Published: 2006-05-04 02:35:41 +0000 UTC; Views: 2487; Favourites: 95; Downloads: 342
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part of a series of self portraits.this one is about my trouble with getting enough sleep.
it has yet to be mounted onto a board, so this is technically unfinished... i will replace this file with the finished one when i get it mounted.
used: old paper and pencil
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Comments: 31
VonVirgo [2009-07-14 22:51:31 +0000 UTC]
Story of my life; I'm in College now, so it's probably going to get worse.
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BionicBeaver [2007-01-19 18:37:06 +0000 UTC]
I know this problem perfectly well of not sleeping enough!!
anyway, the picture is amazing and this little girl (twho seems to be you is so sweet)
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Samurai-Masami [2007-01-15 03:06:03 +0000 UTC]
I fell in love with this picture, I know that feeling, plus your style is beautiful!
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aylie [2006-11-19 19:27:14 +0000 UTC]
this picture is amazing, really. maybe I like it so much because I know the problem so well.
beautiful style you've got.
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DelusionalelGuero [2006-09-27 02:45:48 +0000 UTC]
lol, i'm very much the same about sleep... and its even worst with school... but i'm not here to complain about that, i'm here to tell you how much i love this pic and how much i appreciate its relation to my own issues with sleeping
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shadowofthewind [2006-09-21 10:48:15 +0000 UTC]
the detail is incredible and beautiful here. your unique style just adds to it all. i really love it. the hair and face is my favorite. you did a wonderful job.
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recycledwax [2006-08-24 14:19:59 +0000 UTC]
very nice! Love the composition and your style! The color make it sensitive!
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kyotaneko [2006-08-05 18:50:30 +0000 UTC]
very nice!! I love how you repeated the "daimond" shape through the image! Great work!
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Londrack [2006-08-05 15:24:46 +0000 UTC]
I love your line ^^. Your tecnic is realy good, is a middle between comic and manga
(forgive my bad english >.<
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artist-for-rent [2006-07-10 17:02:12 +0000 UTC]
I know the feeling.
The style is really cool, a clean, intersting look.
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circini [2006-05-06 22:28:27 +0000 UTC]
i love the soft, feathery feel you gave this. i love how the upper corner is dark and shaded in. i also love how you drew your hair! x3
ah, sleep deprivision. i feel this pain. D:!
anyhoo, great work, as per usual. x3!
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nekophoenix [2006-05-06 16:31:22 +0000 UTC]
Fantastic image, and one I can relate to. I often go to bed and check the time on my phone, "okay, I'll get 6 hours sleep, that's okay..."
"okay, 5 hours, I can live with that..."
eheh. I really like this sketchey work you have, it seems more flowy, even though your lines are often angular giving a somewhat constricted and frustrated feel, but flowy as in a semi-concious calm feeling.
Nicely done :3
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foxiliary [2006-05-06 05:55:10 +0000 UTC]
Oh maaaan, only 3 more hours?! How do you function!! This illustration makes me want to jump in bed right now, from fear I will be up at 4am with a 7am wakeup schedule. With as much schedule changing as I've had in the last 4 months I can relate well with this portrait of yours. I guess once you get used to a schedule like this you can do it... But I bet it really wears your body down. For the last two days I've really slept in, I also haven't stayed up late either. Woohoo! Go me! (lol I'm self-centred) I like how the ripples remind me of flame-like properties, as to say "only sleeping for 3 hours is like sleep on fire". You have an interesting way of making a thought bubble in this, the curves and corners are so elegant, like a smooth burning flame; or like oil flowing down a creek. Look at that soon to be bed-hair! I like the way you drew the waves and curls of your mop. The ripples in the imaginative bed sheets are amazing, same with your shirt too. Ah yes, don't you just love the dark rings around the eyes from sleep deprivation. Sleeping like this just makes me feel like a raccoon the next day. You've done an amazing piece of work with just pencil and a lucky old piece of paper. You really should get to making your own font!! I'm serious, your text is awesome! You've captured a tiring moment so well. Ace job!
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capa4mer [2006-05-05 21:37:21 +0000 UTC]
That's amazing! Great pencil shading, and I love the design!
Where do you get the paper? Do you make it, or...? If you make it, how? 8D sorry for all the questions..<3
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mutsy In reply to capa4mer [2006-05-05 21:59:33 +0000 UTC]
i find it. i go to a lot of house/rummage sales (and etc.) and look for old books... sometimes if the book is too much money i'll just rip out some blank pages when no one's looking. n stuff.
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skanking-rob [2006-05-04 18:26:04 +0000 UTC]
Lack of sleep is great for inspiration I find and this looks great I love the text in it
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Shpout [2006-05-04 15:08:17 +0000 UTC]
aww man pretty! i love how u sketch, and make it look so clean and just so good! how do u do it?! so awesome!!
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problemedchild [2006-05-04 14:34:05 +0000 UTC]
I suffer sleep parazalise from time to time.. >.> It's haunting..
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narcoticdream [2006-05-04 11:55:53 +0000 UTC]
nice hair, i like how the sheets go with the motion
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Springymajig [2006-05-04 07:51:05 +0000 UTC]
Oooooooh... that's pretty.... very nice... I love all the little flamey shape thingies, and the hair looks super awesome
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auzsoup [2006-05-04 05:01:43 +0000 UTC]
The placement, the hair, all the magnificent shading and details.. I really adore this picture. I really, really do.
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Kidzu [2006-05-04 03:50:59 +0000 UTC]
i love the detail.. don't have too much too say about this piece...
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sleepy-fox [2006-05-04 03:40:54 +0000 UTC]
The hair and the "sleep shards" are definately my favorite parts of this piece. The face is very genuine, too. I wish I could shade like you! XD
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Feimi [2006-05-04 03:11:43 +0000 UTC]
Your drawing style is so beautiful. The linework looks very delicate, and like it was done with so much care. This is a very wonderful drawing... then again, all of yours are. ^_^ I really love it.
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