oxpecker β€” #Draw30Animals 2: Megafauna - Diprotodon

#age #animalart #animals #artchallenge #challenge #drawing #extinct #fossil #fossils #ice #iceage #kangaroo #koala #mammal #marsupial #megafauna #painting #paleo #paleoart #pleistocene #pouch #prehistoric #prompts #reconstruction #sciart #skeleton #sketch #skull #wildlife #wombat #diprotodon #drawingchallenge #scicomm #draw30animals #paleontology #scientificillustration #paleoillustration #paleoartist #paleobiology
Published: 2019-05-31 11:39:58 +0000 UTC; Views: 10576; Favourites: 317; Downloads: 0
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Description #Draw30Animals 2: "Megafauna" - Diprotodon, the largest marsupial ever known. This Ice Age relative of today's wombat was about the size of a rhino! It went extinct about 46,000 years ago, we're not exactly sure why, but leading theories suggest a combination of climate change and human hunting - a familiar plight for today's megafauna.

What is megafauna? It's a scientific term describing any big animal (e.g. elephant, giraffe, whale), but more often it refers to prehistoric animals which were larger than their modern relatives. Mammoths, dire wolves, moa birds and megalodon could all be considered megafauna.

Full #Draw30Animals prompt list can be found at my Instagram (@ pip_abraham).

Media: Photoshop CC, Cintiq 13HD tablet
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Comments: 24

herofan135 [2019-06-02 10:15:18 +0000 UTC]

Neat, this is a wonderful restoration.

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oxpecker In reply to herofan135 [2019-06-02 11:33:26 +0000 UTC]

Glad you think so

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YumeQueen [2019-06-01 11:26:15 +0000 UTC]


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oxpecker In reply to YumeQueen [2019-06-01 11:29:30 +0000 UTC]

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HawaiianBigChives [2019-06-01 06:06:42 +0000 UTC]

Excellent work.

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oxpecker In reply to HawaiianBigChives [2019-06-01 10:31:59 +0000 UTC]


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silverartatusadotnet [2019-06-01 03:50:19 +0000 UTC]

Tis is a very nice use of very light and very dark drawing tools on a neutral ground.Β  You have a nice rendition of the freaking SCARY RAT thing which only freaks out people with rat phobias (I'm horribly allergic to them) I'm watching you because I'd like to see more of this and what you do with it.Β  Thanks so much for sharing this with such a wide audience. ~Miz Em

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oxpecker In reply to silverartatusadotnet [2019-06-01 10:31:15 +0000 UTC]

Not a rat, a marsupial
Glad you like this, hopefully more studies like this on the way!

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silverartatusadotnet In reply to oxpecker [2019-06-03 04:29:43 +0000 UTC]

OH, well there are certainly scary marsupials.Β  Keep pushing your imagination, this is good stuff.Β 

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WillemSvdMerwe [2019-05-31 18:25:13 +0000 UTC]

Fine facial reconstruction of this weird old thing!

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oxpecker In reply to WillemSvdMerwe [2019-06-01 10:31:53 +0000 UTC]

I found your own Diprotodon artworks very inspiring

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WillemSvdMerwe In reply to oxpecker [2019-06-05 17:17:40 +0000 UTC]

Really?Β  That's an honour!

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Rose-Hunter [2019-05-31 15:38:34 +0000 UTC]

a rodent the size of a rhinoceros?Β  wow!

that's really nice work too

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oxpecker In reply to Rose-Hunter [2019-06-01 10:31:33 +0000 UTC]

Not a rodent, a marsupial
Thanks for the comment!

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Rose-Hunter In reply to oxpecker [2019-06-01 10:38:03 +0000 UTC]

I was already corrected

thank you

and you're welcome

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oxpecker In reply to Rose-Hunter [2019-06-01 10:44:10 +0000 UTC]

Sorry, I didn't see that.
My thanks to you

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Rose-Hunter In reply to oxpecker [2019-06-03 11:11:24 +0000 UTC]

no worriesΒ  Β  you're welcome

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MugenSeiRyuu In reply to Rose-Hunter [2019-05-31 17:12:53 +0000 UTC]

A marsupial. Faces like that are common among them. Check the Marsupial Lion to see what I mean.

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Rose-Hunter In reply to MugenSeiRyuu [2019-05-31 18:26:49 +0000 UTC]


my bad

marsupial then

it's still well done

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bhut [2019-05-31 12:43:14 +0000 UTC]

Aye, this was one big beast!

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oxpecker In reply to bhut [2019-05-31 13:22:01 +0000 UTC]

Indeed! I wish I could see a live one.

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bhut In reply to oxpecker [2019-05-31 13:27:55 +0000 UTC]

Modern wombats are much smaller, of course, but are still very adorable.

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oxpecker In reply to bhut [2019-05-31 13:34:40 +0000 UTC]

Absolutely, saw them quite often when I used to live in Sydney (sadly mostly roadkill though).

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bhut In reply to oxpecker [2019-05-31 16:27:15 +0000 UTC]

The last part is sad.

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