Published: 2011-08-03 11:42:10 +0000 UTC; Views: 1681; Favourites: 130; Downloads: 21
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'....come on, smile, Crescentine...'She's Crescentine. An antagonist female vampire OC of VeLLuchi.
She's mean, full of anger, evil etc etc, even dead in the end... but my most favorite character through the story anyway.
Although trough my artblock she doesn't look like a vampire anymore... oh well... bear with it. D:
TM commish
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Comments: 81
PantytheBadass [2011-08-09 17:17:05 +0000 UTC]
Are you still taking TM commisions? >
Oh dear this is so good...
π: 0 β©: 1
MrToy In reply to PantytheBadass [2011-08-10 06:27:15 +0000 UTC]
Me and my friends opening art shop in Art Bazaar ^^
It's named Mail agency art shop. And we'll opening a special slot soon. Hope you stopped by... sorry I can't open commisions directly.
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PantytheBadass In reply to MrToy [2011-08-10 06:39:34 +0000 UTC]
If I may ask, have you made it yet, or no? (:
I'll be sure to order! And it's okay, I look forward for the commission shop!
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MrToy In reply to PantytheBadass [2011-08-10 06:47:31 +0000 UTC]
I'm already make the shop. Well, my friends made it. It was a jointed art shop. ^^
Now it's full, but we'll open again soon.
It's in page 4 in Art Bazaar now. The one that make the thread is HotarU_TarO.
Or shall I make it in 1st page first? So it's easier for you to find it. ^^
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PantytheBadass In reply to MrToy [2011-08-10 07:25:30 +0000 UTC]
Ah, I see it :'D I'll order when a slot is open.
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FERNI1012 [2011-08-06 06:21:50 +0000 UTC]
Adorable I was searching through the Tinierme pictures since i joined the group and saved this without knowing it was your art * ^* lol but yes i can't wait till i commission you * O *
btw this is xXxA K I T OxXx on TM
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MrToy In reply to FERNI1012 [2011-08-07 03:56:26 +0000 UTC]
it's quite funny...You always find me... XD
Thanks~~~but maybe the last slot will be special slot...*shrug* I and my friend still discussing about it. -___-
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FERNI1012 In reply to MrToy [2011-08-07 06:04:22 +0000 UTC]
lol Yeah xD and Special slot ? Would it be ok to ask what that means ?
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MrToy In reply to FERNI1012 [2011-08-07 08:10:02 +0000 UTC]
depending... it's like auction system I guess.
Eundine will hold auction for the best payment
and I will hold auction for the reference that I like the most.*of course, there are still payment system,if the payment isn't good, I'll not accept it*
such like that. but we still didn't sure yet.
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FERNI1012 In reply to MrToy [2011-08-07 10:16:51 +0000 UTC]
I see ...Well I was trying to offer items of your DS's since I thought that'd be best but we will have to see i guess >.<
Either way i will surely be trying to get some art from both of you ^-^
I don't give up to easily haha
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MrToy In reply to FERNI1012 [2011-08-07 10:19:40 +0000 UTC]
even if you don't win the special slot, you can still commish me or eundine...^^
but maybe our speed of work will decreased a little. You know, that our school will start tomorrow....it's the reason why we should close the shop and bring up the special slot idea^^
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FERNI1012 In reply to MrToy [2011-08-07 10:23:53 +0000 UTC]
Then that'd good <3
I love both of your and Eundine's art they are both really well made * ^*
And that's alright I'd rather wait and get good art than make the artist rush it and have not as good art and oh it starts tomorrow ... I see i don't start till next week Dx but i still don't wanna go ... ;__;
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MrToy In reply to FERNI1012 [2011-08-07 10:31:36 +0000 UTC]
yeah.. no matter how long the holiday, I still hate the day I shall wake up early for school....
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FERNI1012 In reply to MrToy [2011-08-07 10:33:01 +0000 UTC]
I know they should make school later on I mean why do we have to wake up so early Dx
I wish you look tomorrow ^-^ Hope all goes alright
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YuliSaikari [2011-08-04 21:39:27 +0000 UTC]
OMG ; A ; beautiful!!!
I'm doing a commission for the same person too,
Widerick, Crescentine's past lover. ; w ; too bad
mines won't be as good as yours!
Hmm i have a bit of trouble coming up with a new
design for Widerick's outfit. Would it be alright
with you if i were to make his outfit match Crescentine's a bit?
π: 0 β©: 1
MrToy In reply to YuliSaikari [2011-08-05 06:37:47 +0000 UTC]
wow... Widerick..!!!
Nah, don't say that. Practice always makes better.
Yup yup! Of course....
And I'm looking foward to see your drawing ;D
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YuliSaikari In reply to MrToy [2011-08-05 07:33:06 +0000 UTC]
Haha yeahh~ ; w ;
<33 thanks!
oAod -will try not to procrastinate-
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MrToy In reply to YuliSaikari [2011-08-05 09:23:51 +0000 UTC]
yup, take your time~ ;D
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YuliSaikari In reply to MrToy [2011-08-08 06:09:48 +0000 UTC]
; u ; yeah.
:3 -adds you to watch- xD
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zezioxon [2011-08-04 02:50:04 +0000 UTC]
i like that quote....its inspiring.....0-0
but she's really preatty =O <3
but that's....sad.....dead in the end...... but dun worry, she looks all vampy
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MrToy In reply to zezioxon [2011-08-05 06:34:20 +0000 UTC]
yep sad. I wish at least she's alive once again...thanksβ₯
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VeLLuchi [2011-08-03 15:47:21 +0000 UTC]
superb thank u very much for this awesome art~~!!XD
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Maaagimagimagimagima [2011-08-03 15:39:03 +0000 UTC]
The costume is nice, as expected
The coloring style is definitely amazing, but probably needs a little bit more contrasting *u*
It's amazing, how much do you get for this? 8D
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MrToy In reply to Maaagimagimagimagima [2011-08-03 15:43:59 +0000 UTC]
thankies *halah, pake bahasa inggrisan anchur*
hohoho~ okay, next time I'll try to give more contrast...
erm... its the secret of the company...
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Maaagimagimagimagima In reply to MrToy [2011-08-11 12:33:07 +0000 UTC]
no secret secret lhaaa, I KKN you LO /singlish mode on xDD /plak
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MrToy In reply to Maaagimagimagimagima [2011-08-14 09:42:50 +0000 UTC]
aiya~~ I kan shy shy cat umbar-umbar harga~~ *semakin ajhur inggrisnya... *
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Maaagimagimagimagima In reply to MrToy [2011-08-14 12:13:26 +0000 UTC]
so you mau berapa say? I bayar you so you don't need to shy shy lhaa~~
*ikut2 anchur dah xDD* /dor
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MrToy In reply to Maaagimagimagimagima [2011-08-15 02:58:26 +0000 UTC]
oh no, semakin nggak jelas.... XD
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Maaagimagimagimagima In reply to MrToy [2011-08-16 12:01:38 +0000 UTC]
Jelas gajelas ya gitu aja de(?) XD
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MrToy In reply to Hennachoko [2011-08-03 14:12:24 +0000 UTC]
akhirnya kau buka jati dirimu...
mau tau satu hal..?
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MrToy In reply to Hennachoko [2011-08-03 14:24:18 +0000 UTC]
sebenarnya udah pura2 innocent selama ini.
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Hennachoko In reply to MrToy [2011-08-03 14:26:52 +0000 UTC]
hmmm...Jadi udah taw bro????
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