NicolasRGiacondino β€” KHAN

Published: 2009-09-15 03:27:21 +0000 UTC; Views: 59602; Favourites: 949; Downloads: 0
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Description Hello everyone!

I hope you all had a great weekend and, as usual, here I am trying to start the week with a good dose of artwork.

It's been a while since I put up anything related to the Dark Millenium of Warhammer 40,000, my desintoxicating from it and all. But the work and commissions are still a go in my schedule and all the projects related to the grim dark of the far future are very much alive.
Such is the case with this new illustration, depicting one of the mighty Primarchs; the powerful children of The Emperor of Mankind. This one particularly, is the renowned lord of the lightning strikes: Jaghatai Khan of the White Scars.

As usual, I'm quite proud of how this one turned out and I think it's a worthy successor of my last Primarch and an "up to standard" companion to all his brothers. However, I do feel he stands out a bit more, because of his ethnic backround.
The White Scars Legion is the only oriental themed Legion in the background and it was a great challenge and a pleasure to instill into the Mighty Khan that Chinese/Japanese/Mongol flavour, without sticking to any in particular and rather enhancing his archetypal nature as the perfect Eastern Warrior.

Also, and something else worthy of notice is the background of this piece. The White Scars were renowned for their skill and excellence in the field of fast attack; their motorbike assaults were (and still are in the 41st Millenium) unrivalled and that stems from the fact that in their homeworld of Mundus Planus (also known by its natives as Chogoria) the Khan won all of his battles and unified the planet with the force of his cavalry (a homage to Genghis Kahn, obviously) and his lightning strike tactics. This was achieved mainly because Chogoria was a rich planet, very fertile and filled with green plains, tall mountains and blue seas.
Thus, upon reading that description of a homworld, it struck me as one of the very few not to have such a gothic and decayed atmosphere as others. Something interesting to depict!

I hope you enjoy it, as usual, and let me know what you think!


PS.. Another detail for you to check out: the writing in his purity seals is in oriental form too ...

Β© Games Workshop Ltd. 2009
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Comments: 98

manati20 [2021-01-29 04:45:39 +0000 UTC]

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MrMadManiac [2019-05-07 04:59:07 +0000 UTC]

Jengis Khan's second Son.

Or his first, depending on your belief of Gochi's heritage.

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GrayLantern13 [2018-11-14 07:32:19 +0000 UTC]

Why am I not surprised at the Star Trek jokes.


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ZhanLong [2016-08-14 22:04:54 +0000 UTC]

First: A fave, you clearly deserve it.

Second: Criticism, yay!

The White Scars have a special place in my heart. They aren't my favourite Legion (that are the Salamanders) and the Khan isn't my favourite Primarch (tie between Corax, Magnus and Vulkan) but they're very close to the top.
After closer examination, I came to the conclusion that your version of Jaghatai is pretty damn good.
He wields a katana, not that much of a mistake. Chogris likely had other cultures than not!mongols, and that one of them had katanas isn't far-fetched once you think about it (the White Scars Fortress Monastery is called Quan Zhou, which seems to be chinese, and their power lances look like Guan Daos or Naginatas).
His purity seals are written in Hudum Mongol bichig, the mongolian transcipt, or something that comes very close aestetically, which is a great detail.
I also love the horse designs on his gauntlets. Same with the small lightning decorations.
I miss the red lightning that should be on his face, but that is only a small one considering the sheer amount of details.

Overall great work, it is clear from the get-go who he is.

For the Khan, And for the Emperor!

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NicolasRGiacondino In reply to ZhanLong [2016-08-15 15:00:06 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much for such an insightful comment! I'm glad that you took the time to write it and that you liked this piece so much


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xXenggiXx [2016-03-26 18:33:01 +0000 UTC]

Amazing piece love it as well as all your work overall

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NicolasRGiacondino In reply to xXenggiXx [2016-03-28 21:47:45 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much!


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xXenggiXx In reply to NicolasRGiacondino [2016-03-31 20:34:55 +0000 UTC]

np keep up the great work!

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AlexcekTheScytheclaw [2015-04-26 03:48:42 +0000 UTC]

I think its mostly the scars and his black eyes, but he really reminds me of Shan Yu from Mulan. Looks awesome! Just picked up Scars, so I look forward to the read.

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Libra1010 [2014-03-21 20:51:49 +0000 UTC]

I'll bet he REALLY loves Trekkies! (it helps that those daft enough to make the tediously obvious joke have probably been choked to death by those magnificent moustaches he's sporting).

