niichie — [J-H] Amatsuki Shirakami

#anime #rpgroupapplication #nyxxeii #jukaihigh #shirakamiamatsuki
Published: 2016-02-25 13:40:23 +0000 UTC; Views: 851; Favourites: 20; Downloads: 1
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how does one make an app? I'm getting rusty here. :''''''^]


Amatsuki Shirakami
白神-Shirakami: 'white god'
天月- Amatsuki: 'heaven moon'







No preference
why not find out?//hit

[Height/ Weight]

175 cm :: 5'9" || 60 kg :: 132 lbs



[Cause of death]

Car Accident



[Fighting Style]

He makes sure to never hurt anyone unless in dire situations. He is more on the supporting side and is never the aggressive type.

*Healing - can normally heal light cuts and bruises... deeper flesh injuries need more energy to heal. Can only heal light cuts and bruises up to 15 times before he goes unconscious because of energy drain. For serious injuries, only 3.

*Shield - can only accommodate 1 person. It's either himself or someone else. Can only repel up to 10 hits until it weakens and shatters. Can be used with no limit.. or as long as he is conscious.

*Smite - a burst of holy light that creates a powerful explosion. Can only be used in dire situations since using it can make him fall into unconsciousness for a week or even more depending on how powerful the explosion is.

*Cleanse - is for cleansing the ones who are poisoned.


-Will always be willing to help anyone

-You can count on him to always have your back

-Very cooperative


- Low stamina

- Lacks knowledge in terms of martial arts or any mode of offense

- Always doubts his abilities 8')

- Too kind


Timid || Protective || Caring and Supportive || Intuitive ||A little dense at times || Kind and Selfless || the best mum u never had

   Amatsuki is usually very meek and gentle. He would never defy anyone unless he is told to do something that seems to go against his morals. He cares for anyone and he believes in everyone... except himself. He always seem to think that he is uninteresting and he would never live up to anyone's expectations. He believes that he will never be as capable as others are. He mainly acts based on how he feels, and his top priority is always what is best for everyone.


salty snacks

the night sky

friends coz he lonely af

jokes he'll laugh no matter what just tell him ur joking

taking care of people/being useful



you :^D


public speaking

sports coz he fails everyteim

anything to do with horror

being useless

fighting and violence

himself mostly


    The first-born in a middle class family, Amatsuki lead a life of putting the welfare of his 3 younger brothers and pleasing his parents at top priority. He attended school a bit later than the children at his age since he was quite sickly back then. Although that was the case, he was a diligent student and a reliable classmate/schoolmate. He often times shy away from people as he is very timid,  but he tried making friends and he did have a few. He always tried to give his all in everything he does, but he could never seem to be satisfied with his capabilities. Nonetheless, he kept looking out for everyone as best as he can. And  he lost his life in exchange.

    It was his last summer vacation in high school. On the unfortunate day, he accompanied his little brothers to the community park as a routine that they do at late afternoons. It was an afternoon perfect for naps and he was feeling a bit sleepy, but then honking sounds of a car snapped him out of his near-napping state. He turned his head to the direction of the noise... and saw that his youngest brother was walking to the middle of the road since their ball seemed to have rolled off to that spot. The driver was screaming that his brakes were broken and for the kid to get out of the way as the driver desperately try to stop his car. Without any second thoughts, Amatsuki runs off to the road to push his brother out of the way, and taking the hit instead then all went black. He couldn't feel anything... until he suddenly felt gentle coldness dusting his skin. He opened his eyes slowly to realise that he was lying down on a snow-covered ground. He sat up and looked around -- all confused and a bit scared of this unfamiliar place. He stood up and started to walk as if his feet knew where to lead him. And they led him to a school. He then chose to be in the Yume Club since it was the peaceful and less intimidating one.


  • "..I-I want to be useful... even f-for a little while."
  • "Does a-anyone need some healing?"
  • "Can't we all just try to, maybe, get along... p-please?"
  • "....alpacas."
  • [more tba]


- has a lame sense of humor

- a good cook

- left-handed

- only sings in the shower

- he's a dork obviously

- ur mum

[RP Information]
Media: Skype(prefered) or Notes.. I might try other medium that you are comfortable with. uwu
Style: Literature/Paragraph form mostly.. but I am fine with script... as long as it is not the one-liner ones. Those are hard to reply to ; 7 ;

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Comments: 28

xKanoShuuya [2016-09-13 05:10:16 +0000 UTC]

ok i just see this precious soon now

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ZydrateAddicted [2016-06-05 07:18:33 +0000 UTC]

; u ;I cant wait till i get in I hope my son and him would get along

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

niichie In reply to ZydrateAddicted [2016-06-09 12:54:06 +0000 UTC]

fook this is so late but aha

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ZydrateAddicted In reply to niichie [2016-06-09 20:15:32 +0000 UTC]

; y ; my skype is zydrateaddicted if you want to rp-

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Universal--Disaster [2016-03-16 04:34:53 +0000 UTC]

OH NO HES LIKE A SHOUJO PRINCE I THINK IM IN LOVE Also reminds me I need to update my art //nervous laugh

I have a fierce need for yumi and him to be friends

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niichie In reply to Universal--Disaster [2016-03-16 09:30:07 +0000 UTC]

he is anything but a prince.. he is actually more of a weakling plebian :v

Ahhh.. he does need friends ; 7 ; ... Yumi will have a personal assistant.. or maybe a mannequin :^D .. you can pretty much do anything with him aHA

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Universal--Disaster In reply to niichie [2016-03-17 22:35:13 +0000 UTC]

Yumi will protect her new precious mannequin friend.

