Published: 2011-11-12 02:08:30 +0000 UTC; Views: 628; Favourites: 10; Downloads: 13
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Just a picture of Nikki I started a few weeks ago. I got the shading of her skin just perfect (all flushed, rosey cheeks and everything) and my scanner just ruined it. Like it... somehow disappeared. I dunno.I never got around to shading her hair or shirt. I guess there was no point if the scanner was going to do this to it. XD;
I'm probably going to mess around with this on photoshop. I just downloaded cs5, so I need to play around anyway.
I'm really contemplating on whether or not I like her hair being receded up so much. I don't know, I might give her bangs framing that side of her face instead. Still kind of working on her hair design.
Nikki Wilson (c) ME, BRO.
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Comments: 21
Kelliestar [2011-12-03 03:05:53 +0000 UTC]
Eeeee, and the little smile. Adorable.
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Porcupine-Pen [2011-11-12 15:17:21 +0000 UTC]
Scanners ruin everything man. D:
ADORE the drawing though. Lookit her little button noooooooooose. ^^
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NikChik-11 In reply to Porcupine-Pen [2011-11-14 04:59:03 +0000 UTC]
I know, man. It sucks. D:
Thanks. ^^ I'm really trying to improve my overall style. I feel like I really used to cop out with details (like just drawing a line for a nose, and every character having a similar hairstyle).
College is kind of preventing me from drawing for fun anymore. *shot*
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LittleSpaceStars [2011-11-12 02:18:46 +0000 UTC]
Did . . . did you just upload something? Well shet, I believe you did. Brings happiness to my eyes. Or maybe it's tears, I can't tell.
She looks adorable! I really really like this style and . . . gaahh, scanner why'd you have to take away the perfectly flushed cheeeeks? POR QUE? I wanted to seeeeee.
Anyway, it's nice to see you experimenting with her hair. Especially since I . . . don't know how to draw it. I just wing it. Pfft.
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NikChik-11 In reply to LittleSpaceStars [2011-11-12 02:33:38 +0000 UTC]
I know, shocker. *shot*
I don't have time to draw anything for myself anymore. Pfft.
They were so perfect. D:
I'm just not satisfied with the right side of her hair. :/
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LittleSpaceStars In reply to NikChik-11 [2011-11-12 02:39:10 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, I figured. Pfft. You'll probably have to wait for your breaks to actually have the time to draw something you want to draw . . . which sucks. Unless of course you work on it periodically.
Auugh, dang it. Is it because of what you used to color it with? D8
Hmm . . . like, maybe it's the part of her hair. She doesn't really seem to have one? I mean, she does, but it's your drawing style that make it looks . . . different, I guess. What exactly don't you like about it? The fact that it's shorter on that side? That kind of makes it look like she's pushed all of her hair over her right shoulder . . . unless that was the purpose.
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NikChik-11 In reply to LittleSpaceStars [2011-11-12 02:46:10 +0000 UTC]
I used prismacolor markers, my scanner just tends to blur out every detail. I think it's the settings on it. Maybe I can change it...
It was on purpose. Her hair is in a braid pony-tail type thing, the scrunchy is just off-screen.
I don't like how much of her forehead is showing. It's too.... 80s.
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LittleSpaceStars In reply to NikChik-11 [2011-11-12 02:51:13 +0000 UTC]
Hmm, it probably is. Look it up in the manuuaaal! D8
Okay, I thought so! . . . but I didn't ask. Pfft. Okay, that makes sense. 'Tis cute.
I don't think it's necessarily 80s. I mean . . . I show my forehead. *BRICK'D* Pfft. Just kidding. But I see what you're saying though! Yeah, so maybe like, some bangs there would help with that like you were saying. XDD
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NikChik-11 In reply to LittleSpaceStars [2011-11-12 02:57:06 +0000 UTC]
Or maybe I could just lower where her hairline starts.
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LittleSpaceStars In reply to NikChik-11 [2011-11-12 02:59:22 +0000 UTC]
Hmm. That's true too. It is pretty high on her head.
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NikChik-11 In reply to LittleSpaceStars [2011-11-12 03:01:25 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, that's what I'm saying that I don't like. It's too far up. XD;
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LittleSpaceStars In reply to NikChik-11 [2011-11-12 03:09:21 +0000 UTC]
Okay, so in future drawings Nikki shall have a lower hairline. Yus.
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