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lysandros [2014-02-17 07:19:57 +0000 UTC]

Master, you have to give a listen to the Scars audiobook (by Chris Wraight and read by Jonathan Keeble)! This is my image of the proud and perilous Khagan!

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NicolasRGiacondino In reply to lysandros [2014-02-24 19:53:33 +0000 UTC]

I'm humbled that you would compliment my illustration so much, Chris! I will give that audiobook a listen if I can find it.


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TheOneAndOnlyToaster [2014-02-04 16:14:42 +0000 UTC]


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Crossthebridge [2014-01-09 23:35:38 +0000 UTC]

I admire how you've represented Jaghatai here, kudos to you!

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hvk [2013-10-01 04:07:56 +0000 UTC]

Very, very nice work! You captured the essence of Khan; fine work!

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victortky [2013-09-27 02:31:03 +0000 UTC]

I can't shake the feeling that whenever an opponent is defeated by the khan, he or she would scream "KKKKKKKKKKKKKHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!" like Star Trek to the stars.

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Johncleric [2013-09-11 05:27:50 +0000 UTC]


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Pr0crastronaut [2013-05-20 14:23:38 +0000 UTC]


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Flademn [2013-03-19 09:14:54 +0000 UTC]

wow love the work! i'm from mongolia actually what game is this ? Is that Mongolian script on the purity seals ? It seems like but couldn't read xD. AWESOME LOVE IT.

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randomeye713 [2013-03-14 04:40:27 +0000 UTC]

I didn't know you made a portrait of the Khan.

I've been doing some reading on the real Mongolians and it turns out they were brilliant.
They preferred to shoot arrows from horseback rather than charge in.
whenever they encountered fixed fortifications, they just built siege engines with help of Chinese and Muslim engineers.
I have a list of mongolian military terms translated: [link]
In Warhammer, I wish they emphasized a kinship that white scars had with the Iron Warriors
since they both cared about honor, were cruel, and the WS could have learned siege warfare from IW
only difference is the paranoia...

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T-hunter [2012-08-01 12:01:17 +0000 UTC]


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mechanut721 In reply to T-hunter [2012-09-25 05:27:51 +0000 UTC]

Why not? Besides, he is of Asian descent, so the katana fits. Probably made by Ferrus too.

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darkvoidhaunter [2012-04-14 16:29:18 +0000 UTC]


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Saitar1337 [2012-03-09 18:41:28 +0000 UTC]

Very cool katana!

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McGuttin [2012-01-14 05:52:03 +0000 UTC]

the verticle writing on his oaths are cool

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Lukas-the-Trickster [2011-04-12 20:08:20 +0000 UTC]

awesome idea with the power katana

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Eyjo19 [2011-03-07 23:03:13 +0000 UTC]

SRY couldn't resist

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knytcrawlr [2010-02-25 07:19:20 +0000 UTC]

really great detailing and colour work

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Fir3Truck [2009-11-25 07:16:25 +0000 UTC]

Is that...Mongol Bichig on those purity seals?

You rock.

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Quickman0 [2009-11-13 04:02:57 +0000 UTC]

Just finished browsing your collection of Primarchs and must say they're all incredible. Here's hoping you'll do some more; keep up the good work!

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TheAlmightyHobo [2009-10-24 02:09:36 +0000 UTC]

Looks a bit like that evil dude from Mulan. Nice work!

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Rhunespire [2009-10-09 15:23:01 +0000 UTC]

Moar primarchs!!!



Because everyone else is doing it and I couldnt resist.

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EmperorBassexe [2009-10-05 00:35:20 +0000 UTC]

The only thing I think he could be missing is a Sashimono: [link]
though it probably wouldn't have fit in the piece.

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EmperorBassexe [2009-10-05 00:33:38 +0000 UTC]

Now that I finally find the time to comment on this.

I've never really paid very much attention to the White Scars; but this piece still caugt my eye. ^_^

Very obvious Star Trek references aside; I'm liking the whole... Khan-ness of the picture.

The Asian influence on the background background is rather stunning, especially the sakura trees [or the 40k equivalent].

His armour design is cool on how you added the red-samurai masks on his armour.

I for one am curious as to what his his helmet would look like [if he even wears one]; I'll bet its Samurai based.

