Nachooz β€” Animation Practice

Published: 2010-03-06 09:12:30 +0000 UTC; Views: 160736; Favourites: 8617; Downloads: 3680
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... I Have so much more other things I should be working on D< I still have that unfinished mermaid animation too OTL oh well. this one is faillll ;u; I wanted to try head turns buuuuut... it's funky orz

*edit* OK, okay. I know the head and hair movements are funky/ hair get a little shorter/ body is stiff/ head gets smaller/ she looks like she's getting younger... I appreciate your feedbacks (alot ;u; ) but please please PLEASE don't mention these again OTL I've had too many comments like those ;u;;; Thank you. You guys are awesome */edit*

*edit2* Oh dear QuQ I don't thnk I'd be able to answer all these comments but thank you in advance!! QAQ9 LOL @ number of print requests :'D*/edit2*

Tools: sai, imageready
Frame count: 32
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Comments: 1134

Nachooz In reply to ??? [2018-04-04 15:52:21 +0000 UTC]

Thank you <33 lol I think this piece was just lucky QuQb

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EmoLover603 [2017-12-27 02:48:04 +0000 UTC]

She looks like Chara from Undertale!!!Β 

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deathkitt [2017-12-09 20:45:04 +0000 UTC]

awesome! The hair looks so smooth! What software do you use?Β 

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Nachooz In reply to deathkitt [2017-12-26 16:13:21 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! I usually list the program i use in the description/// this one was made with sai.^^

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FantasyRebirth96 [2017-08-23 20:47:26 +0000 UTC]

Loving this alot! Well done on this animation all and all! Would LOVE to see more! Have you thought about doing action animated scenes? Like a fight scene?

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Nachooz In reply to FantasyRebirth96 [2017-08-27 18:17:23 +0000 UTC]

^^ Thank you! I'll do a fight scene hopefully one day soon. ///

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FantasyRebirth96 In reply to Nachooz [2017-08-28 14:08:31 +0000 UTC]

Would truly love to see more fight scene animations!Β 
Maybe some references will give you insight on doing more fluid animations. Try taking a look see at these.

I'm sure these should help you in case you do plan to do an action scene. It's just a suggestion of course it's honestly up to you~ Wish you the best on your work!

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Solfugo [2017-04-02 09:55:18 +0000 UTC]

Good work ! I realize animation with flash too let's have a look to my profil if you want ;D

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kenzikenzo [2017-03-22 18:01:33 +0000 UTC]

a little too short but still amazingΒ 

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Nachooz In reply to kenzikenzo [2017-03-23 07:14:58 +0000 UTC]

^^ thanks//

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Echosdarkdrawing66 [2017-02-26 20:29:50 +0000 UTC]

Very nice! The animation is very smooth and I like it. Great job!

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Nachooz In reply to Echosdarkdrawing66 [2017-03-03 20:23:32 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

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SebastianLR [2016-11-27 22:18:21 +0000 UTC]


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Nachooz In reply to SebastianLR [2016-11-28 16:51:36 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

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GelorMT [2016-09-19 13:00:41 +0000 UTC]

Hair work is great, awesome jobΒ !

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Nachooz In reply to GelorMT [2016-10-11 08:16:31 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

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MrsUchihaKarin [2016-07-18 21:02:45 +0000 UTC]

HOW do you know how to change the shoulders or the head and the eyes?

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Nachooz In reply to MrsUchihaKarin [2016-07-19 13:19:07 +0000 UTC]

It's really just trial and error QuQ I draw, play it back, and if it looks wrong, I go back and change it until it looks better.Β 

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MrsUchihaKarin In reply to Nachooz [2016-07-19 17:14:09 +0000 UTC]

Its really totally amazing. I actual dont even know where to start. I wanted once do a just left to right but its so hard with the body

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ScarletJoker8027 [2016-03-09 04:25:24 +0000 UTC]

I've been considering on getting into animation and this is basically my goal. You've done an amazing job! I'll be watching!Β  Β 

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Nachooz In reply to ScarletJoker8027 [2016-03-09 22:53:06 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! ^^ and good luck

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Laugh-Butts [2016-02-05 14:22:50 +0000 UTC]

teehee hee hee

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UniqueColorChaos [2015-10-06 23:09:51 +0000 UTC]

This is still crazy amazing!!!!!!!!

