#red #skull #wings #tatchit #denialism
Published: 2014-11-15 19:11:43 +0000 UTC; Views: 88471; Favourites: 7186; Downloads: 790
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Part of my independent study, mostly focused on our impact on the health of our environment and some people's want to disassociate themselves with these issues. Using vegetarianism for example, does not grant anonymity to all deconstruction or 'death' that we as living things cause. We are not perfect, we are not gods, but a part of a system that we have drastically changed and now must maintain and protect. There are also issues of absolute refusal in our partake in effecting the natural order such as hunting and fishing. Strange to me, since these activities, when regulated appropriately, can help sustain rather than destroy while providing food and skins/taxidermy. This wasn't really a completely 'new' idea either, but it's something I have felt strongly about for a long time. There was an instance when I was against any human interference with our environment when it came to hunting. I have since then educated myself and feel there is enough weight to the argument that we are not separate from nature and therefore must be mindful of its survival. Wearing a fur coat that was once an elk or coyote that was hunted by a responsible hunter is much more eco-friendly than wearing faux fur. Faux fur is in most cases created from chemicals such as coal and petroleum. Here's a bit of info on faux fur: www.madehow.com/Volume-3/Fake-… and a little more on the negatives of making faux fur. Faux fur is synthetic and does not exist naturally: www.furcommission.com/should-y…My own experiences are also floating around in this course. We as a whole are responsible, no one is singled out and given a pedestal because someone decides that eating veggies saves farm animals. True about the farm animals, but think about the irrigation, deforestation, pesticides, herbicides, and change in soil that was done to get those vegetables to the store. fieldquestions.com/2012/11/26/… Just like responsible farming of vegetables, animals can also be well maintained and cared for. Unfortunately for a lot of people who love meat and buy from stores (me included!), we are supporting a huge and destructive industry...especially with lambs, cows, and pigs. Cows are essentially the worst. The methane they create is damaging the ozone at a pretty scary rate. epa.gov/climatechange/ghgemiss… It's not that cows or other farmed animals exist is the problem, it's the scale that they exist at, and that scale is huge. Buying things like coffee and not minding where it came from is another issue: www.globalexchange.org/fairtra…
It's a lot to think about. When it gets to bare strings, no one is perfect. Nature has a way of working around our habits by bouncing back when given time. We,however, have to allow that by supporting responsible productions, hunting, and farming. Many of the things we buy, drive, and enjoy has an effect on the environment, there's no way around that fact. It's a global effort for as long as we advance and further ourselves from using the raw materials around us.
edit: forgot the technical details! 30x40" (9kx12k px 300ppi )
I have ordered a metal print from WHCC that will be 30x40", to be set up Monday for a solo exhibit along with a Dada influenced collage and smaller sculptures made of feathers and other things.
Prints and creepy shower curtains? are available at my dusty Society6 shop!: society6.com/tatchit
Edit 2: Wow, thanks for the DD! I hope my desc. isn't too jumbled and difficult to read.
Edit 3: I love all the communication and personal views going on in the comments. I, however, won't be responding to them personally. I'm letting the art do the talking.
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Comments: 238
IvoryAvian [2020-12-31 16:39:31 +0000 UTC]
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Roariii [2019-05-01 04:18:48 +0000 UTC]
I loved this piece since the very moment I saw it, and I come back from time to time to admire it, to remember, to inspire myself. I sincerely love this.
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ChinchillaPuff [2018-10-25 15:05:27 +0000 UTC]
Lovely piece, sad and beautiful at the same time. I also completely agree with you. Reading through your description made me realize many things that I am against , such as fur coats, are actually good for the environment if done correctly. You brought light to my ignorance, thank you!
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amaloretta [2017-06-03 06:53:13 +0000 UTC]
Gorgeous art work.
Reminds me of "dirty ecologies," which scholar Patricia Yaeger discusses in an article she wrote about the 2012 film, Beasts of the Southern Wild. Beautiful movie, by the way.
In the article, Yaeger describes dirty ecologies as "recycling a few things while leaking and expending everything else. In other words, dirty ecology is the science of halfway practices. We know that driving and flying and industrial pollution and living in drywall houses destroys the planet, but we continue to do it."
