Nekoxity — Trinity- Photo Manipulation

#oc #jennifercarpenter #faceclaim #morph #originalcharacter #owncharacter #photomanipulation #photomorph #supernatural #trinity #karengillan #supernaturaloc #trinitydonovan
Published: 2015-06-09 03:08:02 +0000 UTC; Views: 995; Favourites: 5; Downloads: 0
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Description So, I decided to try making a photo manipulation for my OC Trinity since Supernatural is a live show and not Anime This is my attempt.

I morphed Jennifer Carpenter and Karen Gillan, chose an in between that seemed decent, then used Photoshop to color her hair and eyes to Trinity's.  

Originally I'd thought that Jennifer Carpenter would be the only person I'd use to do a face claim, but I felt her features were a little too rough for what I wanted. Once I remembered Karen Gillan I decided to try and mix them and it turned out fairly good I think. Trinity still has more Jennifer than Karen in the morph without looking too much like either of them

3Dthis.com/morph.htm is the website I used. It's easy to use, but I didn't have an account so I had to just take a screenshot and crop the preview, so that's why it's small and kinda blurry. 

Jennifer Carpenter - Debra Morgan from Dexter

Karen Gillan- Amy Pond from Doctor Who
Trinity Donovan- ME
Supernatural- Eric Kripke and Warner Brothers

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