Published: 2006-01-12 18:30:56 +0000 UTC; Views: 1501; Favourites: 30; Downloads: 226
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Comments: 50
CeliaAlma [2006-09-22 23:54:02 +0000 UTC]
Einai A-PI-STEY-TH. Foverh gynaika, gemizei to kadro soy xwris na xreiastei na kaneis i na kanei kati idietairo. Mono kai mono epeidh einai ekei k yparxei. Kai to proswpo ths exei.....xarakthra. Mporei na fanei ligo periergo alla emena ayth h gynaika moy vgazei foverh sexuallikothta. Hope you understand ........
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ostanine In reply to CeliaAlma [2006-09-23 17:34:41 +0000 UTC]
Σε ευχαριστώ πολύ (και για την φαβορίτα )
Δεν μου φαίνεται περίεργο. Η Αναστασία είναι ηθοποιός. Δεν την έχω δει ποτέ να παίζει στο θέατρο αλλά όταν δουλέψαμε μαζί, το πρόσωπό της ήταν πολύ εκφραστικό...το ίδιο και η κίνησή της. Πριν δουλέψουμε, όταν απλά μιλούσαμε για την φωτογράφιση, είχα φοβηθεί ότι δεν θα μπορέσουμε να συνεργαστούμε πολύ εύκολα. Χάρηκα που έπεσα έξω όμως.
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codexseries2 [2006-02-07 21:49:34 +0000 UTC]
+A5c- +A7EDvQPEA68DuAO1A8MDtw- +A8QDvwPF- +A7wDsQPNA8EDvwPF- +A8YDvwPBA60DvAOxA8QDvwPC- +A7wDtQ- +A8QDvw- +A7QDrQPBA7wDsQ- +A8QDtwPC-, +A7EDuwO7A6w- +A7oDsQO5- +A7c- +A8MDxAOsA8MDtw- +A8ADvwPF- +A60DxwO1A7k-, +A8QDtwO9- +A7oDrAO9A78DxQO9- +A70DsQ- +A7wDvwO5A6wDtgO1A7k- +A7wDtQ- +A7wDsQPBA7kDvwO9A60DxAOx- +A8ADvwPF- +A7oDvwO5A8QDrAO2A7UDuQ- +A60DvgPJ- +A7EDwAPM- +A7oDrAPAA78DuQO/- +A8ADsQPBA6wDuAPFA8EDvw-!
+A6UDkw-: +A5UDrwPHA7E- +A7EDwQO6A7UDxAOtA8I- +A7cDvAOtA8EDtQPC- +A7EDxQPEA64- +A8QDtw- +A8YDyQPEA78DswPBA7EDxgOvA7E- +A8MDxAO/- message center +A7wDvwPF-, +A7EDuwO7A6w- +A7oDsQPEA6wDxgO1A8EDsQ- +A70DsQ- +A7IDwQPJ- +A7EDugPBA7kDsgPOA8I- +A7EDxQPEA8w- +A8ADvwPF- +A7wDvwPF- "+A7IDswOsA7YDtQO5-"
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ostanine In reply to codexseries2 [2006-02-07 21:57:48 +0000 UTC]
...Μαρίνα για κάποιο λόγο που δεν γνωρίζω το μήνυμά σου εμφανίζεται με έναν κώδικα ακαταλαβίστικο...Αυτό εννοούσσες όταν είπες ότι γράφεις greeklish για να είσαι σίγουρη για το αποτέλεσμα;
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codexseries2 In reply to ostanine [2006-02-08 09:27:00 +0000 UTC]
auto ennoousa [mallon ftaei kati stin kwdikopoisi tou browser mou] kai to kako einai pws den exw idea pote 8a parei swsta ta fonts kai pote oxi (px. sto note fainotan swsta ta ellinika). tsp.
gia ti sugkekrimeni fwtografia loipon elega:
H anti8esi anamesa sto mauro forema kai to xrwma tou dermatos tis (+ to makigiaz), kai kuriws i stasi twn xeriwn tis, tin kanoun na moiazei me marioneta pou xazeuei e3w apo kapoio para8uro!
ps: xazeua arketes meres auti ti fwtografia sto message center mou, alla argisa na grapsw kapoio comment giati i8ela na "brw" kai na grapsw auto akribws pou mou "ebgaze".
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ostanine In reply to codexseries2 [2006-02-08 23:46:03 +0000 UTC]
Ωραίος ο τρόπος που το βλέπεις...εγώ το είδα πολύ πιό φρικιαστικά...σαν να έχει ξεκολήσει το κεφάλι της και να το κρατάει πιό ψηλά και πιό μπροστά...φυσικά αν ήταν μαριονέτα το να ξεκολήσει το κεφάλι της δεν θα ήταν και τόσο φρικιαστικό
Αν ήξερες πόσες φωτογραφίες χαζεύω...όχι για μέρες αλλά για μήνες, χωρίς να μπορώ να αποφασίσω αν καν μου αρέσουν ή όχι...
