#garrett #thief
Published: 2016-05-17 19:26:43 +0000 UTC; Views: 1071; Favourites: 55; Downloads: 10
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Is it the Maw of Chaos? Is it an obscure dreamworld, or an overgrown backyard of some absent-minded mage? All I know is that this is my first picture drawn with FireAlpaca, and since Garrett was my test subject when starting with Photoshop, he was chosen to the job this time as well.Related content
Comments: 24
EyeballEarth [2016-05-18 20:32:13 +0000 UTC]
Nice seeing Gerrett in his old-style glory, great work!
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MyEpicRilla In reply to EyeballEarth [2016-05-18 20:49:49 +0000 UTC]
Thank you! Gotta love good old Garrett.
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Glowsydoodles [2016-05-18 08:59:29 +0000 UTC]
really beautiful work, as usual! I love his face in the shadows, just perfect!
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MyEpicRilla In reply to Glowsydoodles [2016-05-18 09:07:57 +0000 UTC]
Thank you! Heh, I'd say I'm pretty loyal to the artistic style of the Thief cutscenes - Garrett has a different face in every picture! XD
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Glowsydoodles In reply to MyEpicRilla [2016-05-18 09:15:29 +0000 UTC]
haha I'd say so, too: your drawings always look like the good old cutscenes But I think his face looks always gorgeous in your drawings <3
(something funny: some German YouTubers over here made a little fan movie with those cuscenes and made it look like Garrett always wants a new face, because he's not satisfied with his actual look XD It's kinda silly, but hilarious XD)
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MyEpicRilla In reply to Glowsydoodles [2016-05-18 10:04:40 +0000 UTC]
I seriously hate drawing faces (and hands) so I'm just so happy every time I manage to make a face-looking face that it shall be it then! It kinda bothers me that I can't make Garrett a single face, since I fear that my works confuse people. I would want to draw him more harsh and older-looking. Of course, I can always say that "yeah, it's Garrett while he was still young and handsome" but I don't think that he looks like him at all in my drawings in general. What makes it really confusing is that he looks quite young in some briefings (Ambush , Running Interference ) and older in some others (the meeting with Constantine , Trail of Blood , The Fall of Karras ). And don't even get me started about the cutscenes of DS...
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Glowsydoodles In reply to MyEpicRilla [2016-05-18 10:08:43 +0000 UTC]
I know what you mean... Faces are the most difficult thing to draw, since they show you the character and all his/her emotions and story.
Well at least the creators and devs of the good old Thief franchise had the exact same problem XD
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MyEpicRilla In reply to Glowsydoodles [2016-05-18 10:22:01 +0000 UTC]
Like, my gallery is full of Thief stuff, but I think I have only two Garrett-looking Garretts there: 1 & 2 .
Haha yeah, no-one can complain since even the devs couldn't come up with one face!
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Glowsydoodles In reply to MyEpicRilla [2016-05-18 11:05:17 +0000 UTC]
oooh yes, I love these two
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ChillyAcademicIV [2016-05-17 20:22:21 +0000 UTC]
I love how grainy the background is ;3;! It's almost like he's stuck in some sort of film noire world - which I know makes no sense with the series likely, but it's so neat looking! I'd say it was a successful test of FireAlpaca. Did you like it? :>
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MyEpicRilla In reply to ChillyAcademicIV [2016-05-17 20:48:51 +0000 UTC]
I like that background too! q__q I wanted it to be a bit same style with Thief's original briefing pictures, especially this . Didn't add sepia effect though, I was too lazy to add many details, and sepia would have revealed all Black & white is much more merciful!
I had to download some brushes for it, since there were so few by default, but yeah, it's quite nice. I think I'll at least keep it installed.
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ChillyAcademicIV In reply to MyEpicRilla [2016-05-17 20:57:10 +0000 UTC]
You definitely got the feel of your source material then ! It looks like this could fit in with it even in black and white - it's stark and moody and I love it x3!
Awesome ! I'm glad it's given you something to use until you find something better then :>!
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MyEpicRilla In reply to ChillyAcademicIV [2016-05-17 21:07:55 +0000 UTC]
Aww, thank you so much for your kind words! That's such a great compliment for a mad fangirl like me, haha!
Well, I should thank you for suggesting it to me! I had never heard about FireAlpaca before, and those lists of recommended drawing programs didn't mention it at all. I don't think I would have ever found it by myself!
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ChillyAcademicIV In reply to MyEpicRilla [2016-05-17 21:20:24 +0000 UTC]
You totally deserve the honest praise for it, I haven't even played it but it looks like a series I'd enjoy immensely! Your art makes me want to give it a try sometime if I ever find a copy !
Aw, no problem :>! When you mentioned you were looking for a new program, I remembered I had heard good things about it from somewhere not all that long ago. Talk about serendipity! I've been meaning to install it at some point and give it a go x3!
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MyEpicRilla In reply to ChillyAcademicIV [2016-05-18 08:40:08 +0000 UTC]
I seriously recommend you to try it! There are also hundreds of fan missions out there, if one longs for something new to play! Some FMs are truly glorious.
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ChillyAcademicIV In reply to MyEpicRilla [2016-05-18 20:58:42 +0000 UTC]
Fan content is usually neat to play ! There's some really well made ones out there for any number of games, I'm sure the ones in Thief could be pretty fantastic too x3!
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MyEpicRilla In reply to TheEyeOfStone [2016-05-17 20:37:41 +0000 UTC]
It was somewhat intended effect.
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