Published: 2009-06-28 10:16:17 +0000 UTC; Views: 449; Favourites: 15; Downloads: 21
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Le dessin promis à . J'ai voulu essayer une nouvelles technique pour colorier, j'en ai bavé mais le résultat me plaît. Le problème, c'est que Sharp (à droite) ressemble à une FILLE ! *se pend avec ses propres cheveux*Enfin bon, j'espère que ça te plaira, Misté...
I tried a new technique for colouring. It was tough, but I like the result. The only problem is that Sharp (on the right) looks like a GIRL. *hangs herself with her own hair*
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Comments: 62
PatrickleMorse In reply to ??? [2009-07-01 18:08:45 +0000 UTC]
Thanks !
Adorable yes. But let us not forget they're both psychos.
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Ardhanarishvara In reply to PatrickleMorse [2009-07-01 18:22:03 +0000 UTC]
That´s the "adorable" part, mwahahahaha!!
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PatrickleMorse In reply to Ardhanarishvara [2009-07-02 07:15:54 +0000 UTC]
That's indeed part of their charm, yes.
But I wouldn't like meeting one of them in a dark street...
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Ardhanarishvara In reply to PatrickleMorse [2009-07-02 19:30:20 +0000 UTC]
So... are they like... I dunno... kind of psychos?? Great! I wanna meet them!! Maybe we should make some deals, ha ha!!
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PatrickleMorse In reply to Ardhanarishvara [2009-07-02 19:51:25 +0000 UTC]
That is if you can speak before they kill you (or bite you).
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Ardhanarishvara In reply to PatrickleMorse [2009-07-03 17:41:12 +0000 UTC]
Can I ask... what is their story? Please!!
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PatrickleMorse In reply to Ardhanarishvara [2009-07-03 17:48:03 +0000 UTC]
Sure ^^
Well, Drayle became a vampire when he was 39, and stopped aging. He left England,where he had lived since then and went to France without telling anyone. Most people who knew him assumed he died. And if you'd like to know more, you can check the "OCL" part of my gallery ^^ (and that reminds me I should write the third chapter...)
Ans as for Sharp, I don't really know. He's not my character, and created him not long ago. But she's going to draw a comic about him (all I know is that it takes place in a school for psychos...)
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Ardhanarishvara In reply to PatrickleMorse [2009-07-03 17:59:43 +0000 UTC]
So, pair of psychos...
That surelly is a great history! And you guys do a great crazy partners, mwahahaha!!
Hey, thanks!
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PatrickleMorse In reply to Ardhanarishvara [2009-07-03 18:04:47 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome ^^
Characters are funnier when they're out of the ordinary ^^
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Ardhanarishvara In reply to PatrickleMorse [2009-07-03 18:18:49 +0000 UTC]
You´re trully right, my friend!!
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PatrickleMorse In reply to Ardhanarishvara [2009-07-03 18:37:10 +0000 UTC]
After all... WE'RE ALL MAD HERE !
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Ardhanarishvara In reply to PatrickleMorse [2009-07-03 18:46:54 +0000 UTC]
You´re... right... uh? Did somebody say something? Oh no! I´m hearing... I see... death people!! Buuuu!!
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PatrickleMorse In reply to Ardhanarishvara [2009-07-03 18:48:50 +0000 UTC]
And there's a bear in the attic. Wonder if he'd like some sugar ?
Dead people, huh ? What do they want ?
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Ardhanarishvara In reply to PatrickleMorse [2009-07-03 18:55:26 +0000 UTC]
Sugar? I´m starting to be scared now... gosh!! Let´s bring some coffee to them!!
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PatrickleMorse In reply to Ardhanarishvara [2009-07-03 18:57:27 +0000 UTC]
hey, dead people ! Would you like some milk with your coffee ?
-I guess that means "yes".
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Ardhanarishvara In reply to PatrickleMorse [2009-07-03 19:01:32 +0000 UTC]
Maybe we could get a translator... hey, can you hire Drayle? Maybe he´ll help us with this...
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PatrickleMorse In reply to Ardhanarishvara [2009-07-03 19:04:00 +0000 UTC]
If he's not hungry (otherwise he would end up biting us, and that's painful).
Can vampires talk with ghosts ?
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Ardhanarishvara In reply to PatrickleMorse [2009-07-03 19:06:23 +0000 UTC]
Good question... if vampires are half-dead people, uhm... I guess... yes, they surelly can talk with them...
