#hylia #lozlegendofzelda #hyrulehistoria #roleswapau
Published: 2019-03-08 00:48:11 +0000 UTC; Views: 860; Favourites: 74; Downloads: 0
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role-swap hylia would have short hair and she doesn’t initially start out with the ribbons. They;’re given to her by God!Link. I’d like to think they’re enchanted with healing magic, and because of those ribbons she’s notoriously hard to take down. They give her the title “phoenix warrior” because no matter the injury she always seems to be able to get back up. Of course, the ribbons aren’t full proof. There is a limit and that’s why she was defeated by Demise in the war.
But she was terrifying in the Demon War. They compared her to a phoenix rising from the ashes constantly \o/
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Comments: 8
GoldLuma13 [2021-09-24 05:40:19 +0000 UTC]
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Nokutaan In reply to GoldLuma13 [2021-09-24 14:30:33 +0000 UTC]
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
GoldLuma13 In reply to Nokutaan [2021-09-24 15:35:47 +0000 UTC]
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
TwilightDestinyArt [2019-04-19 17:27:06 +0000 UTC]
Hello, I'm from ProjectComment, and I'm here to comment on this pretty work of art!
First off, I like the design of the character! The character to me looks too cute for a hylain in the world of the legend of zelda. Of course this is because her facial features were designed to be cute. For that, I give you a 10/10. That aside, the outfit she is wearing somehow keeps her cuteness while showing that she is quite a formidable foe when it comes to field of battle. Again, a 10/10. A little bit of a side note here but I really love the scarf that she is wearing. DARN IT, WHY DOES SHE HAVE TO BE SO CUTE! Overall, you did a magnificent job on the design of character! Truly, well done!
On a bit of what needs to be improved on, is that I think adding a background would make the character have more going for her. Although if you're not good with backgrounds, such as a forest or what not, then just add a color background that doesn't draw back from the character. Also, you could add some shadows to give the more depth. For example, adding shadow where the head is above the neck gives the impression of depth and makes the viewer realized "Oh, that is a neck."
All of that aside, I loved this work of art for it's cuteness of the character. True there are some things that need improved upon but those are problems that could easily be fixed. That is all I have to say. I hope you will have a fantastic day!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Nokutaan In reply to TwilightDestinyArt [2019-04-20 19:47:07 +0000 UTC]
Hahaha, thanks! The goal was to sort of approximate First Link's features and Hylia's feature's and switch them. Her backstory is a bit different than Hyrule Historia Link's, but I wanted to give her a vibe of "still got the Skyward Sword Zelda / Hylia spunk (even tho Hylia had like three lines in the manga I was approximating from Skyward Sword Zelda's personality."
Ah, this was meant to be made into a stick at some point, so it wasn't intended to have a background, but I'd love to draw a full scale background with her one day!!!
Thank you for taking the time to write a critique it's very much appreciated and I hope you have a wonderful day as well!
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
Mynameisapalidrome [2019-04-19 15:38:45 +0000 UTC]
Hi! Coming from ProjectComment
This is cute portrait, specially the eyes. The one critic I would give you is that, overall, it looks a little bland, possibility due to the lack of a more defined shading. In my opinion is lacking depth.
I would recommend that when you’re working always have in mind where the light is coming from, here for example if you think is coming from the left side there would be cast shadows in the armpit, the cape and probably the fingers would cast shadows in the body as well. I think adding this shadows would give the portrait more character.
Also, try working with different shades of color; what I do is always use at least three shades, one for the lightest and brightest areas, the base color and a dark one for shadows.
Besides that I think is a pretty drawing, keep the good work!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Nokutaan In reply to Mynameisapalidrome [2019-04-20 19:43:34 +0000 UTC]
Thank you! Shadin is one of my weaker aspects as an artist and I'm working on it! Critiques like this is super helpful!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Mynameisapalidrome In reply to Nokutaan [2019-04-20 22:15:02 +0000 UTC]
I'm really glad I could be helpful
👍: 0 ⏩: 0