Published: 2004-03-04 03:15:09 +0000 UTC; Views: 329; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 23
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A storm inside meA battle going down
The fight of the ages
Not on some distant battle ground
The great divide
Stretches out in front of me
A chasm too wide for me to cross
Between who I am and who I want to be
What causes me to do the things that I despise?
Why do I neglect the things I want so much?
How I would love to find a simple answer
Something tangible; something I can touch
Perhaps the span is not so wide
For I see that Christ has filled the gap
Clearly there is only a thin line
And to the mystery, He has given me the map
Who I am and who I want to be
Separated now by one thin line
At last I feel it in my grasp
The grace of God I know has made it mine
But when I cross, will I then arrive?
Beyond the line, will I reach my final goal?
Or perhaps it will be only the beginning
As I continue to grow into my role
For when I cross, waiting there for me
Another line, I know that I shall see
For I have crossed many times before
The thin line
Between who I am and who I want to be
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Comments: 26
MurfQ In reply to ZmanzDaOnlyMan4Me [2006-10-19 18:44:24 +0000 UTC]
Thanks. I just try and share my heart in my poetry. Any good in me can be attributed to my wonderful Lord and Saviour that lives within my heart!
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Saki-Marina [2004-03-30 09:25:20 +0000 UTC]
Wow that's cool. SO full of hope and yet it acknowledges our situation. Very encouraging and also very good poetry. Bonus!
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Saki-Marina In reply to Saki-Marina [2004-04-01 01:12:27 +0000 UTC]
Very wise. It is definately very important to be honest about where you are in life. Confessing to God and to others is so vital. And acknowledging your weaknesses and trying to overcome them leads to growth, whereas just ignoring them probably will make you even weaker in the long run.
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MurfQ In reply to Saki-Marina [2004-03-31 14:12:30 +0000 UTC]
Thanx so much. I think it's important to acknowledge where we are at, otherwise we are just moving on blindly. A wise man once said, if you always do what you've always done, then you'll always get what you've always got. Hope is vital but if nothing changes then it won't come to fruition and as it says in Proverbs, hope deferred makes the heart sick.
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resivourdog [2004-03-11 14:22:44 +0000 UTC]
Thankyou for the discussion it definitely helps to mull things over looking at them from different angles, and you didn't come off as defensive I just hate to sound preachy. I do believe though that you can't forget the past in a freudian sense; though it is very important to move on. Looking back at the poem I see the importance of the sixth stanza more and really like that philosophy. I will definitely have to ponder the discontent as a propellant idea.
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MurfQ In reply to resivourdog [2004-03-11 14:32:57 +0000 UTC]
You didn't sound preachy to me at all. I too enjoyed the discussion very much. Thanx.
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MurfQ [2004-03-11 13:41:33 +0000 UTC]
Oh ok, now I get it. We're not so far apart after all. As I once heard somebody say, you need to be content with where you're at on the way to where you're going. Although, personally I think sometimes discontent can be a wonderfull propellant. That is of course, depending on how we react to it, otherwise it can just bring discouragement. And I agree that there is no magical restart button, which was kind of the point of my poem, gradual change is often overlooked when we are looking for some sudden transformation. I'm not so sure about the embracing the past bit, I guess it depends on one's past, often times it's better to forget the past and look forward. But that's a whole other thing.
Anyway, I hope I didn't come across as being defensive or bothered by your perspective. I enjoy hearing other people's perspectives on things and I'm glad you took the time to post such a deliberate thought out comment. That's why I took the time to respond as I did. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me.
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resivourdog [2004-03-08 20:26:16 +0000 UTC]
this is very good but it seems indicisive...I often ponder similar questions and have decided that there is no one answer but that we can not question who or where we are we can only question who we want to be and whether we are constantly moving toward that goal
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MurfQ In reply to resivourdog [2004-03-11 02:03:27 +0000 UTC]
That's an interesting perspective. There's just one thing that makes no sense to me though. If you can't question where you are, how do you know whether or not you are moving towards your goal? I mean, isn't the indication of whether or not you are moving toward your goal based on where are are verses where you used to be? I see a lot of things about me that need to change, but I see a lot of other things that have changed. I know I'm moving in the right direction because I'm closer to who I want to be than I used to be. I think it's very important that we examine ourselves on a regular basis and consider where we are vs where we want to be. Not to condemn ourselves for not being there but simply to make sure that we keep moving in the right direction...
