Published: 2007-01-12 03:58:05 +0000 UTC; Views: 296; Favourites: 1; Downloads: 0
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Waves crashed against my ankles, the sound of them filling my ears. I walked forward wading in as deep as I could before having to tread water. The wave pushed me back towards the shore; I struggled and broke through kicking my way farther out into the water. I swam hard. The waves were becoming more and more placid but I still swam on. I stopped only to rest for a few seconds breathing in the moist salty air.Chapter 1: Treading Water
I sighed heavily; alas here I was yet again in Mr. Coles last period Genetics class. I ended my unenthusiastic sigh an object hit the top of my head and landed in front of my desk. Great, I thought, some idiot decided to play 6th grader and I was the target. My hand grabbed the crumpled up piece of paper and was about to fling it towards the garbage can when another crumpled up piece of paper came off my head. I turned around abruptly to yell some form of indecencies and came to face with Abby. Abby was my only friend in the entire campus of Ocean Heights High School but sometimes her methods of attention reminded me of a pesky little brother.
She whispered with annoyance, “Read it.”
“Fine,” I muttered turning around in my desk. I uncrumpled the piece of paper and read what she had written.
What’s with the sighing? It’s only the 1st day!!!
I wrote back Wanna go to the beach and casually passed it under my desk to Abby’s waiting hand.
Not long before I had gotten into Mr. Cole’s review of Mendel’s law and Punnett Squares that Abby taped my back and gave back the note.
That’s all you think about! It’s your 3rd year! Next year we will graduate! Do you have any idea where you wanna go for college?!?
I dramatically rolled my eyes at Abby’s mother hen attitude and replied back.
Yes it is. I can count to 3 too. I know. Berkley or UCLA.
I folded it up and passed it back to Abby.
“And now please take these packets I handing out and begin working on exercises 1 and 2,” Mr. Cole announced while handing 5 or 6 packets of work to each row of students. Finally, I thought, anymore discussion of Mendel’s laws and Punnett Squares and I’ll die! I took the packet from the guy in front of me and handed the last one to Abby who gave me back the note.
You’re impossible.
I smirked and wrote back, I love you too.
Before the note reached Abby the final bell rang and the day was over. I packed up my Genetics binder and rushed out the door pushing several classmates in the process.
I could see my Scion XA in the parking lot when I heard my name.
“Kaye! Kaye! KAYE!” The voice called.
I turned around to see Abby’s brown curls bouncing as she ran towards me.
“What?” I said trying not to be rude.
“You didn’t even say bye!” She gasped.
“I’m sorry I just really want to go.”
“Fine, but call me when your water fetish is quenched ok?”
“Deal,” I said hugging Abby really hard and turning to walk to my car. With my backpack secure in the seats behind me I drove out of the parking lot and pushed my little Scion towards the beach.
When I entered the beach’s public parking I took off my shirt and pants quickly to reveal my deep green swimsuit. I opened the trunk and grabbed the already waiting beach bag and stuffed my clothes inside and locked the car. I ran to the shore and hid my bag behind a bunch of beach shrubs and rushed to the calling water in front of me.
Before jumping head first in to the warm sparkling water I examined my surroundings. There wasn’t many surfers out today, perfect almost no chance of getting run over by a surf board. And there wasn’t any one else in the water, so no chance of colliding with a fellow swimmer. I gingerly stepped in to the water and felt the cold water almost immediately create goose bumps along my legs. Stepping in farther my body began to adjust and stopped aching from the temperature change. The white tipped waves were up to my waist and slowly rocking me side to side when I slide completely into the ocean.
There was almost no sound from under the water except for the ebb and flow of the waves. My breathing slowed and gently came out from my nose in tiny bubbles that tickled my eyes and forehead. I started kicking my legs to propel my forward and started stroking back and forth with my arms. When my swimming motion became fluid and continuous I opened my eyes to scope out the water. There wasn’t much to see because of the sand flowing with the water but I could make out the rocks and ocean plants below and in front of me and the occasional fish that streamed past.
I sighed letting out the last of my breath and swam towards the surface just like my bubbles. The shore wasn’t to far off but I could no longer touch the bottom of the ocean. I floated there staring at the shore and becoming peaceful at the sight of the waves crashing on the sand and retreating back.
“Hey,” a voice called from behind me.
“Hi,” I said turning around to the person.
“You know this is the surfing side of the beach right?” He stated.