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Nachooz In reply to UniqueColorChaos [2015-10-08 15:22:17 +0000 UTC]

Thank you ^^

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UniqueColorChaos In reply to Nachooz [2015-10-08 17:58:21 +0000 UTC]

You're very welcome ^w^

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Randomediocre [2015-09-29 15:45:38 +0000 UTC]

She's beautiful

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Nachooz In reply to Randomediocre [2015-09-30 02:55:05 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

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Kronosx2008 [2015-09-06 15:17:46 +0000 UTC]

Hidden by Owner

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Nachooz In reply to Kronosx2008 [2015-09-08 04:17:43 +0000 UTC]

Student?? QuQ

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Kronosx2008 In reply to Nachooz [2015-09-08 13:48:11 +0000 UTC]

yes my student :3

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Sniper0092 [2015-09-02 04:59:23 +0000 UTC]

This looks cool.

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Nachooz In reply to Sniper0092 [2015-09-02 18:24:47 +0000 UTC]


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Amisolus [2015-07-29 23:17:37 +0000 UTC]

When you do these.. Do you fully make these frame by frame or do you have program assisting you?

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Nachooz In reply to Amisolus [2015-07-30 02:47:06 +0000 UTC]

I draw every single frame by hand ^^

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Amisolus In reply to Nachooz [2015-07-30 03:22:07 +0000 UTC]

every single frame!?-- but doesnt that get tedious, i plan to get into animation and frame by frame seems to be my best bet

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Nachooz In reply to Amisolus [2015-07-30 03:48:44 +0000 UTC]

Haha very very tedious. I wouldn't recommend it on anyone unless they've got lots of patience. But it's rewarding also. It's so much fun to see your drawing come to life once it's done. ^^

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Haxwerd In reply to Nachooz [2015-12-01 17:55:57 +0000 UTC]

yeah just made my first animation too.. made it frame by frame in half an hour and it only made less than a minute but its still fun to watch it again and again and again..again.again.agian.niaga.aigna.wot?

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ghost11996 [2015-07-15 08:41:26 +0000 UTC]

Wowza, how long did you make this :d ?

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Nachooz In reply to ghost11996 [2015-07-15 22:01:24 +0000 UTC]

Haha his was so long ago I don't even remember anymore. Prolly like 5-10 hours

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Haxwerd In reply to Nachooz [2015-12-01 17:56:34 +0000 UTC]

wot. i made a half a minute in half an hour ._.

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Crysis7 [2015-05-14 06:18:11 +0000 UTC]


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LexiiDear [2015-04-19 21:10:52 +0000 UTC]

Okay so here I am, casually scrolling through your gifs thinking "hmm this chick is pretty good", and then I stumble across this one and-
I actually have just re-found you <3333 ; u ;Β  I saw this like back in 2010 way back when and now I'm seeing it again and ahhhhh <3
I'm so happy I've found your dA again XDΒ  your animations are pure gold c:

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Nachooz In reply to LexiiDear [2015-04-21 21:11:26 +0000 UTC]

Thank you ~ ^^

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AEthernalGamer [2015-04-07 03:14:59 +0000 UTC]

her head gets smaller has she moves to the right

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NightmarenBlue [2015-02-15 00:49:22 +0000 UTC]

Pretty :3

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NanaThatha [2015-01-07 22:26:57 +0000 UTC]

So cuute and beautfiul!

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Portalnerd [2014-12-11 23:59:58 +0000 UTC]

are you taking requestsΒ 

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Charlotte1213 [2014-11-22 17:06:14 +0000 UTC]

That is so beautiful it looks so elegant and so well drawn great workΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β 

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Longhousestudio [2014-10-29 23:08:15 +0000 UTC]

really sweet work, love it!

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momichi15 [2014-10-26 01:51:52 +0000 UTC]

i love her hair o.o - and good detail - you can actually see realistic marks on movement (like when her head starts moving her shirt wrinkles a bit) ^^

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