Published: 2010-11-07 18:02:14 +0000 UTC; Views: 1150; Favourites: 29; Downloads: 3
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Cordial lost in the snow...Maybe hunting Marybeth
I do not know make background of snowstorm
Anyway, I hope you enjoy
Art Β© Me
Cordial Β© Me
Photoshop CS5 - painting
Paint to Sai - lineart
Tablet genius mousepen 8x6
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Comments: 44
christofferkarlsson [2010-12-19 23:48:57 +0000 UTC]
It looks like it's on anabola steroids. The anatomy of the horse is a little bit weird. It looks huge at the front, and smaller the longer way down you walk. But, it's still an image filled with humour, just take a look at the retarded horse with the small hat. I like this image actually. Thanks!
π: 0 β©: 1
b1-l00zer In reply to christofferkarlsson [2010-12-20 00:05:46 +0000 UTC]
i think you should give artists a little respect before thinking about commenting on the others art.
if you can't see it, he's running and the drawing has a little perspective, so, by perspective LAWS, i think it's a must he's bigger on the front and smaller on the back.
if you can't give the other artists a little respect, DON'T COMMENT. people with minds like yours doesn't deserve to be here on dA.
obs: retarded are those who think that can criticize anyone and CAN'T DRAW A SHIT.
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christofferkarlsson In reply to b1-l00zer [2010-12-20 00:22:58 +0000 UTC]
Indeed on the first part. I know about perspectives, but why wont you accept constructive critisism? I just made my comment for letting the author know about my thoughts. And I actually added that I like the image, which is true. It's a funny image, in my opinion. Many great artists choose to make "weird" images, playing and going beyond the limits of the realism. Maybe I was sounding evil in my earlier comment, but that was the first thing that came up into my mind. I agree it did sound a little bit unfair against the author maybe, but well. I hope you get my view of this picture now. Thanks.
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b1-l00zer In reply to christofferkarlsson [2010-12-20 00:33:06 +0000 UTC]
constructive? where's constructive on that? you just pointed the mistakes PLUS made fun of them. that's not constructive, did you know that? now you know.
as if you don't know, the drawing is not about reality, she didn't draw a full realistic horse with a "stupid hat". if you know anything about art, you should have know better that any artist has its own mind, its own perspective about realism and their art.
did you know picasso? everybody knows him. everybody knows his art, WAY FAR from reality, and no one dares to say a word about him. as long as he kept making art, MAKING MONEY, making his life and fame without caring about reality and its matters.
you sounded RUDE. don't like it? don't say it, pretend you never saw anything. it's better than opening your mouth and sound like a total ignorant. thanks.
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RaphaelsHarper [2010-11-08 21:29:39 +0000 UTC]
vocΓͺ anda inspirada pra desenhar coisas lindas fofas e perfeitas *-*
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nhinhe In reply to RaphaelsHarper [2010-11-09 00:21:09 +0000 UTC]
Ahh vlw mesmo
pior q ando, estou empolgada com meus desenhos !
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nhinhe In reply to natalia-muse-wolf [2010-11-09 00:20:49 +0000 UTC]
Ahhh vlw *-* ele Γ© super sedutor mesmo ^^ jΓ‘ atΓ© seduziu uma Γ©gua ahuahauahau
π: 0 β©: 1
natalia-muse-wolf In reply to nhinhe [2010-12-31 17:40:18 +0000 UTC]
HEHE, muito sedutor
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katedotcom [2010-11-07 23:29:24 +0000 UTC]
desenhou ele AHEOHAOHEA *-*
ele Γ© um fofo, gamei
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nhinhe In reply to katedotcom [2010-11-08 00:13:55 +0000 UTC]
Eu fiz o rascunho antes de vc ter feito akele kiriban...ae a pose nem favoreceu a crina ser presa
mas a proxima vez q eu fizer ele, vo deixa ela amarradinha *_*
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nhinhe In reply to katedotcom [2010-11-09 00:25:57 +0000 UTC]
da proxima vez qero desenhar ele com a namorada dele
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b1-l00zer [2010-11-07 21:53:50 +0000 UTC]
amo amo amo ele, tenho que fazer um desenho dele com a marybeth *-*
amei o desenho, nhinhe <333
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nhinhe In reply to b1-l00zer [2010-11-07 22:56:18 +0000 UTC]
ahauahau *-* ele eh sexy igal a Marybeth
eh mesmo...TEMOS q fazer um desenho desses dois juntos []
vlw por ter gostado do desenho Bru XD
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b1-l00zer In reply to nhinhe [2010-11-07 23:55:57 +0000 UTC]
uhum, eu tenho que pensar em algo <3
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nhinhe In reply to b1-l00zer [2010-11-08 00:14:39 +0000 UTC]
eu vo fazer akela ideia q te falei e talz, soh to criando coragem... and, tempo pra ir na papelaria
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b1-l00zer In reply to nhinhe [2010-11-08 00:21:04 +0000 UTC]
awn, mas ai vai te dar trabalho demaaaiiss )):
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nhinhe In reply to b1-l00zer [2010-11-08 00:26:50 +0000 UTC]
vai, mas eu sou super desocupada esqueceu? ahaha
vo demora pra termina, mas acredito q vah valer a pena
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b1-l00zer In reply to nhinhe [2010-11-08 01:09:51 +0000 UTC]
ASDOIASDHSDHOASDHIO awn, nΓ£o se esforce tanto ))):
isto Γ©, queria fazer algo pra retribuir asdoihasdhioasdhois
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nhinhe In reply to b1-l00zer [2010-11-08 01:22:28 +0000 UTC]
vc ja fez/faz todo dia esta online anoite pra eu pode fofocar ou contar frustracoes do dia... [] eh o melhor presente q algem pode me dar !
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b1-l00zer In reply to nhinhe [2010-11-09 01:37:46 +0000 UTC]
awwwwwwwn, foi a coisa mais linda que me falaram esse mΓͺs <3333 DHIODASHIOSD
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nhinhe In reply to b1-l00zer [2010-11-09 23:51:22 +0000 UTC]
nosss soh esse mes? ;-;
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b1-l00zer In reply to nhinhe [2010-11-10 22:07:09 +0000 UTC]
claro que nΓ£o,100pre OIASDHIOASDHIASD
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nhinhe In reply to OnlyMyDraws [2010-11-07 22:55:23 +0000 UTC]
Ahh vlw ahahah
todo mundo ama a cartolinha do Cordial hahah
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nhinhe In reply to Hot-Horse [2010-11-07 18:16:18 +0000 UTC]
ahuahaua eh ;(
nΓ£o sei pq, mas todos meus ocs, sao uns perdidos ahahahah
π: 0 β©: 1
nhinhe In reply to Hot-Horse [2010-11-07 18:20:38 +0000 UTC]
ahaahauaha XD alguns como o absurd eh perdido no sentido de nao valer nda
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Hot-Horse In reply to nhinhe [2010-11-07 18:30:55 +0000 UTC]
HSUAHSUAHSAUS deelz, que jeito d tratar os oc's kkk
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nhinhe In reply to Hot-Horse [2010-11-07 18:40:49 +0000 UTC]
eles sabem q eu eles ahahahahah
menos alguns ae O.O AHAHAAHA zuera
π: 0 β©: 1