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resivourdog In reply to MurfQ [2004-03-11 04:50:33 +0000 UTC]
I apologize I should have been more clear though it seems we are working toward the same point and I definitely agreeagree with your comment. Evaluating where we are in life is very important especially in relation to where we would like to be as you said; the important difference in my ideation is in the difference between evaluation and questioning, as questioning often indicates a sense of right/wrong or positive negative, often influenceing the negative aspects, or alternatively simply second guessing. However, due to the fact that where we want to be is constantly changing becoming exactly who you want to be is imposible; if we are not at ease with who we are. A negative evaluation, "questioning who you are", is in practical application questioning our own ability to make progress. You have to be at ease with who you are as it is also who you are going to be, there is no magical restart button, you can't change everything, and merely changing a thing here or a thing there is neglecting the past rather than embracing it. Additionally in complete agreement with what you said you have to determine that you are making progress, as the future is the present. Making mistakes changes who we are going to be and by looking at them as positive things, embracing who we are, instead of seeing them as negative aspects of ourselves, questioning who we are, ensures that we are always moving forward. If you want to be a great man you have to determine that you are a great man now. This is just my theory I wasn't questioning your reasoning only trying to share my perspective. I am definitely not one to give advice though I have gone through a lot of hard things and still endure many more as all of us do. I find that this approach helps me the most, though I think it is impossible to do.
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MurfQ In reply to resivourdog [2004-03-11 13:43:11 +0000 UTC]
Oops, sorry, I keep forgetting to hit that blasted reply button. See response below, posted as seperate comment
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SilverAme [2004-03-08 02:45:14 +0000 UTC]
*jaw drops in shock*
Ok, that's kinda creepy. I just posted a poem (as you know) that I wrote only a few days after this one of a very similar theme. It seems we were in very similar spaces. I had no idea.
More than just a coincidence I think. We'll have to talk soon.
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MurfQ In reply to SilverAme [2004-03-08 16:27:19 +0000 UTC]
Yeah well you know what they say, "Great minds think alike". (I like that one a whole lot better than the other one if you know what I mean)
We definitely have to get together to chat real soon...
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MurfQ In reply to MurfQ [2004-03-08 16:30:20 +0000 UTC]
Besides, the International House of Coffee has been calling out to me. It's been over a week for crying out loud....
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SilverAme In reply to MurfQ [2004-03-09 23:02:13 +0000 UTC]
I know what you mean. *does coffee zombie impression*
Well, we could have gone tonight I guess (Tuesday) but I do have a midterm to study for. It's not until Friday, though. I'll either call you soon to set up a time or send you a message when I get Sean's new work schedule.
Did you want to go all three of us, or just us? Either way is good for me, but if it were just us it would leave Sean and I an extra night for us now that he's so busy and we could girl chat while he's working. (hehehe *laughs maniacally*)
(Just kidding, Sean.)
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MurfQ In reply to SilverAme [2004-03-10 01:32:10 +0000 UTC]
Tonight wouldn't have worked for me anyway, I had to work. The confederation building is interesting at night. *laughs at the so called security* The rest of my week is free so whenever's good for you should work for me. And, although I very much enjoy the company of Sean, girl talk works well for me too. Just give me a shout and let me know when you find out what's on the go.
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hebrewgift [2004-03-05 21:24:11 +0000 UTC]
wow, I can sort of see how this came from Vanessa's pic, I had a similar idea, but this is way better than anything I would have come up with!
I love how you start out by saying that the chasm is huge... and end up with just a thin line
great job!
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SilverAme In reply to hebrewgift [2004-03-08 02:47:25 +0000 UTC]
Which pic is that? I woul love to see it.
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greekbutterfly7 In reply to SilverAme [2004-03-08 08:09:53 +0000 UTC]
the picture was from my page ~ greekbutterfly7 its titled Thin Lines! God Bless *smiles*
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MurfQ In reply to hebrewgift [2004-03-05 22:28:56 +0000 UTC]
Thanx. If you ever do get around to penning that idea, I would love to read it.
I liked the idea of starting with it seeming impossible and later realizing that it just takes a small step. I think that's the way we often see things. Sometimes we get so caught up with how much we need to change that we fail to realize that it just takes one small step at a time and we often miss the realization of how far we have already come through those small steps. At least I know I do.
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MurfQ In reply to SnotRag [2004-03-05 22:19:17 +0000 UTC]
Why thank you. Haven't seen much of you around lately. How goes the writing of the story?
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greekbutterfly7 [2004-03-04 07:31:29 +0000 UTC]
ohhhh I love it and favor it forever! You totally rock. You made me whole week and more. You are so sweet! hee hee I can smile for a long time now! *smiles* God Bless!!!!
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MurfQ In reply to greekbutterfly7 [2004-03-05 22:17:01 +0000 UTC]
Thanx. I'm glad you like it. You provided the inspiration and then it practically wrote itself. *smiles back at you*
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