#elf #fantasy #elvenlady #semirealism
Published: 2015-07-18 20:47:10 +0000 UTC; Views: 3792; Favourites: 197; Downloads: 0
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Elves for the win! ouoMore semirealism practise, it was lots of fun painting this >u<
Hope you guys like it!
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Comments: 42
TKatomika [2015-10-26 17:58:13 +0000 UTC]
Wow.. Damn it what I miss when I mass delete my inbox. You're awesome Q . Q
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Nilfea In reply to TKatomika [2015-10-26 19:37:39 +0000 UTC]
ahaha I do the same thing =u=; kinda get so many things that it's impossible to look through it all x__x
and thank you ;u;
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TKatomika In reply to Nilfea [2015-10-26 20:31:35 +0000 UTC]
Ah, I just remembered, I dont think you sent me a separated file of my commission yet ^^'
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Nilfea In reply to TKatomika [2015-10-27 17:06:09 +0000 UTC]
omigosh.. I must've forgotten x___x so sorry~
anyway you probably mean this? Katolle
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SweatyYeti In reply to Nilfea [2015-10-22 01:23:41 +0000 UTC]
looks like you* I think from imagination. Anyway I just visited this again because it really came out well lol
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Nilfea In reply to SweatyYeti [2015-10-22 08:17:34 +0000 UTC]
lol thanks x'D and I don't look like that at all :'D elven ears would be cool tho =u=
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LunaGorn [2015-08-03 20:23:50 +0000 UTC]
that looks so amazing feaaaaaaaa
it's so so pretty aaaaa ;;;;;;
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dadha [2015-07-22 05:26:17 +0000 UTC]
She looks like a saint very pretty. This reminds me of paintings I see in museums. You're really getting the hanf of drawing realistic! Great job :,D
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Nilfea In reply to dadha [2015-07-23 13:15:55 +0000 UTC]
Lol thank you! xD
Yeeh I'm rly enjoying painting, it's rly refreshing from all the cell shading >u<
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PetiteBoss [2015-07-21 11:34:24 +0000 UTC]
;u; you're getting SO good!
such an inspiration!! ;___;
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Nilfea In reply to PetiteBoss [2015-07-23 13:08:21 +0000 UTC]
oh goosh no, still no where near where I want to be ;A;
But thank you gurl ;u;
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Nuittu [2015-07-18 21:10:09 +0000 UTC]
Voiko piirustukseen rakastua? xD mä oon aina tykänny sun semirealismi kuvista ja oot kyl oikeesti kehittyny ihan h*vetisti MIETI, mä KOMMENTOIN tänne koska tykkään tästä niin hemmetisti xDD It's a miracle! Ootan, että tää ilmestyy etusivulle >u>
En oo kommentoinu yms, pitkiin pitkiin aikoihin, enkä usko että tuun tästäkään lähtien olemaan erityisen aktiivinen, mut oon aina seurannu mitä teet *stalkkeri >3>* ja kyttäilen sun striimejäki :3 kannustan sua passiivisesti<3
Keep it up, you're important to me<3 I will forever and ever be your number one fan~
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Nilfea In reply to Nuittu [2015-07-19 10:39:05 +0000 UTC]
Haha tuskin ilmestyy :'D
Ehkäpä joku kaunis päivä on tarpeeksi hienoja töitä et ne sinnekkin asti "ylettyis" x'D
Kiitos, et tiedä kuinka paljon asia tarkoittaa mulle~
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