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niichie In reply to Universal--Disaster [2016-03-26 17:26:53 +0000 UTC]

aha ples be gentle with the dork uwu

Would you like to rp? ó w ò

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Universal--Disaster In reply to niichie [2016-03-29 00:51:58 +0000 UTC]

!!!!!!! YES PLEASE
Skype or ???

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niichie In reply to Universal--Disaster [2016-03-29 12:16:07 +0000 UTC]

Skype would be lovely ú w ù

My skype name is king_nyx

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kiippon [2016-02-27 00:01:13 +0000 UTC]

omg hello cutie

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niichie In reply to kiippon [2016-02-27 03:11:32 +0000 UTC]

hello there too ê v ê //wiggles brows

no ur son is cutie w hat are u sayi n g

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kiippon In reply to niichie [2016-02-29 00:54:48 +0000 UTC]

They're all cuties
//throws cutie dust everywhere

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niichie In reply to kiippon [2016-02-29 11:48:22 +0000 UTC]

nvm what i said.. YOUR SON IS THE COOL ONE--//creis because of overused pun

pls dun kill me

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Guro-qu [2016-02-26 21:03:40 +0000 UTC]

I really really like his character and this story is wonderful !and sad //sobs anyways. Thank you so much for joining (my club MUAHAH)  

Ilook forward to it really ; -; 
besides, i ..like this draw a lot tho ♥♥♥

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niichie In reply to Guro-qu [2016-02-27 03:09:52 +0000 UTC]

oh d ear.. thank you for having me and my poopy son here! And thank you for all the compliments.. i thought his story sucked a h a but th a nksss ; 7 ;

And aaah looking forward to RPing with you.. AH JUST THANK YOU I DUNNO WHAT ELSE TO SAY WHY U SO KIND TO M E

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Guro-qu In reply to niichie [2016-02-27 12:39:22 +0000 UTC]

A hhh no e fits in perfectly so dont worry ; A ; ! 
and his story is cute and he is so innoccent lemme hug this precious mom-boy >:c 

SAME HERE OMG It will be great and funny ahahah <3 when my english wouldn't suck  


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niichie In reply to Guro-qu [2016-02-27 14:30:18 +0000 UTC]

aH SURE he will need all the hug he can get ;A;;;

I can imagine my dork laughing at your dork's forced jokes no matter what haha.. tho Tsuki will probs be scared of him at first..I know the feels. English is not my first language ^u^;;


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Guro-qu In reply to niichie [2016-02-27 15:48:25 +0000 UTC]

ohh I like him so much ahh <3  I love hugs. >:c 

xDDDDDDDDDDDD NO SRSLY ! this is exactly how it will be; ur babe is scared and kisho is like whatever -pretends to be cool but isnt-
and when they will talk a little bit more because..kisho always looks like hes crying and amatsuki is like omg precious needs help ; A ; 
while kisho is like: Noohh dun touch me >:c and then he tries to be funny and ur bby is the first one who actually is laughing about his 'jokes' 

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niichie In reply to Guro-qu [2016-02-27 17:35:32 +0000 UTC]

welp he likes u too uvu.. coz he likes everyone except himself of course lel..

LMAO amatsuki will think he made him cry coz he is dum and he'll prob cry coz he thought he made him cry.. but then he laughs instead coz kisho told a 'joke'..

He'll prob try to comfort Kisho coz he thinks he is crying and will try to hug him but he too shy to actually do that so he'll probably just... hug him from afar in his imagination.. and just tries to reach out and pat him softly like 'there, there.. it will be ok'

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Guro-qu In reply to niichie [2016-02-27 18:11:48 +0000 UTC]

he should love hisself or I have to do this tbh doesnt matter I'll love him no matter what lol

Ohhh yes omg xDDD i see pics inside my head ohh thats gonna be damn funny seriously because this is exactly how he would behave i think lmao xDDDDDDDDD 

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niichie In reply to Guro-qu [2016-02-28 02:56:45 +0000 UTC]

//gives u amatsuki// here you go and love him

also I imagine that amatsuki probs gonna be very sad if kisho insults him aha.. but he will still take care of the boss.. like everyone in yume

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Guro-qu In reply to niichie [2016-02-28 09:20:16 +0000 UTC]

//gives precious love

hhhhh but i think kisho will inslut him since hes a little bitch and has to inslut everyone //cries
poor baby didnt deserve this asshole behaviour of his leader 

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niichie In reply to Guro-qu [2016-02-28 11:02:43 +0000 UTC]

Amatsuki: ú//v//ù ~ ♥

Ah it's fine to insult him...he'll believe his insults anyways.. but then again maybe he'll develop some back bone someday

Pls rp with me if we are already allowed to .. or if you have time (´;ω;`)

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Guro-qu In reply to niichie [2016-02-28 14:27:30 +0000 UTC]

 xDDDDDI'd love to see this srsly he deserves a backbone (?) >:c 

I have time hun ; A ; ! but tbh, I don't know if we can start already or not because we have /are planning to do a skype group  to rp there I'll ask the other admin omg
its like i have to ask my mommy if i can play outside OTL 

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niichie In reply to Guro-qu [2016-02-28 21:06:21 +0000 UTC]

dun worry someday he will uvu

Lel it foine ( uwu)/... Just note me or add me on skype and message me there once it is allowed. //pats u

skype name: king_nyx

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Guro-qu In reply to niichie [2016-02-29 12:43:01 +0000 UTC]

Okay hun I'll add you ; A ; ! 
i hope i got the right one lmao 

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niichie In reply to Guro-qu [2016-02-29 13:28:28 +0000 UTC]

yes you did.. I already accepted (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡

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