otisagabeyHomeless, but not really.

Published: 2006-07-29 13:42:47 +0000 UTC; Views: 24737; Favourites: 449; Downloads: 225
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Description "He may be without a home, but he is not without a shelter."

This, apart from being the subway ad slogan put up by the fabled Homeless Outreach Program of MTA in NYC, was something that I considered to be a part of my extended family during my 3+ years in there. To better illustrate my point (which I think I have) picture yourself a homeless person curled up in a subway station corner, looking expressively insecure and lost, quite unlike any of those homeless people you have seen thus far (unless of course they are actively begging.). Enter a hand on the right, reaching out (ergo the name of the program) to lend a hand, in order to give support, and perhaps to jerk a tear or two. That's one way of feeling good about those 50 000 or so homeless people living in the metro city area as of 2005.

Whenever I see a homeless person, my less than refined photography instincts kick in, prompting me to take a picture. Once I am exorcised and "the spirit of sophomore photography" shoots back to the great plains in the sky to smoke some weed, I am left alone to wonder briefly whatever happens to homeless people once they make their way into my portfolio. That is how a window opens in my mind to a safe place I thought I have once seen while looking at a subway ad in some near past. I see a shelter, where MTA Homeless Outreach Programme reassures me of the hand that is still hovering in the air and the shelter the homeless are not left without. As I look deeper into the window, somewhere in the distance, I make out a white spot, and that's how he comes back to me. I see him. I see, Dr. Z.

Dr. Z is the short for Jonathan Zizmor, the self proclaimed leading dermatologist of the city and nothing less than a household name in NYC thanks to his long running subway ads. With droopy caring eyes a la Hugh Grant and his professional mannerism paired with his alarmingly exercised beatific smile (the kind that is restricted only to Doctors and healthcare personnel) Dr. Z has "professional care" written all over him (both literally and figuratively). Dr. Z claims to "see" all of his patients; that, I am not so sure. But I am sure anyone who rode with NY subway more than twice has seen Dr. Z and occasionally his significant other (pun intended), a Stepford Wife coronated with a white circular hat, standing shoulder to shoulder both congratulating us New Yorkers for our courage. Quite possible for our courage to endure Dr. Z every fucking day of our lives. (According to one theory this courage business stemmed from the ashes of ground zero. However, given the fact that this version manifested circa 2003, I think the 9/11 interpretation is dwindling.)

Being a part of the idiosyncrasies of a true blue blood New Yorker (granted, if any such thing is possible), Dr. Z ads go well with the one I mentioned right before that, yet as made obvious by my flair to tell you about them, you can make a learned guess and deduce that they are entitled to a longer coverage. If I was to pick two words to describe them "Obnoxious" would be the first metaphorical jack in the box, and "colorful" would be the other. Though this second jack would be a defected one, somehow remaining inside the box, being something of a "box case". Given the predominant rainbow color scheme of the ads paired with Dr.Z's clean shave, well maintained outline, and his protruding rosy lips... one wonders.

Dr. Z ads also contain the same Alicia A. who repeatedly expresses her gratitude to Dr. Z for her transition from "before" to "after". In her memorable kindergarten verse written in ugly hand writing it goes something like this: "Dear Dr.Z, thank your for improving my life, thank you for everything. Love, Alicia A."

What a splendid opportunity fate had me so that I can thank Dr. Z, whom I have personally seen for years free of charge, Dr. Z who used to congratulate me for my courage. But that's when I was brave, ready and determined. Where are you now Dr. Z? Now that I am scared shitless, insecure and lost do I still have something left to be congratulated? Bring me the rainbows Dr. Z, your photoshop gradient rainbows, your xoom personal web page aesthetics and your Skittle typefaces, and congratulate me for something I still have. Congratulate me for my burning desire to go back to who I was, my "before" which should come after my "after" want, my will to reverse order things to the way they were. Congratulate me for the hand that is mine as it reaches out to find me, curled up in a corner insecure and lost, looking at a subway ad that is not there. Finally I can have beautiful skin.

Oh, but what was my point? For a moment I thought I had a sharp one. But even though I might be without a point, I am not without a shelter.

Thank you for improving my life. Thank you for everything.

Otis A.


Picture taken on my first night out in Istanbul after many moons. 2006, a month and a half before my father died.
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Comments: 85

Batsceba [2015-06-01 17:08:34 +0000 UTC]

More Or Less HomeLess - old and new shots (v.1) "Silent poverty is just around the corner.
Urban poverty has surpassed rural poverty in importance,
and the countries with the largest number of poor people are middle-income countries,
not the least developed countries."