So, Drayle is hungry now? What about a hamburguer with blood sauce on it?
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PatrickleMorse In reply to Ardhanarishvara [2009-07-03 19:09:27 +0000 UTC]
Uh... I don't think he would eat that kind of thing, he prefers more reffined food.
But he just bit the postman (jeez, that's the 6th in one month), so we should be okay.
Draaayle ? Could you come over here for a minute ?
-Wait a moment, please, the interpreter's coming.
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Ardhanarishvara In reply to PatrickleMorse [2009-07-03 19:24:58 +0000 UTC]
This could be interesting...
Uy! Refined food, isn´t he? Man, he´s a lucky guy, ha ha! Okay... I´ll wait for him! (Sleeps in a tomb)
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PatrickleMorse In reply to Ardhanarishvara [2009-07-03 19:28:50 +0000 UTC]
Well, he's a refined man
Man wasn't he loud.
Whoa, wait a sec. How come I was able to punch a GHOST ?
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Ardhanarishvara In reply to PatrickleMorse [2009-07-03 19:31:38 +0000 UTC]
I... dunno... you just... punch it, ha ha ha!!
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PatrickleMorse In reply to Ardhanarishvara [2009-07-03 19:33:02 +0000 UTC]
Still, it bothers me. Does that mean I'm a ghost too ?
*tries to go through the wall*
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Ardhanarishvara In reply to PatrickleMorse [2009-07-04 17:56:17 +0000 UTC]
NO NO!! Don´t go through the... !!! *CRASH* Uhm... does this guy need help??
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PatrickleMorse In reply to Ardhanarishvara [2009-07-05 09:40:29 +0000 UTC]
(girl, not guy)
I'm alright ! Hey look, the wall broke !
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Ardhanarishvara In reply to PatrickleMorse [2009-07-05 16:55:47 +0000 UTC]
(I was talking about Drayle, ha ha ha! Oh well, never mind!)
Yes you did it, my friend... and I think you discover gold on it...
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PatrickleMorse In reply to Ardhanarishvara [2009-07-05 17:16:03 +0000 UTC]
Ooops, sorry ^^'
Well, he seems to be at ease with the ghosts.
Let's see what was behind the wall... Gold, jewels, and an alligator.
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Ardhanarishvara In reply to PatrickleMorse [2009-07-05 17:17:17 +0000 UTC]
*Eating that alligator* Yup, and it´s delicious! It tastes like chicken... uhm... do you want some?
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PatrickleMorse In reply to Ardhanarishvara [2009-07-05 17:19:18 +0000 UTC]
Yep, why not ? You think the ghosts would like some too ?
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Ardhanarishvara In reply to PatrickleMorse [2009-07-05 17:34:17 +0000 UTC]
I guess... you´re right!! Hey, budies! Wanna eat some?
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PatrickleMorse In reply to Ardhanarishvara [2009-07-05 17:41:00 +0000 UTC]
-Ehh... Drayle ? Could you translate ?
-He said he would like to eat, but he cannot since he's dead, so you two can finish it.
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Ardhanarishvara In reply to PatrickleMorse [2009-07-05 17:42:36 +0000 UTC]
YAY!! Let´s eat it, then!
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susmishious [2009-06-30 06:21:26 +0000 UTC]
They both look awesomee and i think Sharp looks perfectly manly
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ReehBR [2009-06-28 14:28:37 +0000 UTC]
wooow, It's really beautiful!!!
I love your style, wonderful!
have a good week friend!
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Mister-Frog [2009-06-28 11:13:04 +0000 UTC]
Sont vraiment classe comme ça !
La couleur rend trop bien ^^
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Mistexpi [2009-06-28 11:06:54 +0000 UTC]
Le duo de choc (olat! *TT* )!!!
Ils sont super classes, tous les deux! Mercii! >w<
*détache les cheveux de PlM*
Hohohoho, mwa ça va, je trouve pas non plus qu'il ressemble tant que ça à une fille, et de toute façon je te l'ai dis, mes gars sont plus ou moins effeminés, alors... -3-
Ah, et ta nouvelle manière de coloriser rend bien, je trouve!
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PatrickleMorse In reply to Mistexpi [2009-06-28 12:15:13 +0000 UTC]
Mais de rien, si t'es contente, je suis contente
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Mistexpi In reply to PatrickleMorse [2009-06-28 12:36:28 +0000 UTC]
WOUAOUW, il est énoooorme!!! °o°
Vui je suis contente! X3
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