#handdrawn #illustration #ink #ninette #ninetteponyme #artwork #black #feminine #fineart #finepen #indianink #inkdrawing #portrait #portraitgirl #portraiture #traditionnal #woman #traditionnaldrawing
Published: 2016-04-08 13:39:17 +0000 UTC; Views: 953; Favourites: 56; Downloads: 0
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Inks on paper29.7 x 42 cm
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Comments: 13
HydromelKing [2016-07-11 19:58:04 +0000 UTC]
Un style singulier et organique, splendide et impressionnant !
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NinettEponyme In reply to HydromelKing [2016-07-12 08:08:44 +0000 UTC]
ahaha voilà je vais travailler ça l'impressionnante attitude
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HydromelKing In reply to NinettEponyme [2016-07-12 10:25:19 +0000 UTC]
Justement c'est un des rares trucs qui ne se travaille pas,
c'est inhérent à la qualité de ta technique et de tes œuvres !
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NinettEponyme In reply to HydromelKing [2016-07-12 12:13:32 +0000 UTC]
Oùlàlà.... on est dans le compliment de haut vol ... Non, non il ne faut pas exagérer quand même. Merci bcp c'est adorable mais il faut pas me dire ce genre de choses ! des bises. Plein pour la peine
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HydromelKing In reply to NinettEponyme [2016-07-12 12:26:12 +0000 UTC]
Je n'exagère jamais sauf si j'ai trop bu ! Mais bon
je comprend ton sentiment, il est difficile d'avoir une
bonne opinion ou d'être vraiment objectif quand on considère
son propre travail lorsque l'on est artiste (amateur ou pro),
parce que l'on voit tous les détails qui clochent et tout
ce qu'on pourrait améliorer. Mes compliments sont sincères
et enthousiastes, je le certifie. Au contraire, on a besoin de ce
genre de choses. Bises.
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NinettEponyme In reply to HydromelKing [2016-07-12 13:44:54 +0000 UTC]
Merci bcp de ta compréhension. ce n'est pas de la fausse modestie c'est que ça me met tjs tellement mal à l'aise surtout qd je vois tous les progrès que j'ai encore à faire. Quoiqu'il en soit ce serait mentir que de dire que les gentils mots ne me touchent pas. Alors simplement un grand merci <3
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NinettEponyme In reply to ChristinePresley [2016-04-13 10:20:55 +0000 UTC]
Hihihi !! Merci !!!
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Onakuru [2016-04-11 14:46:50 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, I figured the mood I felt up there was connected to the aftermath of your loss... I hope it helped/helps a little to carry on. And it's great you could find a way to magnify what was on your mind and come out with this piece. Truly inspiring.
I gladly accept your good vibes, I'm sure I needed some. Everyone does in a way.
(I shifted screens and today I can see the whole depth of the black you used, on the dress and behind her hair... proving my point that there's always something new when I come back to something you submitted, eh.)
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NinettEponyme In reply to Onakuru [2016-04-13 10:24:56 +0000 UTC]
i thank you Onakuru for having taken time to writte me a little bit longer. But most of all what really moves me is that my artwork did something to you. it is so emotional for me when it happens, when someone sees.... Thank you a lot. I wish you the best and more of all the serenity.
And keep on walking on our liferoad !
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Onakuru [2016-04-09 13:13:07 +0000 UTC]
Hi there,
One of your darkest piece, I believe, but that's nothing of a problem, far from it.
I don't write it every time I add your work in my favourites (should but don't), but this style of yours is just brilliant. There's so many stories everywhere each submission becomes a world on its own. And I really like how you came to put colours back into that part of your art. I can't really say I 'prefer' it to the more traditional way you've also been creating (I'm still mesmerised every time I look at your ADSUM) and I'd just say it's 'different', really. But it's interesting, seeing you evolve that way.
And, above all, it's just as good. So thank you for sharing, as always.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
NinettEponyme In reply to Onakuru [2016-04-11 10:05:03 +0000 UTC]
OMG... So much kindness. Too much for a monday. I call this drawing my ink bath. I draw it after my grandmother funerals. That's why probably you feel it very dark. The truth is i would prefer to make more colored ink but my life is made in a certain way that i could only draw during the night. The colored ones are realised when i have free moments in the daylight... Too too rare. One day perhaps. I cross my finger. Anyway a soo big thank you for your encouragments. It is so hard sometimes to keep on going and carry on..... I send you tones of good vibes ! Have a brillant day ! ninette
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