If you've watched Beasts, it's an interesting, thought-provoking article. Lots of spoilers for the movie, though. southernspaces.org/2013/beasts…
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PinkSkullBunny [2016-04-26 18:48:32 +0000 UTC]
Not to mention that the vegans love Quinoa which contributes to massive deforestation as trees are felled for ranch land to grow this shit.
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Arasteia [2016-04-04 13:52:30 +0000 UTC]
When I clicked on the thumbnail, I was just thinking, 'if this doesn't have a DD I'm going to be disappointed'. But of course I wasn't! This is so gorgeously done, and I absolutely love the concept behind it. The rendering and the colours are just stunning!
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omniscientbongos [2016-01-03 20:19:18 +0000 UTC]
I really like the concept behind this, mostly because I am too interested in people's lack of concern for the environment. Tehcnically, the detail in this is gorgeous, and you definitely deserved the DD.
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Galaxy-Fighter [2015-11-29 19:07:36 +0000 UTC]
The picture itself is beatiful. Pitty, that message tied to it, is nonsense.
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HY333NA [2015-11-15 23:27:36 +0000 UTC]
the wings are beautifully textured, the pose is gorgeous and the image itself is incredible! Great work!
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HoneyandBrush [2015-05-29 01:58:27 +0000 UTC]
This is incredible, even for Tatchit. The detail is fantastic and the picture is both beautiful and disturbing. I love how the leaves and the berries look like blood and how so many different types of animals are incorporated into this one creature.
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Zambiino [2015-05-05 19:40:28 +0000 UTC]
Beautiful work, I adore the amount of details you've put into this!
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SilverWolf316 [2015-03-28 02:19:52 +0000 UTC]
the art and the message. Top notch.
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Arcturus-90 [2015-03-18 02:05:50 +0000 UTC]
Woooow... I must recognize that I'm really surprised with this beautiful work, congratulations!
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Birvan [2015-01-16 01:08:47 +0000 UTC]
One argument I often make is about the Iberian Black Pig
They're raised mostly for their meat, yes, but they're a key factor to the preservation of the local ecosystem. By being raised in large expanses of land, rather than in "pork factories", and feeding on acorns of at least 3 different species of oaks, these forests are left alone to provide home to a wide variety of animals and plants. In other words, by eating their meat we actually keep the (slow growing) oaks relevant and save countless species that depend on them for their survival
We all definitely need to relearn our place in the network of life and how our impact stretches far beyond what we can often predict. And this piece is a great illustration of that need
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PilafiaMadness [2014-12-16 04:45:33 +0000 UTC]
Wow.. this is absolutely beautiful. And your description was spot on. This is amazing. Just.. wow.
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Kyemon [2014-12-03 22:29:13 +0000 UTC]
Beautiful and haunting. Love the lighting and information.
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Riverspell [2014-11-30 07:01:34 +0000 UTC]
Wow. Just wow. This is just amazing. A powerful image that speaks for your powerful message. I just know I'm breaking my "don't spend extra money" rule next month for a print of this. Great job Tatchit and congrats on the DD!
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ChroniclerEnigma [2014-11-28 01:16:07 +0000 UTC]
Wow, this is really cool! I like what you had to say here, very informative, and well thought about. I like the side on which this concept was thought about- I completely agree! This is the First argument I've seen from this perspective as well. nicely written! I enjoyed reading!
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Shadowwolf [2014-11-28 00:59:20 +0000 UTC]
Beautiful, beautiful beautiful… your work astounds me…
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JMiera [2014-11-23 02:34:31 +0000 UTC]
Tatch this is absolutely GORGEOUS. Such a great piece. Congrats on completing it! For the DD as well
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coraajna [2014-11-20 23:37:11 +0000 UTC]
So cool! And the facts are compelling! Thanks for the enlightenment!
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markedwolf [2014-11-20 15:25:59 +0000 UTC]
looks amazing!! the colors and details are awesome, and it's a very emotive piece. totally worth the dd. i think the description adds to the piece, and i think it's important to share knowledge of bigger pictures when so many people don't understand how things are so relative to each other on very deep levels.
