Phlox73 — Scent of Spring

Published: 2020-03-16 06:41:04 +0000 UTC; Views: 1038; Favourites: 21; Downloads: 0
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Description I'm about done with the miserable weather and news lately. Stay safe and healthy out there!
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Comments: 6

WickedPrince [2020-03-25 19:34:46 +0000 UTC]

Very pretty. And I hear your sentiment. It's SPRING and we're all being locked into our houses.

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Phlox73 In reply to WickedPrince [2020-04-11 05:47:31 +0000 UTC]

We are lucky in that living in the countryside on the edge of a village, we can get out for a walk each day. It's farmers fields mostly, not the woodland trails we prefer - but it's good to get out.  Hope you're staying safe.

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WickedPrince In reply to Phlox73 [2020-04-11 16:49:43 +0000 UTC]

I live just outside of downtown for my state's capital and second largest city. But the area is pretty quiet. When I broke my neck several years ago and got surgery to MOSTLY fix it I have some balance problems and nerve damage that causes some lower back pain if I exert too much. So I've gotten lazy and only walk when I have to. Though I really really need more excercise. I am mostly a stay-at-home so I don't get out nearly as often as I used to. Up until my 40s even I would still go to dance clubs and stuff about once a month to get out and have some fun. But those days are long gone. So I've already been mostly isolated from exposure and having nearly everything public shut down is keeping me from the few social things I was doing. I'm a Dungeons and Dragons gamer-geek and that was my main social thing that got me out of the house. But the game shops that had open gaming space have closed those spaces for the duration. Otherwise though I'm not doing too badly. I just miss having the excuses to drive around in the spring air.

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James-Is-James [2020-03-16 11:43:17 +0000 UTC]

She's very pretty, even if she is suffering from a butterfly infestation...

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Phlox73 In reply to James-Is-James [2020-04-11 05:46:01 +0000 UTC]

Ha, yeah -al though these days there are worse things to be infected by I guess, yep - I'll take butterflies

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James-Is-James In reply to Phlox73 [2020-04-11 11:53:42 +0000 UTC]

That's certainly true; although were worse pandemics in the past.  I often think of indigenous peoples of the Americas, wiped out by a host of diseases...

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