Published: 2006-01-02 05:24:49 +0000 UTC; Views: 824; Favourites: 31; Downloads: 21
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Gankutsuou is an awesome show.Especially the Count of Monte Cristo himself, the Blue Vampire Man.
I'm totally cheering him on.
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Comments: 18
tyrsownrue [2006-02-26 20:44:02 +0000 UTC]
waah! I loved the artwork in that series when I first saw it o,@ still need to actually watch the series though...<3 ze vampiric count looks so cool!
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ofudamaster In reply to tyrsownrue [2006-02-28 03:41:13 +0000 UTC]
WATCH IT!!! It's so good. I'm reading the original novel (not in French though) right now as well. The series is REALLY good. And the Count is teh sex, I tell you. He makes the whole thing worth while.
It is honestly the trippiest show to watch, because of the way the patterns move. It's soooo pretty.
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tyrsownrue In reply to ofudamaster [2006-02-28 04:19:36 +0000 UTC]
^_^ might get me back into doing the creepy pattern style art that I love so dearly...*imagines Iruka in paisely* scary, but tempting...
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ofudamaster In reply to tyrsownrue [2006-03-01 05:38:41 +0000 UTC]
wah?!?!? Iruka paisely! I wanna see that. A giant Gankutsuou style coloring Naruto piece. You should do it!!!!
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tyrsownrue In reply to ofudamaster [2006-03-01 20:58:19 +0000 UTC]
o,o;; *adds to list* Have to finish Jeni's blue thing before anything else...I think she's going to come for my blood soon.
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OneDragonmaster [2006-01-07 12:24:08 +0000 UTC]
You did great with the hair and the lines, I must say. To me, green lines like that are something completely new when it comes to painting. The whole picture would look better with a dark background due to the lightness of the Count's lineart, but it's ok as it is. Insta-Fav.
Btw, Albert looks... disturbingly content xD
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ofudamaster In reply to OneDragonmaster [2006-01-07 17:51:08 +0000 UTC]
Thank you. The green lines seemed like a really good idea until I started painting, then I realised I would have to paint AROUND them. -_-''''
I also think it would look good with a dark background, but I was too paranoid about ruining the lines to do it. I may cut it out and stick it on a dark BG.
Ahaha, Albert IS disturbingly content. He trusts the Count WAYYY too much. ha ha
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Starlitdragon [2006-01-05 04:51:16 +0000 UTC]
Wow, I like the skin tones you've used! The hair is really quite interesting. Nice work.
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ofudamaster In reply to Starlitdragon [2006-01-05 16:00:52 +0000 UTC]
thanks! I dunno if you've seen the anime, but it's really trippy to watch. All the character's clothing and hair have an elaborate pattern...but when the characters move the pattern doesn't. It's kind of like using a screentone only in full color and animated.
I tried to recreate the patterns, not very successfully I admit, but I really recommend watching some of the anime becasue it's really cool looking.
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Zanzou [2006-01-03 07:26:27 +0000 UTC]
Oooh, nice job on the effects. Very good. (Franz & Albert are totally gay. God, so much gay.)
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ofudamaster In reply to Zanzou [2006-01-05 16:21:22 +0000 UTC]
Ha ha. Welll Albert tries to be straight, it just doesn't work out very well for him. Ha ha.
Franz....well there's no helping him. He's unabashedly gay for Albert.
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nightcat82 [2006-01-03 03:38:08 +0000 UTC]
T______________________T i wanna watch!!! *cry* everytime i play it run till a certain part and it replay over and over again!!!! *crys*
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ofudamaster In reply to nightcat82 [2006-01-05 16:21:46 +0000 UTC]
that sucks! Maybe you need a new codec?
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nightcat82 In reply to ofudamaster [2006-01-06 03:34:39 +0000 UTC]
.__. maybe i do... thankz! X3
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lostlonleyboy [2006-01-02 07:26:05 +0000 UTC]
Very beuatiful, you have great talent in painting.
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londonjohn [2006-01-02 06:02:55 +0000 UTC]
Very cool use of subtle colour...reminds me of Edmund Dulac's work.
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mhannecke [2006-01-02 05:55:04 +0000 UTC]
Isn't the blue vimpire man in soul calibur 2?
nice effect on the hair
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ofudamaster In reply to mhannecke [2006-01-05 16:22:58 +0000 UTC]
Haven't played it recently, but THIS blue vampire man is definetly the Count of Monte Cristo. He's a lover, not a fighter. (cough)
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