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KeithAKelly [2014-11-20 06:02:32 +0000 UTC]
Amazing work, and very interesting read. Indeed a lot to think about!
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Emeres [2014-11-19 12:14:49 +0000 UTC]
Your work is great, your thoughts a bit unsorted, but so is the the main subject. One efficient solution, which I miss in your description, would be a system approach on a global scale, for example the one proposed by Venus Project or ZM. Concentrating on, what might seem, destructive consequences from one aspect might limit further possibilities from a holistic point of view, one example would be growing fungus on food waste. That is worth keeping in mind. The transitions between different species characteristics are done nicely, I only wonder about the 'tail', which seems jelly-like.
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CrystalTrees [2014-11-18 19:07:26 +0000 UTC]
Beautiful work, details are incredible. Feathers and their arrangement are flawless.
You've also opened my mind to a new view on these issues. I'm a regular omnivore and I'm not against the production of furs and taxidermy, but I never really thought about how faux animal items really hurt the environment or how much those negatives outweigh hunting actual animals.
Excellent art and excellent writing. Thank you so much for your insight.
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mooname [2014-11-18 17:20:54 +0000 UTC]
hello, your wonderful work has been featured in
You are welcome to share with us your amazing talent
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DemonShadowJack [2014-11-18 12:15:42 +0000 UTC]
I believe the whole problem starts with people. There are too many of them. Huge cities need a lot of food. For food you need farms and big ones. For farms you need land and for that you need to burn down forests. And then, the whole thing with erosion starts and the land eventually dies. Thats the part, that includes vegetables and fruits. Now do not let me start about our needs for meat. The whole thing is so depressing, that even when I start to think about it, I find no sollution, and I'm depressed and frustrated even more. To find one, people would have to know everything about politics, economics, pharmacy, agroculture and even more. Bassically every knowledge there is to know to do things right. Everything is in details I believe. Let us think about it on one example: In your garden there are trees that are dying and you want to save them. What do you do? Try to find sollution in books, internet or ask someon. Eventually, because you were lazy, you buy some chemical with some minerals or whatever in it and pour it on the roots. Your trees are regaining strenght and everything is fine. Wrong! What you did not know when you bought your "super elixir" is that it was banned few days ago for its harmfull efects on health and enviroment, and you still don't know it yet. You used no gloves or anything to protect yourself. You breathed it in, you ate fruits from your, by the way, fruit trees. That substance got into underground water reservoir and you drink it every single day. Some years go by and you discover you've got cancer or something like that. And all this for one mistake which is - "You did no KNOW!" You did not know basics of chemistry, you did not know psychology - that some guy in factory used cheaper ingredients because he was greedy and caused your coming death, you did not know that the guy in the shop simply did not care even if he knew these facts all along. I know it's kind of farfetched. There are possibilities and a tremendous amount of details you don't know. Everything is potentionally dangerous. Everything. And the more people there are the more dangerous it will be. Because humans are the most dangerous think of all the dangerous things there are. Or maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'm just tired of all the bad news I hear, see or witness every day. Seriously when did something good and especially big happen? I mean opposite of world wide pollution. Maybe the problem is in me. I don't see anything good only baaaaad stuff. Wow now that I re-read this comment, I find it really depressing. I think I say something nice for a change. It will all be good. Everyone will eventually learn whats wrong and change themselves. We will become more carying, and consider our actions before we do some horrible mistakes. I think our world is not lost yet. As it is often said we learn from our mistakes or something like that.
I think I lost myself in this comment. Well, why am I suprised? I usuall lose my focus and my thoughts scatter all around my mind. Sorry. Or not? Why do I feel so itimidated even when nobody criticised me yet for my comment? It might be maybe because of my low confidence or is it called self-esteem. Today's effort will probably shut me up for several months. He he maybe I really am insane. Curse you insecurity. Curse you.
By the way I find my english horrible. What do you think?
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FRivArts In reply to DemonShadowJack [2014-11-30 14:43:41 +0000 UTC]
I don't think it's so much the space we take, but how inefficiently it is used; then we end up expanding more because of that. I mean, population is a problem, but it's not that we can't do better, either.
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