Published: 2011-10-18 23:43:35 +0000 UTC; Views: 2886; Favourites: 234; Downloads: 22
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100 Theme Challenge - Variation 1 - 012. InsanityI start celebrating Halloween from today
Not sure if I did it correctly? Made Mello a doll instead of Near? O.o
Characters: Mello Near from Death Note (I don't own Death Note)
See my other art challenges here: [link]
100 Theme Challenge: 40% completed
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Comments: 41
Cheezcakelover [2011-10-21 09:04:32 +0000 UTC]
Nice job! I like it, very very cute and adorable.
I noticed the sauce from the pancake looks a bit like blood which matches with the Halloween theme, but clashes with the cute chibi style characters and lacy designs on the border and the pancake.
I find it a bit disturbing how the sauce stains on the small character's clothes like blood splatters, which is not...well, very appealing but it does suit for the Halloween theme. Anyway, the orange paint splashes make me think of pumpkins! And using a Death Note character was a good choice! (Personal opinion)
Like always, your shading and toning were very well done, though the proportions are a bit off. I think you need to work a bit on what kind of things you put together, for example, effects, background, base, objects, etc. Because they are all important for making an artwork with the WOW effect.
I find your artwork and skill admirable, but sometimes I see some sloppy lines. I hope you keep up the great work though!
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o0ASmileThatShines0o In reply to Cheezcakelover [2011-10-21 15:38:12 +0000 UTC]
1st: thank you for giving me a critique. i greatly appreciate it
2nd: it's actually blood, not sauce and i did it to match with halloween theme like you said
3rd: yeah, i always work fast on my background since im not good at it @@ so i have no doubt that you have noticed all the "oh not so creative" backgrounds ive made recently (they all follow the same method: a colour base, then some patterns, and some brushes/texts to cover the blanks @@) im ashamed of myself now... T.T
4th: yeah i admit i need to work more on my lines xD (many people complain about it..) sometimes i wish i had all day-offs just to draw like before. work has eaten off all my free time..
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Cheezcakelover In reply to o0ASmileThatShines0o [2011-10-22 10:31:47 +0000 UTC]
1 You're welcome! I feel happy for having you as the first persn I critique because you're nice! Haha, I just recently turned into a Premium Mmeber.
2 Ah. Well, that's a bit unappetizing when you're eating pancakes lolz XD
3 Try pasting a photo from the internet at the back or do a plain simple one colored base then add effects and stickers and such from photo editing apps like Picnik and Photoshop. That's what I do.
4. Hahaha yeah, sometimes they're TOO rough. That's why you should keep working on the drawing during breaktimes! (that's what I do at school) You don't need to finish it in a hurry, just do it step by step.
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lilasthefallen [2012-07-22 22:18:56 +0000 UTC]
This is cute in a really twisted way. I love it! I wonder if Mello tastes like chocolate?
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PoisonedAnime [2011-10-24 21:44:37 +0000 UTC]
Oh noes, Nia! Don't eat Mero! DX
This looks awesome, by the way. X3
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Kitty-Kat-Gone-Bad [2011-10-23 07:12:50 +0000 UTC]
OH GOOD! its only a doll...not a mininellow and near is about to eat...blood covered pancakes rly? hmmm
i guess it would be better than maple syrup
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o0ASmileThatShines0o In reply to Kitty-Kat-Gone-Bad [2011-10-23 16:21:58 +0000 UTC]
In fact, Near doesn't eat food. He eats his toys
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ClaylisFletcher [2011-10-21 11:21:14 +0000 UTC]
LMFAO ok, so this apeared in my watch messages, and right next to it was this pic of mello: [link] so it looked like he was like "WTF?!"
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crazyoplover [2011-10-21 00:13:39 +0000 UTC]
If L saw that, he would shove Near, toss Mello off, and eat the cake in 3 bites. Heh. It's really cute btw.
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o0ASmileThatShines0o In reply to crazyoplover [2011-10-21 15:29:32 +0000 UTC]
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LNearMelloMattBeyond [2011-10-19 22:33:12 +0000 UTC]
I think it fits well with Near's whole "I'm way better than everyone" attitude, but to tell you the truth, his face is creeping me out..
Buuut it's for Halloween, so it works! xD
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o0ASmileThatShines0o In reply to LNearMelloMattBeyond [2011-10-20 14:42:43 +0000 UTC]
huh, he has that attitude? O.o ('coz from many fanfics i read he seems not really care about his success..)
oh.. im glad to hear it
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LNearMelloMattBeyond In reply to o0ASmileThatShines0o [2011-10-20 23:17:50 +0000 UTC]
Well, I'm basing my opinion mainly off of one of the last scene, when he wore the L mask to face Light.. xP
And, since I'm so storyblocked for Halloween, what would you dress L as? (My friend told me to make him a pink bunny.. I just didn't see it )
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shunkazamisexyboy [2011-10-19 11:20:36 +0000 UTC]
STOP NEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
for god sake don't do this
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o0ASmileThatShines0o In reply to shunkazamisexyboy [2011-10-19 12:32:46 +0000 UTC]
do you speak Japanese? ('coz i notice you said "nanii" xD)
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shunkazamisexyboy In reply to o0ASmileThatShines0o [2011-10-19 16:21:18 +0000 UTC]
oh no at all
i am just know few words in Japanese
one of them are this "nanii"
it's one of my favourite ones XD
i love the way it turns out in anime series XD
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Tada-no-Yume [2011-10-19 08:11:28 +0000 UTC]
But I'm worried about Mello being so content about being eaten by Near......
I guess that is insanity!
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o0ASmileThatShines0o In reply to Tada-no-Yume [2011-10-19 12:31:00 +0000 UTC]
his face does not sound content
eating human is pure insanity!!!!
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Tada-no-Yume In reply to o0ASmileThatShines0o [2011-10-20 08:09:41 +0000 UTC]
True.....but does that mean Near is insane?
I wouldn't like to see what he does with that genius brain if he is.....
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xX-uncontrolable-Xx [2011-10-19 07:34:00 +0000 UTC]
OMFG! i just noticed... THAT'S A CAKE!? (the cake is a lie >_>) THAT'S NOT PANCAKES!? *gets on her knees* i ish sowee~!
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o0ASmileThatShines0o In reply to xX-uncontrolable-Xx [2011-10-19 12:31:57 +0000 UTC]
xD it does look like a pancake xD (do people eat pancake with cherry? @@ )
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xX-uncontrolable-Xx In reply to o0ASmileThatShines0o [2011-10-19 21:23:29 +0000 UTC]
i eat mine with bacon... or jam XD
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xX-uncontrolable-Xx [2011-10-19 07:32:56 +0000 UTC]
ahhh, dear Mello~
the cherry on top for everything~ ....even pancakes XDDDD
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Milkshake674957 [2011-10-19 00:06:01 +0000 UTC]
lol its awesome! yet....weird... lol REALLY COOL! XD
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