NiG3L — Sleeping Mermaid p.2

Published: 2010-10-22 13:02:54 +0000 UTC; Views: 1512; Favourites: 22; Downloads: 0
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Description Sleeping mermaid is a personal project.
I was able to finish the prologue and the first chapter.
If you do like it, please let me know. ♥

It is not allowed to use this material without my permission.
You ask for use and we see what I can do.

Stay sweet and filled with love! ♥

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Comments: 18

Hieyizar [2011-01-16 19:24:27 +0000 UTC]


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NiG3L In reply to Hieyizar [2011-01-17 00:04:02 +0000 UTC]

Hey!! Thank u for your comment and faving

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love-that-lychee [2010-10-26 21:39:56 +0000 UTC]

I can read it, so SUCCESS! he he he

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NiG3L In reply to love-that-lychee [2010-10-27 16:01:55 +0000 UTC]


Oh, you can read it? That great. But I wanna change some of these pages in the next time, cause a good friend at mine are better in english than me. So its better when I write it at first and she controls it again. Ö__ö°

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love-that-lychee In reply to NiG3L [2010-10-27 19:13:43 +0000 UTC]

Change is cool lol But I think that you speak fine English- except for "So its better when I write it at first and she controls it again." I have no idea what that means... x'D !

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NiG3L In reply to love-that-lychee [2010-10-27 20:25:36 +0000 UTC]

Sorry. Me Too. XDDD°

Ahm..oh...I looked for my entry again and .....XDDDD I am so sorry. Bad english. I didnt thought about it.

Okay, a good friend of mine is good at english and she wanna translate it again for me. Cause from time to time Iam not sure if I can write that or not. Cause some sentences are easy to translate but the most of them not.

Hope you understand it now. X)°

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love-that-lychee In reply to NiG3L [2010-10-30 00:20:08 +0000 UTC]

xD lmao
Don't apologize, it's alright- you made me laugh a lot so it was quite alright

I understand now, thank you for explaining it to me! he he he You are very good with speaking english, it's a hard language to learn I hear. Genrman looks like an impossible leap to even begin learning for me xD

I hope that your day is going well! <3

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NiG3L In reply to love-that-lychee [2010-10-31 21:17:43 +0000 UTC]

Laugh a lot? Are you kidding me?

Haha. If you want we can practise together.
I mean, I wanna learn to speak better english and I can give you some easy sentences in german.
Its a deal, honey?

My day was veeery good. But the night from saturday to sunday I visited a good friend. She had birthday so we celebrated it. We drew all the night and drunk tea, ate pizza and did other great stuff. It was a hard time. Ö__ö°


Hope your weekend was nice toooo!

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love-that-lychee In reply to NiG3L [2010-10-31 21:50:11 +0000 UTC]

Learning German sounds like a beautiful plan :')
I would think that chatting up the conversation storms is excellent practice for learning languages xD You're in the right place to be Nig3l lol
I think we have a deal then <3

Hard time? That sounds like such a blast to be with a friend all night- draw chat and be merry xD It's been a while since any of my friends have done that, because we are all separated now. But, it's alright lol One day, we'll all get together again ^_^

I'm so happy that you and your friend had a fun weekend! Mine has been fabulous lol :0)

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Charming-Manatee [2010-10-24 12:24:35 +0000 UTC]

it so beautiful^U^

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NiG3L In reply to Charming-Manatee [2010-10-24 19:29:37 +0000 UTC]


Thank you


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Charming-Manatee In reply to NiG3L [2010-10-24 23:23:57 +0000 UTC]

your welcome^U^

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Illustrious-Fish [2010-10-23 01:24:32 +0000 UTC]

Beautiful work. Your grammar is really good as it is. In english, we have all kinds of pointless filler words. I've realized this when I first took classes to learn french.

So I guess, you'd have to add "was" between 'he, and swept'..... To make it "He was swept back to his wife...." The rest is good. No worries!

Is the screentone done by hand? You did a fantastic job with it. ^_^

Lots of love!