:iconfbuk: Homeless... by fbuk

:iconpixeldazed: Homeless by PixelDazed

:iconhannatar: Homeless by Hannatar

:iconotisagabey: Homeless, but not really. by otisagabey

:iconmichref: homeless nap by michref

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Khirate [2013-02-24 17:44:06 +0000 UTC]

This is an amazing photo, I love everything about it, the meaning, the colors, the tone....great shot!

Just wanted to say that I used it as a reference for a drawing, I hope you don't mind!! If you do, I can take it down. My drawing doesn't do it justice, but I really do love this photo~
Thank you!

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MouseClock [2011-09-29 15:20:36 +0000 UTC]

I love the bleak and soft colours you got going on here.

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FioReLLo [2009-04-09 12:57:10 +0000 UTC]

ur image has been featured here

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mokoshos-song [2009-03-05 18:38:03 +0000 UTC]

woooww u right alot about yr photos!!
this ones very ncie^______^

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SwirlygumdropS [2008-12-12 15:28:14 +0000 UTC]

It's great you take a picture of it, people know what is out there that way. We can only impact the people we encounter a certain amount, but you have impacted the lives of all 11 thousand people that have seen this!

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otisagabey In reply to SwirlygumdropS [2008-12-15 19:34:15 +0000 UTC]

I hope I did it in a meaningful way, thank you. : )

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kewlmommy [2008-03-31 12:14:44 +0000 UTC]

this is a really good photo. its good cos u can see the ( scenery? setting? etc etc... )...i like it!

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daniel-mac [2008-03-14 16:47:12 +0000 UTC]

Took a few minutes to read everything you wrote there,but it worth the time.The photo is great as well.
Everytime i see a homeless person , i feel bad for not being a rich bastard, cuz all i can offer is my pocket money and a kind word

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The-Lady-Blue [2008-01-26 18:01:51 +0000 UTC]

Great shot, and great idea. The meaning's really powerful, too. I like it.

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glitterdarkstar [2007-12-10 10:53:18 +0000 UTC]

a completely new point to show homeless.
Congrats for that

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rhapsouldize [2007-12-07 15:42:44 +0000 UTC]


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otisagabey In reply to rhapsouldize [2007-12-07 22:35:02 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for both selections : )

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rhapsouldize In reply to otisagabey [2007-12-07 22:37:47 +0000 UTC]

very welcome.

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keskint [2007-09-03 22:19:33 +0000 UTC]

abi, galerindeki tüm resimlere birşeyler yazmak istedim hep,beceremedim...ama bu, altında yazanlarla öyle bir kompozisyon oluşturmuşki, tüm hepsi kafamda yepyeni bir şey oluşturdu...

müthiş bir resim ve yorum...
emeğine sağlık...

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algonquinpaddler [2007-07-18 16:11:46 +0000 UTC]

The orbs resting on the wall say a lot for me. It is said that ghosts often appear as orbs of light, and it kinda seems as if they are the spirits of those people who have died on the streets, keeping a watch on this man, like guardians. A very nice shot.

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timid-wolf [2007-07-09 04:33:57 +0000 UTC]

Beautiful shot man

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AlperEsin [2006-12-26 11:53:01 +0000 UTC]

favori ettümden gayrı fotoğrafın gennisi güzel Allah için.

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buwlcin [2006-11-18 01:04:42 +0000 UTC]

Eline sağlık, duygulandım açıkçası. "Yalnız" karelerini ayrı bir seviyorum. Eskiden kaldığım yurdun kapısındaki kabinli(?) ATM'de yatan adamı hatırlattı. Öyle yere gazete serip yatan, yerdeki tozlara bile zararı olmayan, sessiz sedasız bir adamdı. Yazıktı yani. Sonra bir gece kadının tekini yurdun güvenliğine bağıra çağıra "şu serseri iti" dışarı atmasını, varlığının insanların varlığını tehdit ettiğini (şok x 1000) söylerken duydum. Adam da duydu. Gazeteyi topladı kalktı gitti. Üzüldüm.

Ha bir de merak edip gece gece Dr Z. araştırdım gugılda. Neyse sonra baktım link vermişsin. Amcamın rengarenk umutlara yolculuk pozunu görip derin düşüncelere daldım, sonra bir daha üzüldüm.

Paylaşasım gelmiş, tekrar eline sağlık.

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No1Believes-Me [2006-10-20 11:33:22 +0000 UTC]


I like it alot

Very nice shot...
It gives a wonderful feeling

& I feel really sorry for this homeless

Plus, I enjoyed readin' your great comment!

It's moving!

Keep goin'


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minusinfinity [2006-10-19 10:29:07 +0000 UTC]


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nazlusha [2006-10-19 10:11:11 +0000 UTC]

fotograftaki herseyi begendim, hepsini, ama nedense en cok donup baktigim isigin ritmi. cok cok guzel.

