Pashiino β€” Traaker colour sheet .: Most common colours :.

Published: 2015-03-24 13:10:22 +0000 UTC; Views: 2747; Favourites: 53; Downloads: 0
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Description The are all NOT rare colours at the traaker horse breed.
We think it is time for more realistic at this breed.
A secound sheet will follow with all "rare" colours like-
Buckskins, Chestnuts, Palominos, Seal bays, Roans and Pearls
And a marking sheet will follow soon too!

The most common geno is the Dun geno.
Every colour can have the dun geno.
Dd or DD

On this sheet you can see

Bay's E-/A-/
Light bay, Dark bay, Blood bay, Silver on bay (E-/A-/nZ or ZZ)

Black's E-/aa/
Normal or faded black, Silver on black (E-/aa/nZ or ZZ), Smocky black (E-/aa/nCr)

White colours
Dominant white (have a base colour and nWh), Cremello (ee/A-/CrCr), PerlinoΒ  (E-/A-/CrCr)

Champagner nCh or ChCh
Golden champagner (ee/A-/nCh or ChCh), Classic champagner (E-/aa/nCh or ChCh), Amber champagner (E-/A-/nCh or ChCh)

Silver can be shown on every colour without ee!
All genos with ee are flaxen nF or FF

(not all genos are like the real life genos, this is for the traakers)

Lineart and design by BRls-love-is-MY-Live
breed by me and Nightsrunner
painttool SAI, wacoom bamboo pen
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Comments: 3

DaretoDream0 [2015-11-13 22:33:41 +0000 UTC]

Smokey Black (E-/aa/nCr)
Cremello (ee/A-/CrCr)
Perlino (E-/aa/CrCr or E-/A-/CrCr)

WW(WhWh) is lethal, and the foal won't survive, ever. Some of the foals organs don't fully form, causing 'organ failure'.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Pashiino In reply to DaretoDream0 [2015-11-15 08:02:02 +0000 UTC]

thank you

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

DaretoDream0 In reply to Pashiino [2015-11-16 02:44:56 +0000 UTC]

No problem!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0