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NiG3L In reply to Illustrious-Fish [2010-10-24 12:13:14 +0000 UTC]

You are so lovely! Q3Q

Filler words. Ahhh in german we have a lot of those words too. Sometimes tooooo much. XDD°
But I like special words. T___T

Okay, I will change it in a few hours but atm I have to get ready for my friends. Cause we go out and drink coffee in a coffeeshop X)

Some screentones are by hand. But the most work I do with the computer. Cause screentones are veeeery expensive. When I have enough money I wanna buy me some new screentones.

Lots of love to you back!

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Illustrious-Fish In reply to NiG3L [2010-10-25 05:38:56 +0000 UTC]

Coffee sounds good right now, especially since I'm starting to get a cold. >_>
The weather here where I am is so weird, it's warm for a couple of days, then it gets really cold, then suddenly it's warm again. *sigh

Yeah I have screen tones on my computer too, they are really expensive to buy here too, that's why I haven't got any myself. I would love to work with screentones by hand. And be like real Mangakas. Right now, I'm just trying to save up money so I can buy refilling ink for my copics. *facepalm*

Ahh, we'll get all that we need or want one of these days. Hopefully.

Hugs! To you in return, sweetie.

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NiG3L In reply to Illustrious-Fish [2010-10-26 15:09:31 +0000 UTC]

Yes, coffee is always welcome..and tea too. But I cant often drink coffee, cause my stomach doesnt like it. Haha.

With milk its the same. AHHHHH! But I drink it.

Your weather is the same like mine. XDDD°
Today the windows from the cars were frozen. I was a bit shocked for a moment. >)
In the morning its really really cold and the half day the sun is shining. When its 5pm its starting to rain. =___=
And yesterday I went trough the rain and I was really wet. V___V°

Its so wonderful to work with screentones. Its a lot of work, but it looks so great!!! *sparkle*
I hope you have money in the future. XDD°
Refilling inks for copics. OH dear...I start to love you, right now. Haha. What kind of refilling inks you need?
I have warm grey no1 and no3. Not enough!!! Q__Q
Need one for egg shell. But it doesnt exist.
How cruel!!!


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Illustrious-Fish In reply to NiG3L [2010-10-26 21:58:19 +0000 UTC]

I don't like drinking coffee that often,and I too get sick from drinking too much. Most of the time I only drink half of my cup. But I love tea. As for milk, I drink soy milk, so I don't really get sick anymore from it. You could be lactose intolerant. It runs in my family, it might in your's.

Yeah we are similar in weather, although it doesn't rain here all that often, which is too bad sometimes. I like the rain and when it's cloudy, I feel inspired by it. It snows though, sometimes a lot.

What an umbrella? or you need a raincoat? So you don't get so wet, and then get a cold.

Yeah I've seen artist works with screentone, that made me waht to try it. They look great, you're right about that one. I will have money, the bills are all paid now...And rent is put back...so maybe soon.

They don't have eggshell, refill ink? I just started using my eggshell color, because my other skin tone colors have died..That's so horrible they don't have the refill ink for it. *facepalm

The ones I need refills for are pale celestine, pale fruit pink, fruit pink, skin white, warm grey No.04, and warm grey No.07. Mostly skin tones are the ones that die the fastest for me. I'm going to see if I can find some refill ink for cheap.

Lots of love!


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NiG3L In reply to Illustrious-Fish [2010-11-02 19:32:38 +0000 UTC]

Aaaand the third message!!!

When you wrote back, I wanna send you one looooong message. I think that will be better. :<

I dislike coffee too. But I like -cappucino-. But at them moment I have enough Ò___Ó
Its teatime now and I wanna drink the whole day tea. My mother love milk. And she drinks it very often. I think i am a bit lactose intolerant. But its okay. My stomach hurts a little bit and after three hours its over. XDD°

It rains very often at night. Love it when it rains. Okay, when I am outside I dont like it, cause my hair will be wet and I use a lot hairspray. :/
Wanna go to a coiffeur. ARGH!
But I havent money yet.

I have an umbrella. Its an umbrella from walt disney. XDD° Donald is my favorite umbrella. My one and only. Haha. <)

When you are in germany, I can give you some screentones. Have some and dont use them. :/ Love my s.tones, but I think its better when someone use them who really wants it.

NO! They dont have eggshell refillers.
I always die when my eggshell die. Hmmm.. maybe in the future. XDD°

Its so funny...cause copics have the same names all over the world. So we can talk about it without any problems. X)

Its done XDDDD°


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