TaiaFox [2007-06-04 02:07:32 +0000 UTC]

Simple, clean, and cute!

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Valuris [2007-01-10 12:48:52 +0000 UTC]

Absolutely GORGEOUS.
I adore that witch's hat, the style and position of it mixed with that pretty, mischievious face makes me really like this out of most of your recent art.

I can't believe how detailed your art is; I love how you do hair, oh-so-much! If this has even the slightest of resemblances to you, You must be darn beautiful (; Keep up the gorgeous work.

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PookaWitch In reply to Valuris [2007-01-25 18:59:21 +0000 UTC]

Erm.. wow. Thanks.

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vioa-68 [2007-01-10 05:34:16 +0000 UTC]

Omg!! tis' wonderful! I love the hat, and the shirt, and the ears, and the eyes, and the face, and well... everything!! *favs* 10/10

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PookaWitch In reply to vioa-68 [2007-01-25 19:07:33 +0000 UTC]

*blinks* Wow.. thanks.

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Varwen [2007-01-08 14:45:10 +0000 UTC]

-pets silky bunny ears- So purtyful! I need to make myself a fursona. I just haven't come up with one that suits me just yet.

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PookaWitch In reply to Varwen [2007-01-25 19:19:30 +0000 UTC]

A pooka bunny was sort of picked for me back in high school. I had to stick with my nickname.

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Varwen In reply to PookaWitch [2007-01-26 12:16:38 +0000 UTC]

xD It suits you. From what I have learned of you from here and Neopets, it definatly suits you.

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LiquidChaos [2007-01-07 07:31:27 +0000 UTC]

*grins* your on furcadia now? Or is it just a fursona?

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PookaWitch In reply to LiquidChaos [2007-01-07 16:53:57 +0000 UTC]

Just a fursona. I used to be on furcadia, but the minute I became inactive and my characters 'died' somebody else swooped up and took thier names before I could blink. Probably to take the art I had done of them.

There was also a Wepauwet clone on there. Somebody named Kneph had even paid for art, had ports made etc that looked 'exactly' like him. But they did come to me after enough people brought it up to them, and I offered to re-design Kneph.
(Although I keep putting it off as each time I work on the design I find myself becoming angry and stop work again.)

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LiquidChaos In reply to PookaWitch [2007-01-07 18:28:58 +0000 UTC]

Yea I can understand what you mean, unfortunately there are people like that on furc, some are good enough that they'll actually go to the artist and ask others don't. Most people are prteety good about reporting it to Guardians who take art thief very seriously and deal with it. Specially if its (c) to a certain person. One of the nice thing I've found.

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Jormungander [2007-01-07 03:30:30 +0000 UTC]

I love the hat, that is a nice hat.

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daughteroftwillight [2007-01-07 00:43:44 +0000 UTC]

witchy bun bun!!! cute

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PookaWitch In reply to daughteroftwillight [2007-01-25 19:59:40 +0000 UTC]

Oddly that was the name of a pet rabbit I had when I was 9.

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Shadow-Tigeress [2007-01-06 23:08:01 +0000 UTC]

Yay for Wiccans and Pagans!!! I love that picture, its so cute. I also really like that hat, I wish I had one like that.......

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SolarGriffin [2007-01-06 21:04:14 +0000 UTC]

I really love this picture, Pooka!! And I adore the shading on the hat. It just looks so satiny that I could pet it.

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Beingone [2007-01-06 20:15:05 +0000 UTC]

Your fursona ish sooooooo cute/ adorable ^^

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JadeFluffy [2007-01-06 16:19:33 +0000 UTC]

Yes, you do look similar in real life to this, I think ^^ You've made your fursona well.

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PookaWitch In reply to JadeFluffy [2007-01-06 16:52:19 +0000 UTC]

Well.. if I had professional stylers, costume-designers/tailors, and a great photographer (not to mention being a bunny!).. maybe. lol

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JadeFluffy In reply to PookaWitch [2007-01-07 10:55:25 +0000 UTC]

Heheh, yeah xD But still, it does look very similar to your real 'form' xD

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Silent-Moon [2007-01-06 15:31:50 +0000 UTC]

I love that hat! It's so cute.

For some odd reason you remind me of my fluffy bunny. Though in the picture your not fluffy. Eh, it might just be me.

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PookaWitch In reply to Silent-Moon [2007-01-06 16:03:54 +0000 UTC]

Hee, I actually have a halloween witches hat that looks something close to that. But not exactly (no nice pentacle band, and the tip of it is all curly).

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rundraikrun [2007-01-06 15:24:00 +0000 UTC]

Aww! ^^ I love your fursona! You look almost like your fursona and thats whats so good about it!

I take interest in all living animals because I applied for Veternarian School for 4 years, and rabbits seem to just hit me.

Anyway! This is just great, Pooka!! ^^ *favs* Wonderful job! I love the glowing letters and the purple around it.

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PookaWitch In reply to rundraikrun [2007-01-06 16:09:36 +0000 UTC]

I actually tried to get into vetrinary school. It's very difficult. I took all of the classes, did an extra two years of highschool just to re-do some of those classes for higher grades. Worked as a volunteer in a vet clinic for half a year... but couldn't get into vetrinary school.

But I do have to admit, I gave up after one try as I had a newborn baby and just didn't have the time or money for school at that moment in my life.

There were only 30 or so openings for the class, and they recieved thousands of applications. They took the top 100 (which I was in) and had them come in to write an english and math exam so the top 30 could get into the class. In all honesty, I suck at math! I can do the problem solving, work out what needs to be done, but I just can't do math in my head. I don't know why! I've noticed it's a problem that many artists have.
So my english exam went well, but I practically bombed the math one as I ran out of time half way through. *sighs*

So the moral of the story.. be good at math to get into vetrinary school, and that Pooka really sucks at math. Erm, yeah.