I can see the Japanese, and indeed the Mongol influences [though the Mongols did use silken armour to better protect themselves from arrows- such a thing wouldn't do much in an age of bullets and power weapons. ] I'm not seeing much that is distinctly Chinese I'm probably missing something subtle. Perhaps it's in the power Katana somewhere.

Maybe his ranged weapon is based off of the Chinese Repeating Crossbow?

I've often wondered as to the culture shock assocated with the primarchs; think about it- eightteen dudes from different cultures and there's bound to be some mixup.

"So Khan... ya wanna go grab some booze and joyride Dad's limo?"


"Oi! Stop saying hi damnit! I'm right here!"

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Steelwool [2009-10-04 00:07:42 +0000 UTC]


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soulfreeze [2009-09-26 19:22:33 +0000 UTC]

sweet moses. ride hard for the emperor!

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ColonelYeo [2009-09-25 05:36:15 +0000 UTC]

Awesome as always. I never really thought to look into the history of the White Scars.... Makes me glad you started this project.

Man oh man, the way you do power swords...

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Thebuild [2009-09-20 06:57:55 +0000 UTC]

Really like this one, especially given your explainations. I freely admit I know every little about the Primarchs and so reading through these is very insightful. Great work too really like the colouring in here, especially the way you pick out details on the sword blade.

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Thirkanis [2009-09-18 18:51:20 +0000 UTC]

Great Work Aerion, only Roboute Guliam, Alpharius/Omegon,Lorgar and the Salamanders Primarch (i donΒ΄t renember the name >_<left to finish the Original Primarch Gallery

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r7ll [2009-09-17 23:46:18 +0000 UTC]

This is not only worth of its predecessors, it surpasses many of them! The details you're worked into this are so subtle yet so very thoughtful.
You've done a great job combining both asian and imperial design and icongraphy into his armour. His expression is magnificent, and that background is just beautiful!

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roninvalkyrie [2009-09-17 16:47:40 +0000 UTC]

What stood out to me the most in this piece is one part of the Kahn's armor: gauntlets with a horse motif. I like this detail,because it looks very scythian/mongolian to me and it's true to the nature and descent of the Kahn.

Great work!

I'm curious, though. What are those pieces of paper and wax seals stuck to his armor?

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DNecro [2009-09-17 10:02:24 +0000 UTC]

He looks awesome. You captured the whole mongrel them of the white scars especially with the houses on is gauntlets. A pity he was captured by the Dark Eldar.( he he he)

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PestilenceBlossom [2009-09-17 01:00:05 +0000 UTC]

Cool beans, man.

His left shoulder pad seems...flat, though.

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Ravenkeeper [2009-09-16 19:18:26 +0000 UTC]

Very nice, excellent work. indeed an interesting change with the oriental background. I like your design of him, particular the face ^^ a slight similarity with the villian from Disneys Mulan (which is meant as a compliment)
again your armour design rocks, love that horse icon edgings. The scimitar rocks btw

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Gamiel [2009-09-16 17:31:51 +0000 UTC]

What is the beast thing in life?
To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women!

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Corporal-Yakob [2009-09-16 13:17:44 +0000 UTC]

Incredible! The perfect blend of Eastern warrior and Imperial Primarch, all the little details are superbly effective: the way he holds the flat of his palm against his sword, the Japanese style temple in the backgroundand his stoic, Samurai-like facial expression

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montevideo-1 [2009-09-16 12:16:59 +0000 UTC]

E-S-P-E-C-T-A-C-U-L-A-R !

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MisterScourge [2009-09-16 12:13:26 +0000 UTC]

It's great to have you back on Warhammer works,

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NightHerald [2009-09-16 09:06:56 +0000 UTC]

And there's Khan, too!

Well.. As usual I am in awe, and looking at this piece alone makes me get a whole new appreciation of the White Scars (A pretty obscure chapter, as far as I'm concerned). I'll admit I have had no previous look at this Primarch, but this looks spot-on to me.

The armor design is incredibly tasteful, and suits this Primarch wonderfully. The gold is very rich, perhaps more so than your earlier stuff (Been a while since I looked at those, though). And don't get me started on the red, it looks damn good.

Other than that, I like the 'chainmail' gloves, and the horses around the wrist area is a nice nod towards their 'hit, run, then hit twice as hard again' tactics.

Looking forward to see the next, whoever that might be

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bungot [2009-09-16 02:39:48 +0000 UTC]

awesomeness! time to borrow your style of drawing my man. (there! i asked permission!)

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