nickyflamingo — Galaxy Portrait Coma Berenices

#bernie #commission #cs #galaxy #gen1 #kalli #otakusenshi #sailormoon #smoc #comaberenices #currentgen #wanderingkotka #galaxyportrait #bothgens #maleotaku #constellation #constellationsenshi #nickyflamingo #sailorcomaberenices #nickyflamingocommissions
Published: 2016-10-12 20:44:14 +0000 UTC; Views: 336; Favourites: 23; Downloads: 5
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Description The second Galaxy Portrait commission for wandering-kotka , and one I was really looking forward two because I enjoy both characters so much. Above is the Current Gen Coma Berenices (Bernie), and below is Gen 1 Kalli.

Both Coma Berenices (Bernie and Kalli) belong to wandering-kotka

Galaxy Portrait Commissions Wait List added
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Comments: 3

wandering-kotka [2016-10-13 11:45:48 +0000 UTC]

Ahh, thank you so much for this!  They look amazing, as I knew they would.  You always do such a tremendous job when you draw these two.  I also like that you kept the watercolor splash behind them mostly in dark blue to match their fuku while still pulling in a hint of color variation.

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nickyflamingo In reply to wandering-kotka [2016-10-14 05:00:21 +0000 UTC]

Blue was a must, but I did enlist purple and a touch of red to represent warmth, even if their expressions don't show it right now. I adore working with both of them you of course spoiled me with these commissions.

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wandering-kotka In reply to nickyflamingo [2016-10-14 17:24:39 +0000 UTC]

Nonsense, you're spoiling me with all this beautiful art!  <3  

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