Σε ευχαριστώ πολύ που μου έγραψες!
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SomeDutchKid [2006-02-04 18:56:58 +0000 UTC]
Lovely pose. I love the colors in your work, you have some very nice portraits here.
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CrackedCupcake [2006-01-17 15:09:04 +0000 UTC]
Her facial expression in this one is stunning. I want to come play with her.
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ostanine In reply to CrackedCupcake [2006-01-19 15:44:44 +0000 UTC]
Thank you dear
Are you into acting?
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CrackedCupcake In reply to ostanine [2006-02-02 14:42:16 +0000 UTC]
I have done some acting in my time, nothing employment wise, but love it! I can drop into a role very easily, even now.
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Wilby3000 [2006-01-13 16:28:38 +0000 UTC]
Sweet jesus (and three other white men), I simply adore this series. You've captured her so well. All the shots are so mischiefous and beautiful. The expressions are just unique.
Sorry, I'm being lazy and commenting on all of them collectively. I can't pick a favourite, I like all of them so very much.
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imogene [2006-01-13 03:10:51 +0000 UTC]
These have all been great photos of her. I love her face. She looks so delicate and refined but capable of so much.
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ostanine In reply to imogene [2006-03-03 18:35:10 +0000 UTC]
Thank you dear
I hope that she is.
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supafemme [2006-01-13 02:12:10 +0000 UTC]
Absolutely darling series ............... i am in love w/them all ! ....
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ostanine In reply to supafemme [2006-01-13 18:30:41 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for adding her to your favourites my supafemme!!
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areml [2006-01-13 00:36:17 +0000 UTC]
nice work konstantinos. the love the simplicity of the shot and the muted colour.
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br3w0k [2006-01-12 22:13:18 +0000 UTC]
this is superb my friend
great presentation as well
simple pose, and great effect ...
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ostanine In reply to br3w0k [2006-01-14 00:39:36 +0000 UTC]
Thank you Andry! (maybe I thought about French because of your name...? Ok I will stop )
Thank you also for adding her to your favourites
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Lupius [2006-01-12 21:21:09 +0000 UTC]
nice how the red of her lipstick stands out against the blue background. Yeah the setting with the lighting and her attire +makeup work very good together.
The posture or position her arms are in reminded me slightly of the famous painting "Scream" you know the one? It's an interesting pose though how her body seems to portray drama but her expression is deadly blank.
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ostanine In reply to Lupius [2006-03-03 18:51:43 +0000 UTC]
Yes, I remember seeing that painting quite a few times (in books). Thanks again
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ostanine In reply to albertopoloianez [2006-03-03 18:47:36 +0000 UTC]
Muchas graçias Alberto
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fuga [2006-01-12 20:38:57 +0000 UTC]
she has a wonderful power to her.
ive really enjoyed this series.
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mawanty [2006-01-12 19:35:45 +0000 UTC]
nice one again Kosta!
When I look at her face I can't stop seeing a clown's makeup there - wouldn't you agree that her eyebrows and lips make her face look a little bit like that? interesting...
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ostanine In reply to mawanty [2006-01-18 16:16:13 +0000 UTC]
Thanks again Maciej!
Yes...they actually do...hmmm...I think it looks like she has dislocated her head and is holding it a bit higher, a bit forward, and to her left from it's "normal" position...but I guess that I'm the only one who sees it that way...?
I thought of writting it in the description when I submitted it but I wanted to wait and see if anyone else sees that...
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mawanty In reply to ostanine [2006-01-18 23:02:12 +0000 UTC]
Oh yeah! LOL! I didn't notice that! It's actually quite funny because it isn't so obvious - now it's going to be a
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ostanine In reply to MicrophoneMistress [2006-01-12 19:21:37 +0000 UTC]
Thank you dear
I hope that she will like them as well
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ostanine In reply to glitterdarkstar [2006-01-12 19:23:46 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for adding her to your favourites, sweet girl
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hbynoe [2006-01-12 18:43:51 +0000 UTC]
she has such a classic look to her
very gentle
and foreign
as though she can just turn into a silent
muse-ish being
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ostanine In reply to hbynoe [2006-01-12 19:38:07 +0000 UTC]
I wish the people looking at her portfolio will have your eye view
Thank you
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BrunoPantone [2006-01-12 18:38:15 +0000 UTC]
Again Kosta, again a great piece.
I really love the toning here.. the background colour is simply magnificent..
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ostanine In reply to BrunoPantone [2006-01-13 17:32:53 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for making her again one of your favourites Bruno
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BrunoPantone In reply to ostanine [2006-01-13 17:36:39 +0000 UTC]
be sure that I'll make again your works my favourites.. you know kosta.. I love your style..
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