Nekoxity — Saijade character sheet

#oc #beastmastery #charactersheet #hunter #troll #worldofwarcraft #wow
Published: 2014-12-31 03:45:16 +0000 UTC; Views: 230; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 0
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Description Edit: I forgot to make her hands with 5 fingers instead (since she's a hybrid). Oh well, I *might* eventually get around to changing it but honestly probably not

my WoW hunter Saijade. Decided to use the newer character sheet from for her. Still missing vices and some other things but I just wanted to get her posted up. I've had her drawn for well over a year... Need to do a full body sometime. Will add more as I decide on it

Semi-Realistic: nekoxity.deviantart.com/art/Sa…

Character sheet belongs to Zee Character Sheet Template
Saijade belongs to Me
Troll and Night Elf race belong to Blizzard
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