Mr--Jack — Barbarian

Published: 2009-04-05 11:54:54 +0000 UTC; Views: 85198; Favourites: 1143; Downloads: 22787
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Description So... Female barbarian class from Diablo 3. And nary a chainmail-bikini in sight! anyway, if her male counterpart's gonna run around like this then it's alright... and I covered her up better than she is in their official art so hey Once she's fully suited up in armour I doubt there'll be much difference between the two, so if one wants to show some character...
Rather happy with this, have to say, though there's something really subtle about her expression that's a little more worried than angry but there you go.
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Comments: 132

bubblygoo [2017-04-16 04:45:07 +0000 UTC]

amazing detail in the armor and the axe!

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muyojoe [2016-11-20 08:20:30 +0000 UTC]

Not the woman to cross. Nice work. 👍

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Fenris49 [2016-02-23 07:07:21 +0000 UTC]

I really like this ^^ I was super pleased by how 'thick' and muscle-y the female barbarian is in Diablo, just like a warrior lady oughta be- and disappointed that so much fanart of the character tends to slim her down like the typical 'chainmail bikini babe' you usually see.  Fine work!

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LadySephiroth86 [2015-05-19 15:50:16 +0000 UTC]

It's relieving to see positive opinions of the female barbarian for a change. Lost count of how many sites I've seen where the comments (all made by straight men obviously) can be summed up as "Ew, too muscular, why didn't they make her hot?!"
She's my main and it's nice to be able to play a woman who's badass without looking whoreish

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Jacob-Cross [2014-12-13 23:52:09 +0000 UTC]


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Mad-Willy [2014-09-09 00:23:47 +0000 UTC]

Love her expression.

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MakingPicsSlowly [2014-05-07 22:57:45 +0000 UTC]

Loving the oil painting look, simply amazing!

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JLMaze [2014-05-05 09:30:37 +0000 UTC]

You're an inspiration, Mr. Jack! Amazing work!

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sonicblitz57 [2014-04-06 16:02:23 +0000 UTC]

One of my favorite pieces of art on this site. Bravo.

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DonnyLurch [2014-01-27 20:48:16 +0000 UTC]

Yes! She is my main character in Diablo 3 (thougH I haven't finished it yet)

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LovgrenO [2013-12-12 22:16:21 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for not using the tired old stereotype with the skinny supermodel in a bikini. This lady look like she can realy wield those axes unlike most female fantasy warriors.

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Mr--Jack In reply to LovgrenO [2013-12-13 17:17:23 +0000 UTC]

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Veldara [2013-08-31 20:20:37 +0000 UTC]

I wish more artists would depict female barbarians this way.

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KleeneAnja In reply to Veldara [2013-10-28 22:05:56 +0000 UTC]

I did think exaaactly the same

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erlendnm [2013-01-17 14:08:35 +0000 UTC]

I love the design t for the D3 Barbarian.
And unlike some other stuff I've seen, This does her great justice

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EdgedWeapon [2012-11-25 03:40:18 +0000 UTC]


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odiedogg [2012-05-22 22:36:21 +0000 UTC]

Great character!

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Backahasten [2012-05-21 22:04:33 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much for making her strong, solid, and not altering her to cater to the Male Gaze's idea of beauty. This is gorgeous.

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Arppis [2012-05-21 08:04:00 +0000 UTC]

I'm glad they went for muscled up lady for Diablo 3, because it would have been too silly to just have some supermodel bodied woman dual wielding axes like in WoW.

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witchypoo12 [2012-04-16 03:35:28 +0000 UTC]

She has my head. I feel like I should be worried. Are you that creepy guy next door, with the camera? [link]

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Sgt-Sahara [2012-02-10 19:29:18 +0000 UTC]

That is awesome stuff <3

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TheVibe0TT [2011-11-27 14:05:24 +0000 UTC]

Reminds me of Brienne from A Song of Ice and Fire.

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Mr--Jack In reply to TheVibe0TT [2011-11-27 16:51:38 +0000 UTC]

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laurasardinha [2011-10-01 00:32:17 +0000 UTC]

really nice gratsssssssss fav

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OblivionJunkey94 [2011-09-22 08:11:26 +0000 UTC]

Like a babe out of Skyrim love this barbarian ;]

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MagicBlades [2011-06-28 05:03:02 +0000 UTC]

well, this is breath taking

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Luthiun [2011-05-19 23:05:01 +0000 UTC]

Love it! far too many delicate lady barbarians in skimpy outfits about. this is a lass you dont mess with.

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Mr--Jack In reply to Luthiun [2011-06-12 21:50:43 +0000 UTC]


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VisionXtream [2011-04-10 02:32:40 +0000 UTC]

Hey Dude. Good job. I really like it. I have a team here of about 4 that are making an Online 3D Game. We need a few more artists and you look pretty good. For more info if your interested please post something on my Deviantart page or email us at VXtream@gmail.com (its volunteer work at the moment so you won't get paid until game publishment.

The VisionXtream Team

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Mr--Jack In reply to VisionXtream [2011-04-12 04:09:54 +0000 UTC]

I'm afraid I don't have the time to get involved in any big projects at the moment.
Good luck with it!


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LeyK-63 [2011-02-26 00:50:23 +0000 UTC]

scary e.o love it

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Mr--Jack In reply to LeyK-63 [2011-03-30 04:23:46 +0000 UTC]

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garrettadderley [2011-01-13 00:34:00 +0000 UTC]


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Mr--Jack In reply to garrettadderley [2011-01-13 03:08:38 +0000 UTC]

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dagoth-jeff [2010-12-31 16:53:25 +0000 UTC]


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Mr--Jack In reply to dagoth-jeff [2011-01-13 02:15:19 +0000 UTC]


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catchlightning [2010-12-21 05:29:40 +0000 UTC]

Practicality! THIS is how a barbarian woman is done right! This here is a woman who can keep up with the men and them some. Love it

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Mr--Jack In reply to catchlightning [2010-12-26 23:39:17 +0000 UTC]

As far as she goes I still think practicality is lacking a little, but at least she looks like she can carry the armour and weapons she's got


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El-Quanjugono [2010-12-10 00:13:56 +0000 UTC]

this is pretty awesome

This, I think, is a barbaric warrior women done right. Badass, brutal, tough as nails, and is, well, more modest than one would expect.

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Mr--Jack In reply to El-Quanjugono [2010-12-13 02:29:07 +0000 UTC]


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El-Quanjugono In reply to Mr--Jack [2010-12-14 06:21:31 +0000 UTC]

you're welcome

don't stop bein awesome

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RainbowButtcakes [2010-11-14 06:49:02 +0000 UTC]

Awesome work!

Very detailed!

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Mr--Jack In reply to RainbowButtcakes [2010-11-14 07:12:00 +0000 UTC]


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RainbowButtcakes In reply to Mr--Jack [2010-11-14 07:20:36 +0000 UTC]

your welcome!

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itforgot [2010-11-13 23:20:46 +0000 UTC]

She's huge!

Just the way a barbarian should be

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Mr--Jack In reply to itforgot [2010-11-14 07:02:37 +0000 UTC]

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KiraFeuervogel [2010-10-02 11:53:54 +0000 UTC]


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PoopViking [2010-09-19 02:31:30 +0000 UTC]

dude..tis very sick!

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juyoungku [2009-12-25 06:07:30 +0000 UTC]

sweet drawin

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Mr--Jack In reply to juyoungku [2009-12-25 20:51:01 +0000 UTC]


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