Published: 2007-11-02 00:07:38 +0000 UTC; Views: 13094; Favourites: 373; Downloads: 113
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yesh, one of my original characters.This here is Jack Lynx (unoriginal last name, yes, but a bad last name is better than no last name).
He starred in a 5-page comic (think it was five) that I made which also got published, so I thought it'd be OK to put him in my gallery. He's "safe" because since the comic got published, you have to be retarded to think you can get away with stealing this.. >_> XD lol sorry.
That comic was horribly drawn, by the way. I'm so embarrased over how badly I drew that I haven't looked at it for years. So, Jack might not look exactly like he did then, but I think I got most of him right.
I've never colored him before either, so seeing him in colors is kinda....strange, somehow. Doesn't look like him anymore, y'know..like when someone who's had the same hair for years suddenly gets a haircut. Not the same person! XD
stuff about Jack:
Jack is a really sweet guy, have to start by saying that.
He is 14 or 15 years old, is an orphan and likes hanging out with his only friend, Max.
They live in a country where there's a civil war that's been going on for decades. Jack is said to bring bad luck, someone's even taking it as far as saying Jack brings death with him, so everyone in town hates him. He can't seem to even walk out of his house without being spat on or thrown rocks at.
Still, he's very optimistic, and tries to look at the bright side of things. He is also Max's "guardian angel" as Max chose to call him after Jack saved him from being murdered at the streets, so he's decided he'll stay alive so he can protect his best friend.
While Max is the philosophic guy, Jack is a realist. But he likes discussing philosophy and taking walks in the forest with Max.
About the bad-luck thing:
When Jack was a baby, he and his entire family were walking together into town to buy some food for the money they had saved up. Right outside the small shop, curious little Jack found something on the ground and stopped to take a closer look at it. This caused the family to stop and wait for him, but right in that moment - a bomb exploded inside the store, and the whole family, standing outside the window, got killed by it - right in front of little Jack's eyes.
He started believing it was his fault.
Jack stayed with his grandmother, who was luckily still alive. She was old and couldn't walk, but she took good care of him. Later one day, she died while Jack was outside. Rumors spread that he had killed her.
There was also this girl, Alys, who both Jack and Max had a crush on, but she committed suicide. The townspeople soon found out that she had been in love with Jack, and so they blamed Jack once more for causing her death.
Lots of bad things happened when Jack was present, and he was the local scapegoat of everything.
Max was the only one who was convinced Jack had nothing to do about it, and their friendship was what kept Jack from doing the same thing as Alys did.
so...yeah...*clears throat*
that's all I had to say about that for now...
sorry that the coloring is bad, also that there are blue sketch-lines all over it (forgot to change layer when I went from sketching to inking), and I now see that I should have made a background..
But after a comment that gave me, (thank you! ^_^) I felt really inspired to submit a drawing of one of my characters.
So I drew this 30-minutes drawing of Jack.
favs are nice, but I like COMMENTS better! <3
Jack Lynx (c) EMS/MoTH 2005 (I think it was..) 2007
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Comments: 81
BlueTailedFly [2014-05-18 05:37:27 +0000 UTC]
Were you aware when you named him that there's a brand of beef jerky in the United States named "Jack Links"?
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Coolkitten13 [2013-06-12 18:39:38 +0000 UTC]
Aww, it looks like my pet cheetah Roger(stuffed animal,lol). ^^
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WanderingxOtaku [2012-01-21 19:00:39 +0000 UTC]
Where can I find the comic? I've looked everywhere for it
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SiddenDeath [2011-08-31 19:22:51 +0000 UTC]
Awww...that's cute and sad,i had a character sound just like this before...
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FaithStarLight [2010-03-17 11:56:20 +0000 UTC]
Wow, very deep but interesting story, Sis I like the sound of Jack
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tomasdeshi [2010-02-25 00:19:53 +0000 UTC]
Har du lagt ut noe av denne serien pΓ₯ nettserier.no?
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nocturnalMoTH In reply to tomasdeshi [2010-02-25 12:27:48 +0000 UTC]
nei, har ikke hΓΈrt om den siden.. O.O hΓΈres interessant ut.
