Published: 2010-11-06 12:49:16 +0000 UTC; Views: 6997; Favourites: 286; Downloads: 92
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My favourite screen versions of Sherlock Holmes: with Livanov (to the left) and with Cumberbatch (to the right). Both versions are full of comic moments, but BBC Holmes is truly rude fellow, while Doyle's character is a gentleman. "Not good?"(c)At least you don't smoke, Sherlock
H & 2B pencils, SAI, Photoshop. Colour experiment. And stupid art block.
Kyboshed font.
I do not own them. Ah, pity.
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Comments: 54
snailcodex [2014-11-04 01:40:51 +0000 UTC]
Bit not good, Sherlock. And BBC Sherlock does smoke in the show. "Nicotine patches, remember? I'm doing well." Oh, shut up you arrogant sod.
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mikerowe [2012-09-02 01:01:29 +0000 UTC]
Well at least the Russian one LOOKED like a Sherlock and not like Bill Nye the Science guy! D:
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chokochokolate [2012-06-02 10:13:41 +0000 UTC]
Ухуху... Обожаю такие арты с совмещением ^^ И исполнение на высоте)
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TheGoldenAquarius [2012-03-25 15:46:42 +0000 UTC]
люблю обоих) оба няшные))) ливановский холмс хорошо вышел))))))
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ariel-limax [2012-03-22 20:20:59 +0000 UTC]
It's so true.
It's interesting to see these two juxtaposed, since Livanov and Cumberbatch are sort of at opposite ends of the Sliding Scale of Sherlockian Sanity and Social Skills. (Although they both seem to enjoy leaving body parts around the apartment.)
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SenselessJabberwocky [2011-11-24 22:49:06 +0000 UTC]
две самые обожаемые истории про Холмса *_* советская версия - идеальный вариант для 19 века, а bbc - ская версия - для современности. первое - уже классика, второе - отличная интерпретация)))
очень понравилась идея и исполнение работы)))
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HugMonster341 [2011-04-14 16:09:44 +0000 UTC]
Why do I imagine CumberbatchSherlock overhearing him and turning round and sticking his tongue out and crossing his eyeballs? Because I am a strange, warped individual probably . . .
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rababco In reply to HugMonster341 [2013-09-20 17:35:41 +0000 UTC]
To me, that actually seems more like something RDJ Holmes would do, he can be so immature sometimes!
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HugMonster341 In reply to rababco [2013-09-22 09:06:18 +0000 UTC]
Actually yeah, I can see that one better.You're right ^^
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Aakami [2011-04-10 16:40:15 +0000 UTC]
oh Doyle's Holmes was arrogant as well! It was only the matter of time and situation in which Doyle was writing, which forbid Holmes from calling everyone idiot!
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rababco In reply to Aakami [2013-09-20 17:33:20 +0000 UTC]
Well, arrogant and prideful doesn't automatically mean they go around insulting people. My younger brother is overconfident and prideful and he doesn't go around insulting people.
I think the main reason BBC Sherlock Holmes is so rude and cold is because of the way everyone around him has always treated him. Holmes has always been seen as a rather eccentric and weird person but in the BBC version he's constantly insulted and even gets called a psychopath. It's no wonder Sherlock's so rude and cold since everyone treats him.
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WildRedRose14 [2011-03-13 12:23:42 +0000 UTC]
The colours work so well together! This is amazing!
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Demona1 [2011-02-02 18:52:42 +0000 UTC]
Потрясающе)) Мне новый сериал понравился, хотя там некоторые вещи напрягли меня, и Холмс там правда грубее - ну понятно, наше время же)
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ol-fa In reply to Demona1 [2011-02-02 20:37:25 +0000 UTC]
Мерси ) Теперь ждем продолжения: вдруг там Шерлок оттает и возьмется учить этикет
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Demona1 In reply to ol-fa [2011-02-03 17:52:23 +0000 UTC]
Ну пусть хоть оттает немного)) По канону вроде так и произошло))
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agentadvocate [2010-12-06 09:07:29 +0000 UTC]
God- The colours are excellent. That looks exactly like Livanov. (Not that it doesn't look like Benedict, but as a fan of the Russian series I'm super impressed and in love with that profile!) It's so detailed. I would love to see more from you!
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ol-fa In reply to agentadvocate [2010-12-06 21:00:11 +0000 UTC]
Thanks a lot for your kind words!
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Soullu [2010-12-04 18:53:19 +0000 UTC]
Потрясающая работа ))
Как вам кстати понравился новый сериал?
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ol-fa In reply to Soullu [2010-12-05 16:19:05 +0000 UTC]
Да, сериал интересный, жаль, до конца не довели, а продолжения ждать слишком долго
Правда, от оригинала в сериале осталось одно название. Ну не Шерлок Холмс это. Это совершенно другой самобытный персонаж.
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Soullu In reply to ol-fa [2010-12-05 16:27:01 +0000 UTC]
Но всё равно очень занятный)) И одержимый - как и Холмс)) Вот только Мариарти в сериале меня просто убил, он какой-то никакой) Там же должен быть такой харизматичный злодей))
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ol-fa In reply to Soullu [2010-12-05 16:55:09 +0000 UTC]
К сожалению, я ссылку не вспомню, но натыкалась на мнение в сообществе по ББС Шерлоку, что Мориарти в самый раз Это же современная версия, главзлодей - "офисный планктон", который имеет большие амбиции и который их претворяет в жизнь. Наскучила карьера, работа, бизнес - и он пошел играть с жизнями людей. Я склонна согласиться с данным мнением. Хотя изначально Мориарти мне тоже не понравился.
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ol-fa In reply to TIM-MASH [2010-11-10 13:46:57 +0000 UTC]
Right men for the science of deduction
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Orontes [2010-11-08 14:27:30 +0000 UTC]
My! I recognized your livanov even wothout reading the comment!
love them!
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Lanka-ultra [2010-11-08 12:46:17 +0000 UTC]
Оооо, *улыбается от уха до уха* два любимейших Холмса! Спасибо!!!
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ol-fa In reply to MisterKay [2010-11-09 12:55:24 +0000 UTC]
Yep, Livanov is awesome!
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ldhenson [2010-11-08 05:15:33 +0000 UTC]
Oh my goodness, Livanov is perfect here. Great job!
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JulietBeyondGoth [2010-11-07 16:41:44 +0000 UTC]
Fancy job! Livanov makes great victorian Holmes and Benedict is perfect for modern version of him!
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