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rundraikrun In reply to PookaWitch [2007-01-07 05:10:43 +0000 UTC]

I bet it is! I have about a few more school years to go, but I am already looking into some colleges and I seem to be great at math, I am an A student at Math. Apparently, after moving here, I went to Alegrab 1 and Geometry in Middle School and now I am past 10th grade material! ^^ I am a fast learner!

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starrypawz [2007-01-06 07:29:37 +0000 UTC]

Aww that looks cute... I must make myself a new ID for DA...
Yay for bunnies ^^

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PookaWitch In reply to starrypawz [2007-01-06 16:15:58 +0000 UTC]

*waves a 'I bunnies' pennon*

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fabricatedxlove [2007-01-06 06:13:21 +0000 UTC]

Random thought, but in the land of Christie's home, a "pooka" was a completely different thing! XD They were actually just fuzzballs with legs and two eyes, and no arms. My brother made them up and called them pookas (well, I think he made them up...) and was constantly drawing them, and I continued to draw them. :3 Sorry. That was very, very random.

Anyways, absolutely stunning job on this. You have real talent ^_^

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PookaWitch In reply to fabricatedxlove [2007-01-06 16:21:40 +0000 UTC]

Oh, lol. It's actually a type of faerie from mythology. There are a few versions of it though, most have pookas as a horse ('spitshine white' or 'coal black') who would take un-suspecting people on a wild ride and kill them. Others have them ruining crops, souring milk, upsetting the cows. And then in Wales they are more benevolent and sometimes help people.
So they seem to vary from horribly evil, to neutrally mischevious, to kind and helpful. (Often the kind ones are depicted as rabbits for some reason.)

Puck from a Midsummer Night's Dream is a good example of a pooka (and 'puck' is another word for pooka), as is Harvey (the 6' invisible rabbit) from the self named movie/play.

I was actually given the nickname of Pooka in my last year of highschool. I had changed schools and met a new batch of friends. We were all telling silly childhood stories, and I told them of how until I was around 6 I believed that I was a humanoid bunny, and how nobody could tell me differently. My one friend Jo looked and cried out happily 'You're a POOKA!', and they started to call me Pooka from that day forward.
(Even one girl, very silly I adored her, would jump in front of me asking 'Does the Pooka wanna polka?' and I'd always laugh or bow and say 'Yes the Pooka does wanna polka' and we'd polka around where-ever we were, giggling like air-heads. lol)

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f0g80g [2007-01-06 05:35:49 +0000 UTC]

Oh so shmexy Pooka

The look on your face is just so adorable

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PookaWitch In reply to f0g80g [2007-01-06 16:21:57 +0000 UTC]


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halfdemondog [2007-01-06 05:26:08 +0000 UTC]

beautiful pose and shading! you do ears really well, I mean, they're pretty difficult to pull off sometimes. You perfected eet. XP

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PookaWitch In reply to halfdemondog [2007-01-06 16:22:41 +0000 UTC]

I had a hard time with the ears as I wasn't sure if the other one could be seen. I tried to draw that other ear in about 10 times and it never looked right. Then I realised it was because with the pose it wouldn't be seen. *shrugs*

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malkavia [2007-01-06 05:10:35 +0000 UTC]

So freakin cute xD

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PookaWitch In reply to malkavia [2007-01-06 16:51:18 +0000 UTC]

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KaruilKnight [2007-01-06 04:39:21 +0000 UTC]

Pooka, if that's even close to what you look like, you must be a very lovely girl indeed. Your husband is indeed blessed to have you.

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PookaWitch In reply to KaruilKnight [2007-01-06 16:02:06 +0000 UTC]

Erm In an idealized way I suppose. That's how my hair looks on a good hair day, I do own a corset and top like that, my glasses, my hair colour, the shape of my face (my nose ring. ) the eyes are too big, but that's just my art style. (My bust is actually that big.. *cough*)

But not too far off. ^^ At least according to my husband.

I have a (blurry) picture of myself on my web cam section. (My digital camera sucks.. sorry.)

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SassyRaptor [2007-01-06 04:16:30 +0000 UTC]

Your fursona's awesome!
A very smexy bunny!^^

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PookaWitch In reply to SassyRaptor [2007-01-06 16:45:38 +0000 UTC]

Thankies. ^^

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blue-flamedpyro [2007-01-06 03:41:31 +0000 UTC]

Pretty! <3 I love your fursona. As well as the coloring and bg ^^

(My fursona is a butterfly-horse. I just never draw her )

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PookaWitch In reply to blue-flamedpyro [2007-01-06 16:50:50 +0000 UTC]

Full horse head? Full horse body? Anthro/quad? colours... details....?

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blue-flamedpyro In reply to PookaWitch [2007-01-07 00:41:09 +0000 UTC]

Horse body, but with butterfly wings + antenna. And I'm thinking of adding more butterfly-esque parts to her.
Colors...mostly brown, cream, and pink in the original, but I'll be adding some blue if I see that it works with the other colors. Details...I'm going to try to incorporate a beauty mark under one eye, and she'll wear my Minoan snake goddess necklace. :3
Though the winged nightmare guise is a more shadowy type, black, with red eyes. Also with the necklace.
Anthro/quad...quad. Though there will prob'ly end up being an anthro version too.

The design was actually by ~Druid-Ulises , for one of her own characters...she was awesome and let me use the design after I said in a journal I wanted a butterfly-horse for a fursona. x3

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