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contravener [2006-10-18 14:49:49 +0000 UTC]

To me, MTA just wants them to be removed from their platforms and cars.
BRC is the good guy here.

Regarding DR. Z; you may find additional reading here.

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otisagabey In reply to contravener [2006-10-18 15:28:21 +0000 UTC]


You made my day, günümü gün ettin.

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jhoony [2006-09-20 20:45:57 +0000 UTC]

Thank you.

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blueflamingo [2006-09-18 15:11:57 +0000 UTC]

it looks like airbrushing or CGI or something... not photography! Wow! nice job

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boyuan [2006-09-16 12:42:40 +0000 UTC]


I love ~

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otisagabey In reply to boyuan [2006-09-16 14:53:47 +0000 UTC]

??????, ????

Thanks : )

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ShelleyJackman [2006-09-15 22:51:03 +0000 UTC]

I love the perspective. Interesting concept too.

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otisagabey In reply to ShelleyJackman [2006-09-16 15:07:42 +0000 UTC]

Thanks : )

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Tagz0430 [2006-09-11 06:32:37 +0000 UTC]

you what whenever I saw homeless people i just feel sorry for the people who don't help them...
Its kind of sad in a way because not everyone in the world helps the poor... your concept on this one is great!
it has a lot of message in it

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xbread [2006-09-09 03:53:27 +0000 UTC]

Love the picture... Felt like "that could be me"

Mind if I ask what are those spots on the left?! And did you chose yourself the shutter speed and f number??

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Kidcorona In reply to xbread [2006-09-09 07:08:21 +0000 UTC]

The spots on the left are reflections off a railing.

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Kenie [2006-09-09 00:17:42 +0000 UTC]

Its the most amazing pichure ever but not because how it looks but because you ourself relly hve emotions to it

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jesimae [2006-09-09 00:15:38 +0000 UTC]

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TwelveStep [2006-09-08 23:48:20 +0000 UTC]

Awesome shot.

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tenderdream [2006-09-08 23:04:28 +0000 UTC]

Excellent shot and wonderful focus and lighting. Overall, this is a very lovely deviation. I am very pleased to see that this has so much meaning behind it and not just another brainless but pretty deviation. Congratulations on the DD and it's definitely a . Good luck in the future and keep up the wonderful work!

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witchlady750 [2006-09-08 23:04:24 +0000 UTC]

Goodness, such a powerful photo. I love seeing shots like these; these are the one's that inspire me to make a difference in the world through my own photography. The color, the scene, the mood... it's all perfect. You can sense the bit of hope within his little fire and the lit up buildings in the background. Brilliant shot.

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dontrongotto420 [2006-09-08 22:59:10 +0000 UTC]

that makes me sad, but yes, this is a very nice photo

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sheyma [2006-09-08 22:49:53 +0000 UTC]

mukemmel olmu$ .. ellerine saglik ..

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cichco [2006-09-08 22:06:35 +0000 UTC]


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percipient [2006-09-08 22:03:53 +0000 UTC]

I live in NYC and I see this quite often.

Those ads are still up, btw.

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fense [2006-09-08 21:51:53 +0000 UTC]

I'd feel better with:

"He may be without a shelter, but he is not without a home.'

It flows well, and expresses that although he is living outside, it is home sweet home.

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FiruL33T [2006-09-08 21:30:24 +0000 UTC]

This is an amazing photograph... A well deserved DD! Congratulations for that! Technically amazing and the way you have suppressed the noise is superb! Also the blur by so narrow DoF... Just incredible how you put together art and technique... Congratulations...
By the way, I have some homeless people photos too... I like taking pictures to homeless people

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soulmachine [2006-09-08 20:58:58 +0000 UTC]

i like the angle

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em5 [2006-09-08 20:53:19 +0000 UTC]

Oh, yes, I forgot about the picture D= I tend to do that when I get hyper XD
So, it looks totally coolio. Nice angles and the whole paralell lights and... bike
rack, maybe? That's awesome. A very pondersome subject matter (I don't
think that's a word... but it fits )

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em5 [2006-09-08 20:49:21 +0000 UTC]

Dude, are those ads still out there? They must be. I remember seeing some in
the subways when I went to New York. Those childish letters looked very
suspicious. Maybe I kust made it up in my mind, but... yeah.
I also saw some Poetry In Motion thing or whatever, it made me feel so special.
But then I realized the majority of that poetry doesn't really do anything for you
on a subway, really. It just doesn't. Yeah... woo

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Flous [2006-09-08 19:01:29 +0000 UTC]

beautiful. extremely expresive. i love it

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SaMaeL696 [2006-09-08 18:35:03 +0000 UTC]


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sommerschris [2006-09-08 18:11:27 +0000 UTC]

awesome picture, love the depth of field, great great

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