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ShippinaWolfOfFire [2009-06-17 18:02:35 +0000 UTC]
Oh dear a lynx my boyfriend will go crazy over him =^w^=
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outlaw-whip [2009-05-01 13:26:49 +0000 UTC]
Aww, he's adorable. I love the soft colors and the background story is pretty deep. Very nice work.
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nocturnalMoTH In reply to outlaw-whip [2009-05-03 15:04:36 +0000 UTC]
thank you so much
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Flipprz [2009-04-25 01:43:26 +0000 UTC]
Lol, he reminds me of a 'happy' Zack. Moth, may i have permission to draw one of your drawings and give you credit?
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nitrobandicoot [2009-03-13 03:35:51 +0000 UTC]
AWWE HE IS SOOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!! i love the name jack
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nocturnalMoTH In reply to Eefera [2009-02-15 22:14:56 +0000 UTC]
thank you so much! ^___^
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Eefera In reply to nocturnalMoTH [2009-02-15 22:29:51 +0000 UTC]
you're welcome. your whole gallery is pretty awesome.
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RamboFox1 [2008-10-19 23:54:46 +0000 UTC]
I really need to learn how to colour in photoshop. .O.
*added to favorites*
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NextThursday [2008-07-24 11:01:47 +0000 UTC]
he looks great
i very much like the ears and the way the hair is falling in his face .... I'd definitly adopt him
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trynety [2008-07-14 19:38:20 +0000 UTC]
you and your gallery are made of awesome. and i really liike the colouring, so nuetral..tis nice ^.^
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ShadowthaHedgehog [2008-03-08 07:32:29 +0000 UTC]
Your anthro artwork is pure awesomeness. *watches gallery*
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melliIsFree [2008-02-16 10:32:26 +0000 UTC]
very nice picture. i don't know why but jack has something very sympathic on him what makes it a little bit strange because he is just a drawing...
but a very good one^^
Death is natures way of telling you that you failed
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kiara-prower [2007-11-16 15:12:30 +0000 UTC]
I love the story behind him :3 his smile is so sweet~
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nocturnalMoTH In reply to kiara-prower [2007-12-14 19:07:45 +0000 UTC]
thank you so very much
and sorry for the late reply..
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Amneco [2007-11-12 16:39:11 +0000 UTC]
He's quite an adorable character! You're really talented for your age~~
I'd love to read more about him, the story is really dark and interesting, and I think it's got great potential! I love stories about best friends too *_* Sticking together when nobody else likes you. It's really sweet~
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Star-Seal [2007-11-08 23:09:56 +0000 UTC]
heh, bit harsh, eh?
I love it ^_^
what happened in the comic?
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nocturnalMoTH In reply to Star-Seal [2007-11-09 23:26:21 +0000 UTC]
yeah, I oughta be nicer to my characters...
but thanks
ooh, long story. Even though it's only five pages XD lol ok I'll see if I remember it:...
It starts with an 'in medias res' opening - Alys slamming Max into a brick wall. She's shouting at him for something..having touched her, I think it was, even though he was just tapping her on her shoulder to ask her something (yeah, she needs anger management). Max is just about to get his arse kicked, when out of the blue Jack shows up. Supporting his friend, at the same time trying to hide his feelings for Alys, he tells her to leave them - not in a polite way, I must add. While this happens, Max is looking at Alys' face and notices how she blushes heavily when Jack appears - when Jack told her to leave, Alys then sends Max a threatening glare.
Anyway; Max and Jack walks away together. Max is kinda spaced out and almost walks away from Jack without noticing it. When Jack catches up with him, he goes "hey, what's the matter?" Max is just 'nah, nuthin..' but Jack can easily tell he's upset about Alys, the girl he loves, being all mean to him. He also states that he thinks he doesn't have a chance as Alys is obviously in love with Jack. This causes Jack to blush as he thought that she hated him too, and hearing Max says she might love Jack makes him happy. But he doesn't want to hurt Max's feelings by letting him know he loves her too, so he goes "well, too bad, because I don't like her." adding the oh-so-childish "eww, you can have her."
What they don't know is that Alys were standing near by, working in an outdoor cafe, and overheard their conversation. Completely crushed, she says to her boss that she quits.
Max and Jack are walking in the forest (over the large brick-walls, there lies a forest that stands in huge contrast to the dusty city, sealed off to prevent outsiders from entering. But Max and Jack knows a place where the walls are lower and so they often climb over to relax in the forest). They start talking about Alys again, mentioning her past and speculating over the reason she's so angry all the time. Max suggests that anger might be her reaction to the loss of her parents, maybe feeling that it sort of helps.
