nelson808 — Ronin Sniper

Published: 2008-03-24 18:10:46 +0000 UTC; Views: 9025; Favourites: 207; Downloads: 260
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Description ... another in the Ronin series... he never misses....
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Comments: 39

the-third-guy [2015-03-31 04:36:59 +0000 UTC]

This is so f*ckin' badass.

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CesarofCeasars [2013-12-18 09:41:12 +0000 UTC]

nice i want to get a tatto of a modern day ronin chilling but i cant draw thats awesome... 

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jamesmichaelreeves In reply to CesarofCeasars [2015-01-24 20:46:20 +0000 UTC]

Get it done in "tebori" style.

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Ace-Continuado [2011-09-11 19:38:01 +0000 UTC]

Jaw Dropping!

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exilelrrp [2010-12-20 22:33:25 +0000 UTC]


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otomen-nick [2010-12-12 23:40:09 +0000 UTC]

nice one!!!

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whiteninjaz88 [2010-01-16 13:12:49 +0000 UTC]

reminds me of the gritty style in the killzone games, definantly wouldn't want to be faced against him in battle. An amazing samurai show i recently watched it Shigurui. it's an anime but even if you dont normally like anime you should like it, it doesn't have the rediculous high pitch voices or the choppy animation prevalent in most anime. and the story and action are better than most live-action movies i've seen. good job on the artwork, keep it up!

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whiteninjaz88 [2010-01-16 13:08:58 +0000 UTC]

i knew i was going to add this as a fav before i even full-viewed it, freaking sick man.

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An00bist [2009-11-07 21:30:07 +0000 UTC]

that's sick!!!!!!!!!!!!![link]

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Xarxemas [2009-02-06 06:34:45 +0000 UTC]

Nice work. ^^

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thehotmageaeris [2008-04-02 11:07:38 +0000 UTC]

Yay! I <3 snipers!

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nelson808 In reply to thehotmageaeris [2008-04-12 05:23:59 +0000 UTC]

Thank you T...sorry about the delay !!

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thehotmageaeris In reply to nelson808 [2008-04-14 14:54:03 +0000 UTC]

no prob!

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nelson808 In reply to thehotmageaeris [2008-04-02 15:23:39 +0000 UTC]

Thank you Trouble...you Vixen...LOL !

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thehotmageaeris In reply to nelson808 [2008-04-03 00:20:47 +0000 UTC]


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xHaStex [2008-03-28 16:59:21 +0000 UTC]


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nelson808 In reply to xHaStex [2008-03-28 21:23:34 +0000 UTC]

Thanks again !

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nelson808 [2008-03-26 20:45:15 +0000 UTC]

...oh yeah...cause a couple people commented on the grenade launcher being used by a sniper...it was inspired by a sccene in Apocolypse Now, where a real stoned out soldier is asked to shut up a Viet Cong sniper taunting them from the dark jungle!
Through his glazed eyes, he loads his grenade launcher and says..."he's close man...real close", then he pops off the grenade...silence....great scene !

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bezerika14 [2008-03-26 05:29:24 +0000 UTC]

At first glance I thought "oh wow, it's another." However, that quickly changed. You went against a few expectations here, and that proved to be a very smart choice. First, I'll bet most people assumed that the "sniper" would have some kinda long-ass gun o' snipery death or something, and then you went a completely different approach, and did something that would make for one of the most interesting snipers in the world. From what I can gather, you opted for a grenade launcher instead of a rifle, which from my point of view kicks ass. ;D
Also, I thought that you would have any sort of insignia or anything on him, and then you surprised and amazed me once more. You gave the dude a mask that looks like some awesome combination of a gas mask (the goggles) and a samurai's three-pronged helm. The red circle within adds a great touch without being too overwhelming, and the kanji (or whichever symbol type they are) ties in the piece fantastically. my man, and hey- you finally got 2 paragraphs outta me. Nice job.

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nelson808 In reply to bezerika14 [2008-03-26 20:40:33 +0000 UTC]

Thank you again for takinfg the time to comment on my stuff !!!

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bezerika14 In reply to nelson808 [2008-03-28 03:42:17 +0000 UTC]

no problem at all man.

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GrungeTV [2008-03-25 19:15:32 +0000 UTC]

Nice work R! I'm liking this style!

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nelson808 In reply to GrungeTV [2008-03-26 20:39:51 +0000 UTC]

Glad you are GTV... !!
ad thank you !!!

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SimonWeaner [2008-03-25 15:59:21 +0000 UTC]

look great man,keep it up!

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nelson808 In reply to SimonWeaner [2008-03-26 20:38:56 +0000 UTC]

Thanks very much M...!!

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RiftMage [2008-03-25 10:28:10 +0000 UTC]

Excellent piece, I'm digging the Japanese vibe of this run of pictures.

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nelson808 In reply to RiftMage [2008-03-25 18:13:37 +0000 UTC]

Thank you RM....great to hear from you !!

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butchen [2008-03-25 00:06:54 +0000 UTC]

very cool work

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nelson808 In reply to butchen [2008-03-25 01:06:11 +0000 UTC]

thanks very much!

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nelson808 [2008-03-24 23:33:12 +0000 UTC]

Hey guy's...listened to your suggestions...I like it more...thanks!!!

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teemunkle [2008-03-24 20:46:56 +0000 UTC]

wow,that looks cool.
i think with out the flash would be cooler and the dragon written on his shoulder toned down...but thats just nit picking.its great.

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nelson808 In reply to teemunkle [2008-03-24 23:33:44 +0000 UTC]

Thanks...I;ll see what I can do!

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Bristow-Bailey [2008-03-24 19:41:01 +0000 UTC]

Overall, this is as badass as ever. I want you to put your ronin characters into a comic book. I'd buy it.
But I have to say the muzzle flashes are a bit blah. They look too solid, opaque and sharply-defined. Some fuzzy glowing stuff might help. As might having reflected orangey light on the muzzle-end of the gun.

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nelson808 In reply to Bristow-Bailey [2008-03-24 23:34:14 +0000 UTC]

Good points BB---see what I can do !!

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SevenTreasuresxxx [2008-03-24 19:02:01 +0000 UTC]

Omfg snipers FTW!! His outfit is just so awesome!! I'm still no good at commenting, but I really really really like this guy! Weapon and all!!

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nelson808 In reply to SevenTreasuresxxx [2008-03-24 23:34:55 +0000 UTC]

Hope you like the addirions...????
Thank you!

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ProjectHybrid [2008-03-24 18:50:48 +0000 UTC]

Super sweet, but I gotta ask. Why would a sniper be firing from two barrels at the same time?

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nelson808 In reply to ProjectHybrid [2008-03-24 23:35:37 +0000 UTC]

lol...I changed stuuf...and good point...!!!
Thank you !!

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ProjectHybrid In reply to nelson808 [2008-03-24 23:39:54 +0000 UTC]

Sweet! now he snipes with grenades! I don't think you can get much deadlier ^^

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