I shielded my eyes from the sun and looked at the stranger, eh not bad. He had short brown hair that stuck to his head and really amazing blue eyes. He was lying on his surfboard looking about ready to take off on a wave.
“Oh really? There aren’t many surfers.” I replied.
“Well not yet but I’m one.” He said.
“Oh well then I’ll be going now...”
“You should be,” he stated coldly.
Jerk, I thought before diving back into the ocean. I went deep enough in the water to the point where his surf board was 5 feet or so on top of me. I raised my hands above my head and began propelling upwards towards the surfer’s board. I waited for contact with his board and then pushed sending him under the water and the board flipping on its back. He stared at me with disbelief and I smiled then quickly swam away leaving a trail of bubbles in my place.
I swam until my legs gave up and my legs ran out of air forcing me to succumb to the surface. And just my luck the shore wasn’t too far, so I slowly stroked till the point I could touch the bottom of the sand and walked on the beach.
“Well that was more eventful then expected,” I muttered.
The sand beneath me was a lot warmer then the frigid water but I happily accepted it. My beach bag was still behind the bush I had hid it behind, so with it in my hand I set off to the public showers. The bleached green shower stalls were behind the bathrooms but I didn’t complain, less chance of being seen. Before heading in to the first unoccupied stall I looked in the mirror that was attached to the wall next to the bathrooms. I peered closely to see if my eyes had turned red and indeed the salt in the ocean had made my eyes turn red and irritated. There was a dozen or so red veins circling my purple iris and it looked horrible. Great just what I need to look like some drunkard who hasn’t slept for awhile, I thought.
My now red eyes then focused on the mess called “hair” on top of my head. Just a comb wouldn’t undo this typhoon; my hands felt the huge knots surrounding my head. I knew I should have put my hair in a pony tail before swimming but my “water fetish” as Abby called it was to strong. Let’s see, so now I have bloodshot eyes and a light blond typhoon great all I need is a frilly flower bathing suit to complete my pathetic look. Before I could discover any other messes that the ocean had caused I stepped into a shower stall. After the water had turned warm I submerged my entire body.
“Ahhhh,” I sighed. This is heaven. When most of the salt was washed from my body I turned off the shower and took my towel out of the beach bag. My hair couldn’t survive more torture so I patted gently to get the access water out. I was about finish with wiping my legs off when my towel snagged on my upper left thigh causing me to bite my lip.
“Fudge what is this!!” I tried not to cuss. I took the towel away slowly to reveal something sticking out of my leg! It’s hues looked like deep green to light purple and maybe even some blue. It looked deeply embedded in my skin so I dared not touch it.
“How did I get this?” I whispered looking at the it closely. Maybe some fish brushed by me and I didn’t notice? No. Maybe the sand was full of discarded glass shards? No. Dad used my towel to clean sea shells? No, Dad doesn’t even like fish. Dad! He was a dermatologist! Duh. I’m sure he will help me with removing this…thing. I slipped back my blue t-shirt and left the stall to go back to the Scion. With the towel spread underneath me I sat down on the driver’s seat and turned on the engine. As I drove along the California coastline I thought about my Dad. Mom or Vivia as I liked to call her since she left us after I was about 5 months old and didn’t qualify for the term “mother” had never shown her face after she left Dad with me, the newborn child. I detested bothering him because he was only 1 man and he had so much to do. But this was something that called for Fatherly Opinion.
Upon arriving at our condominium complex I parked the car in our garage and went towards our home. The emptiness of a 3 bedrooms, 2 bathroom, and 1 story house greeted me when I came in. Dad was probably at work…still. I walked into my bedroom and threw my backpack and beach bag on the floor. Oh yea, I was supposed to call Abby after my fetish was quenched. With phone in hand I plopped on the bed and dialed her number.
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Comments: 3
Zafiara [2010-05-23 21:45:31 +0000 UTC]
You know, I read this a while back; about a year or two ago, and it's always stayed in my mind, both chapters have.
May I ask why you've not finished it?
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
polishpickle15 In reply to Zafiara [2010-05-24 18:46:53 +0000 UTC]
Really? They've put such an impression on you?
I stopped, or at least put it aside, because college took over my life.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Zafiara In reply to polishpickle15 [2010-07-07 11:42:56 +0000 UTC]
I'm sorry for the late reply!
Yes, indeed they did make quite an impact!
Often, the story will pop into my head, and I'll think about it for a while
I can totally appreciate college being of importance
But, do hope you finish them one day!
👍: 0 ⏩: 0