Soon, Max starts philosophizing over the whole 'afterlife' issue. He's being all negative, thinking that maybe there is no afterlife, and that when one die everything just turns dark, vanishes, no feelings, no thoughts, no memories - just nothing. Jack, having a hard time imagining how just ceasing to exist like that is possible, says that he believes in life after death. And he says he thinks Alys believes in this too - after all, it's nice knowing those you've lost are in a better place and not just gone.
They look up, noticing how the sun has set and it's getting dark outside. They split up, and go to each their homes.
Down at the railway, close to the forest, we see a train coming. There's a bridge not too far away from it, and Alys is standing on top of it, holding on to the fence leaning out. She's crying, now that no one sees her, thinking of her parents whom she loved so dearly. After they died, her love to Jack was the only thing that kept her alive. But now that he doesn't love her, she doesn't see any reason for carrying on.
The train keeps coming closer, it enters the tunnel under the bridge.
Alys whispers "mum, dad, I'm coming.." and lets go of the fence, falling down from the bridge just as the train comes out of the tunnel...
myep, that's all I remember
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Star-Seal In reply to nocturnalMoTH [2007-11-10 19:04:37 +0000 UTC]
I can't imagine how Jack must have felt when he found out.
Did you say you got this published?
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Jasiri-lioness [2007-11-03 15:17:12 +0000 UTC]
I like the outlook you gave to the character. He looks so cute!
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nocturnalMoTH In reply to Jasiri-lioness [2007-11-10 10:38:33 +0000 UTC]
thank you! ^___^
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nocturnalMoTH In reply to blueblur8lover [2007-11-10 10:38:50 +0000 UTC]
thank you so much!
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Taluna [2007-11-03 03:40:37 +0000 UTC]
i really like him <3 he looks cute, plus i love the personality info and backstory you put in there n_n
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Xenonthehedgehog [2007-11-02 19:54:17 +0000 UTC]
A comic of YOURS got published?! Aw man, you have got to post it on DEv, either that or I have to buy it!
I'd love to read something of yours, it sounds awsome!
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nocturnalMoTH In reply to Xenonthehedgehog [2007-11-10 10:45:30 +0000 UTC]
aww yer so sweet.
If you wanna buy it that'll be 4 dollars and some cents for the shipping
It was like a one-time only thingy, limited edition. Nothing big really. Though I thought it was lol
Some of the magazines were sent out to certain comic stores and put out for sale, and some were given to us, the creators, so we could sell it to our friends and relatives. I felt it would be rude to ask people to buy it from me, lol, so I've still got some copies left.
Thanks a lot
I'll see if I can scan the pages once I find the comic. But it'll be in my scraps, 'cos I hate how I drew it
thanks for the comment ^__^
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shimmyshammy [2007-11-02 18:08:49 +0000 UTC]
For a 30 mins sketch/digital painting this is highly presentable and an excellent portrayal of not only creativity, but also the improvements which you've been making towards your work in general and has been put together with some grace and skill. The tones of colour work amazingly and really give him that presentational feel of energy and a colour feeling of eccentric playfulness with what you've captured.
All in all moth a grand job, keep it up
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suuzneko [2007-11-02 10:49:45 +0000 UTC]
tegneserien i SPARK? Den var bra tegna da! xD Jeg viste den til mange av vennene mine og sa: Seee sΓ₯ flin hun er! OG hun er bare 16 Γ₯r! (for du var 16 da? var du ikke?)
du bΓΈr lage flere tegneserier om han
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nocturnalMoTH In reply to suuzneko [2007-11-05 09:03:12 +0000 UTC]
haha, Γ₯ huff viste du den frem? XD hehe, var jo snillt av deg da ;3
tror jeg var ca 16 ja. Hadde akkurat begynt Γ₯ tegne anthro'er. tegna bare Sonic fΓΈr det
tusen takk forresten ^__^ snillingen du
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Crystal-The-Hedgehog [2007-11-02 10:30:14 +0000 UTC]
He has such a wonderful expression on his face, so happy~ and I love his story. It's so original, Ive never seen someone's character have a story like that. I also love his colors, very earthy
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